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根据句意及首字母完成单词1. My sister likes reading, so she often goes to the library_ after school.2.Jim wants to invite_ his good friends to his birthday party. 3.Ten hundred is one thousand.4.I often go to the cinema_ because I like movies. 5. Ice cream is her favourite food, but it isnt healthy food.6.L ondon_ is the capital of England. 6.Before you hand in your homework, you must check_ it.7.Betty doesnt want to go to Beijing by bus. She wants to go there by train_.8.Please connect_ the mouse to the computer. 9.I want to go on a trip_ to London10.Tigers live in the forest_. 11. The lion_is the king of animals. 12.We usually go to school from Monday_ to Friday. 13.I often have breakfast_ at half past seven in the morning.14.Our school finishes_ at 4:00 in the afternoon. 15. The girl goes to the cinema_ to listen to music on Saturday evening.16.I often buy a present_ for my mother on Mothers Day. 17.Chinese is different_ from English.18. Lin Tao is a good boy, he is never_ late for school. 19.He likes reading magazines_ and novels.20. He likes wearing sports_ shirt. 21.- What time is it? - Its half past_ten.22. There are many books and magazines_ in our school library. 23.You can choose_ some nice presents for Ma Lings birthday. 24. We are in the same school but in different_ classes.25. Their favourite clothes_ are jeans and T-shirts. 26. Its Helens birthday. Lets give_ her a birthday card.Module 61.Sunday_ is the first day of the week. 2.Lets go to the stadium_to play football this afternoon.3.My father likes basketball very much. He often watches basketball movie_ on TV.4.My son invites_ his good friends to his birthday party every year.5.Im going to see a film. Would you like to go to the cinema_ with me?6.Many film stars are coming to our city on Wednesday_evening.7. I like Liu Qians_magic_(魔术) shows. What about you?8. -What s the _price_(价格) of this bike? Its very nice. -Its 450 yuan.9.Its hot today. Lets go _swimming_(游泳) 10.Hangzhou is a good _place_(地方)。Module 51. Mary likes cakes very much. They are her favorite_ food.2. Eating too much chocolate_ is not good for your teeth.(牙齿)3. Its too hot today. Would you like to eat an ice_ cream_?4. Dont drink too much Coke_. Its not a healthy drink.5. -Are juice, water and milk unhealthy_drinks? -No, they are healthy drinks.Module 71.- What time do you go to school? -At half past_ seven.2.My new book is about_ how to cook. 3. I like drawing very much, so my favourite lesson is Art_.4.Its eight oclock now. Lets start_ our lesson. 5.-What time_ is it? -Its 8 oclock.6. Id like to go to the cinema_ to see a film with my parents this evening.7.Lets go to the stadium to watch a football match_ this Saturday afternoon.8. Many people like Liu Qians magic shows_ very much.9.China is a country with a long history_. 10. We like eating bread and drinking milk for breakfast_.11.Jim often helps his mother do the housework_ on Sunday. 12. Lessons start_ at eight oclock in the morning in our school.13.Im going to America on _Wednesday_(星期三). 14.-Whats your plan_(计划) for today? - Id like to have a piano lesson.15.Many film _stars_(明星) will come to the party. 16.The white _house_(房子) with a garden is very beautiful.17.We dont have _chemistry_(化学) in Grade Seven. 18. I have some cakes and milk for breakfast_.19.Id like to talk_ about this film with my friends. 20. I often help my mother with the housework_ after school.Module 81.Lucy and Lily have different_ hobbies. 2.Its a good habit_ for us to get up early in the morning.3.Li Ming often_ plays basketball with his friends after school.4.This basketball is a birthday present_ from my father. 5.Lucy is a good student and never_late for school.6.This is a train _ticket_(票) from Beijing t Shanghai. 7.I have three _(条) of jeans.8.My mother likes music, but she never goes to_concect_(音乐会).9.The girl likes reading books, newspapers and _magazines_(杂志). 10. My mother _picks_(挑选) a silk shirt for me as a birthday present.11.I usually wash _clothes_(衣服) on Sunday.Module 91. Lily comes from _Europe_(欧洲). And she is a _European_( 欧洲的) girl.2. -Can _Asian_(亚洲的) tigers live in _Africa_(非洲)?-I dont think so. They dont like the (非洲的) food.3.-What do these _Australian_(澳大利亚的) wolves eat? -Sorry , I dont know.4.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Obama is the _first_(one) black president (总统) in American history. 2.The four _wolves_(wolf) live in the zoo.3. What about _having_(have) lunch at school today? 4. Lets _make_(make) a card for our teacher.5. I like _walking
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