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分词短语充当状语的由来现在分词和过去分词为单词;两字以上即为分词短语方法 说明 例句1. 变后动词为分词短语一主多谓简单句型He came into the room laughing and talking.He came into the room and laughed and talked.2.变状语从句为分词短语1. 去掉状语从句中相同的主语,去掉连词,动词变现在分词2.保留1. Not knowing his phone number, I couldnt contact him.As I did not know his 状语从句中不同的主语,去掉连词,动词变现在分词3.状语从句中为简单被动语态,保留过去number, I couldnt contact him.2.She having left, the rest went on discussing.After she had left, the rest went on 分词,主语相同去掉,不同保留,连词去掉同上discussing.3.Seen from the space, our earth looks like a blue water ball.If it is seen from the space, our earth looks like a blue water ball.4.Having been treated nicely in the hospital , the patient was deeply moved.As he had been treated nicely in the hospital, the patient was deeply moved. 3. 变定语从句为分词短语定语从句简化为分词短语1. Those sent to the west will work there for one year.Those who are sent to the west will work there for one year.2. The girl who is reading in the garden is my younger sister. The girl reading in the garden is my younger sister.diping63163.com88817551
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