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人教版(新目标)Unit 2 This is my sisterSection A (1a-2d)一、教材分析(1)从教材编排上说,本单元复习了预备篇单元及第一单元学到的英文名和问候语,同时又是学习下一单元认知物体的自然过渡,所以它在教材中处于承上启下的一个重要位置。(2)本单元所有的的环节设置都紧紧围绕了一个主题,那就是家庭成员。在整个单元中家庭成员的称谓以及对家庭成员的介绍和提问,与一个个小任务紧密地结合在一起。任务由一开始的口头介绍到之后的书面表达,由最初单一的家人称谓到最后连贯的语句,教材较好的体现了教学的渐进性和层次感,使学生在教师的带领下反复地掌握和巩固本单元的生词和新句型。从而达到能流畅介绍家庭成员的目的。(3)本课时主要让学生学会确认家庭成员并相互口头介绍家人和朋友。作为本单元的第一课,对话是单元整体教学的重要环节。对话的作用首先是为以后的几课时提供话题和语境。由于整个单元都是围绕一个话题操练特定的功能项目,对话课又具有为以后课时的学习扫清语言和文化障碍的作用。二. 学情分析本课的教学对象是刚进初中不久的七年级新生,这个年龄的学生内心存在着强烈的求知欲和表现欲,但他们注意力易分散,好动,好玩,并且学生参差不齐。抓住这一特点,一方面要运用直观生动的形象,引发学生的兴趣,使他们的注意力始终集中在课堂上。另一方面要创造条件和机会,让学生有机会表现自己,享受成功的喜悦,从而增强他们对英语学习的自信心,在学习过程中发展综合语言应用能力。三教学目标知识目标:单词:sister ,mother,father,parent,brother,grandfather,grandmother, grandparent,these,those,family,who, oh,they,.well,have,day,bye短语:your sister,my friend ,his brothers句型:1.This /That is my sister.2.These/Those are my friends.3.- Is this/that your brother?-Yes,it is./No, it isnt.4.-Is he/she your friend?- Yes, he/she is. / No,he/she isnt.5. Have a good day!能力目标:学会介绍他人,辨别人物。情感目标:(1)通过介绍他人及确认人物,增加学生之间的友谊,培养集体意识和合作精神。(2)能够恰当使用英语中家庭成员之间的称呼,了解英语国家中介绍他人的方式。四重点与难点(1) 重点 :介绍他人的句型:This is my sister. That is his friend. These are my parents. Those are my grandparents.(2) 难点:区分名词的单复数形式与 be 动词、指示代词之间的关系。 五、教学过程(一)自主学习(1) 、读写生词并熟记,看谁记得快。1.妈妈_ 2.爸爸 _ 3.父母 _ 4.奶奶,外婆 _ 5.爷爷,外公_ 6.姐;妹_7.朋友_ 8.祖父(母) ;外祖父(母)_ 9.兄;弟_ 10.谁_ 11.这些_12.那些_ 13.家庭_(2)小组内核对答案(二)导入新课观看公益广告 My family,了解 family 的构成含义。(三)新课讲解How many people are there in your family? Who are they?(基础好的同学可回答,如不能回答,可自问自答)Do you know LiuXing? How many people are there in his family?(通过”家有儿女” 中刘星的全家福来呈现生词,mother ,father ,parents,brother, sister,grandfather,grandmother ,grandparents,friends 并板书,注意学生的发音。)并告知学生一些文化常识,grandfather 既可指外公也可指爷爷,grandmother 既可指外婆也可指奶奶。 brother 和 sister 可以表示哥哥或弟弟,姐姐或妹妹。(四)自主探究1,独立完成 1a 任务。2.朗读图中对话。3.听力训练 1b,关注对话中 David 是如何介绍家人的。在学生找出相关句子后,教师分“介绍人物 ”和 “指认人物”两类,呈现相关句型。注意区分 this 和that,these 和 those.介绍人物 指认人物(五)合作交流1.Role-play the conversation in 1a.Then talk about the other people in the picture.(两人一组,用 This/That is Davids 或 These /Those are his轮流谈论 David 的家庭成员。)2.listen to 2a,圈出听到的单词,共同核对答案。3.listen to 2b,将名字与图中人物配对。 (为降低难度,可在图片中标注所学词汇,并在名字旁直接写出人物关系)4.Ask and answer questions about the photo in 2b.(六)巩固拓展1.Groupwork.四人一组,每人依据听力内容和图片进行提问,其他同学作出回答。看哪一组找的问题最多,最新颖。Eg. Whats Cindys mothers name?Whats her fathers name?Is Mary her sister?Whos Jenny?2.Role-play the conversation.(1).朗读对话,了解对话含义。(2).请两名学生示范朗读,纠正语音语调。(3).小组展示(4) 全班同学分角色齐读。六. 归纳总结,简要回顾今天所学知识七.当堂检测(一 )英汉互译his friends_ these boys_ her grandmother_你的父母亲_ 他的妹妹们_ 那些女孩们_(二)选择1. These are my_. A father B mother C parents D parent2. This _Zhao Lin, Miss Brown.A is B are C am C your3. This is _apple. Those are_.A a, banana B an, bananas C an, banana D a ,bananas4.-Is that your father,Kate?- Yes, _.A. it is B .he is C. they are D. it isnt5.- Is he your friend?-Yes,_.A.it is B. it isnt C. he is D. he isnt中考链接:据句意和汉语填空.1. My father and my mother are my _.2. This is my sister. _name is Mary.3. What are these? They are _.(苹果)4. Those are my_(弟弟们).5. Your mothers mother is your _.Homework: 1. Copy the new words and sentences.2. Talk about your family members. 板书设计:Unit 2 This is my sister.Section A 1a2d教师寄语: One cannot put back the clock. 时钟不能倒转 学习目标:Unit 2 This is my sister.Section A (1a-2d)1.This /That is my sister.2.These/Those are my friends.3.- Is this/that your brother?-Yes,it is./No, it isnt.4.-Is he/she your friend?- Yes, he/she is. / No,he/she isnt.a. 掌握本节课的生词.sister,mother,father,parent,brother,grandfather,grandmother,grandparent,these,those,family,who,they,well,have,day,bye,your sister,my friend ,his brothersb .初步了解一下复数的概念.c. 学会运用介绍人的句型 : This / that is.以及 these/those are 和询问人的句型 Is this / that.1.This /That is my sister.2.These/Those are my friends.3.- Is this/that your brother?-Yes,it is./No, it isnt.4.-Is he/she your friend?- Yes, he/she is./ No,he/she isnt.5. Have a good day!能力目标:学会介绍他人,辨别人物。情感目标:通过介绍他人及确认人物,增加学生之间的友谊,培养集体意识和合作精神。学习过程: 一、 自主学习 (1) 、读写生词并熟记,看谁记得快。1.妈妈_ 2.爸爸 _ 3.父母 _ 4.奶奶,外婆 _ 5.爷爷,外公_ 6.姐;妹_7.朋友_ 8.祖父(母) ;外祖父(母)_ 9.兄;弟_ 10.谁_ 11.这些_12.那些_ 13.家庭_(2)小组内核对答案二导入新课三新课讲解 How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Do you know LiuXing? How many people are there in his family?四自主探究1,独立完成 1a 任务。2.朗读图中对话。3.听力训练 1b,关注对话中 David 是如何介绍家人的。在学生找出相关句子后,教师分“介绍人物 ”和“指认人物 ”两类,呈现相关句型。注意区分 this 和 that,these 和those.介绍人物 指认人物(五)合作交流1.Role-play the conversation in 1a.Then talk about the other people in the pictur
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