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http:/www.acius.org1加拿大旅游签证邀请信加拿大旅游签证邀请信其主要内容包括:(1)邀请方。具有邀请资格的境外机构或人员。邀请函上要有邀请人单位的准确地址、电话、传真、电子邮件,有些国家使领馆规定邀请函传真要从本土发出。(2)人员名单。邀请函上一般须注明团组人数,以及成员姓名、性别、护照号码、出生日期、工作单位和职务。(3)访问目的及日程。有与邀请方业务相关的、明确的访问目的并附详细访问日程。(4)停留时间。说明拟在出访国家的具体停留时段和天数。(5)费用来源。要注明出访费用由何方承担。如外方承担全部或部分费用应予注明。同时,要在邀请信函中说明被邀请人在境外的保险事项等。邀请函上要有境外邀请单位的徽标、公司标识,要使用正规公文用纸。Dear *,I would like to invite you to visit * on *. The visit should last for * days, from *, through *. If you can cover the expense of the plane ticket, I can cover your accommodation, meal and other visiting expenses while youre here in the US.Sincerely yours,*2006-*-*Visiting Agenda:Oct. 1 ArrivingOct. 2-Oct. 3 http:/www.acius.org2Oct. 4-Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 DepartingWe can modify some elements of the schedule if the need arises in order to accommodate specific dining or shopping requests. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions,*(Inviters name)AddressTel.
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