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中学 英语教材里后接动名词和不定式作宾语的动词一、有些动词只能接不定式做宾语。例如:help,hope,ask,refuse,decide,promise,wish,pretend,expect,learn ,plan,manage,agree,fail,offer,happen,seem 等等。例如: He refused to speak on the radio.二、有些动词或短语只接动名词做宾语:mind,finish,enjoy,suggest,consider,miss,keep(on),avoid 避开,躲开,stand(忍受),allow ,practicegive up,put off,look forward to 期待,期望,feel like想要做某事,preventfrom,阻止 cant help禁不住,不由自主 迫不及待,be/get used to , be worth doing,be busy doing 例如:His wife doesnt allow smoking inside the room and often advised him to give up smoking. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. She doesnt feel like eating anything,being ill for a few days.三、有些动词后面既可接不定式,又可接动名词,其意义基本相同,区别不大。如;like,love,hate,prefer begin,start.注意:begin 和 start本身为进行时,或后面动词为心理变化意义的动词时,须接不定式。例如:When we came in, they were beginning to have supper.After his explanation, I began to understand it / realize that I was wrong.四、有些词后面既可以接不定式亦可接动名词,但其意义有很大区别,须特别注意:A remember,forget,接动名词,表示完成意义(=having done),接不定式,表示将来意义:例如:Please remember to bring me the book I want next time. I remember seeing her (=having seen her) somewhere before.Bmean:mean to do=want to do 打算,想要;mean doing:意味着,就是例如:I am sorry, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings, Learning a foreign language doesnt mean just working in class.Cstop:stop to do 停下来,要干另一件事,不定式作目的状语;stop doing 停止干,动名词作宾语。例如:After some time, they stopped walking and had a rest. After walking some time, they stopped to have a rest.Dtry:try to do,努力,试图干事;try doing:试着干事。 例如:He searched everywhere and tried to find his key. He came to the city from the countryside and tried to find a job.Ewant,need,require 接动名词表示被动意义,表示需要、该 ;接不定式,表示想,要干。 例如:The room wants cleaning.The matter needs thinking over.(=to be thought over) Fgo on:go on to do 继续干和原来不同的另一件事,不定式作目的状语。go on doing 继续干原来同一件事,动名词作宾语。例如: After a smoke,he went on telling us that interesting story. After writing his English composition he went on to work out his maths problems.G动词 advise,allow,permit,forbid 后面接单宾语时用动名词,接复合宾语时用动词不定式。例如:Doctors advise giving up smoking to benefit ones health.The doctor advised him to give up smoking so as to improve his health. She doesnt allow (permit) smoking in her room.=She doesnt allow (permit)anyone to smoke in her room.大 家 都 知 道 在 动 词 不 定 式 to do 中 , “to”是不 定 式 的 标 志 , 有 了 这 个 to, 后 面 所 跟 的 动 词 该用 原 形 。 但 是 to 也 有 可 以 省 略 的 时 候 , 这 个 时 候虽 然 没 有 了 to, 后 面 所 跟 的 动 词 依 然 用 原 形 。 今天 的 每 日 一 课 就 给 大 家 总 结 一 些 省 略 to 的 动 词不 定 式 。 1、 情 态 动 词 ( 除 ought 外 ) 后 的 to 已 省略 。例 : You must go to the hospital first. 你必 须 先 去 医 院 。I can swim well. 我 能 游 得 很 好 。2、 使 役 动 词 let, have, make 后 , 感 官 动 词 see, watch, look at, notice , observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等 词 后的 to 省 略 。例 : He made the baby crying all night long. 他 让 那 个 婴 儿 哭 了 一 整 夜 。Let it be. 就 这 样 吧 。when I passed by, I saw the girl picking the flowers. 我 经 过 的 时 候 , 看 见 那 个女 孩 在 摘 花 。注 意 : 在 这 些 词 的 用 法 中 , 用 于 被 动 语 态 时 不 能省 去 to。例 : I saw him dance. 我 看 见 他 跳 舞 。=He was seen to dance.The boss made them work the whole night. 老 板 让 他 们 整 夜 干 活 。=They were made to work the whole night.3、 would rather/had better 后 的 to 省 略 。例 : I would rather go to Japan than the USA.我 宁 愿 去 日 本 也 不 想 去 美 国 。You had better take a hat with you.你 最 好 带 上 一 顶 帽 子 。4、 why/why not句 型 中 not 后 to 省 略 。例 : why not come to my home for a dinner tonight?今 晚 何 不 来 我 家 吃 顿 饭 。5、 help 后 可 带 to, 也 可 不 带 to, help sb ( to) do sth:6、 but 和 except 后 。 but 前 是 实 义 动 词 do时 , 后 面 出 现 的 不 定 式 不 带 to。比 较 : He wants to do nothing but go out. 他 只 想 出 去 玩 。He wants to believe anything but to take the medicine. 除 了 吃 这 药 , 他 什么 都 信 。7、 由 and, or和 than连接的两个不定式,第二个 to 可以省去:例:He forgot to go to her home and give her the important letter. 他忘了去她家并把一封重要的信件给她。第一类remember, forget, regret:remember(记得),forget(忘记) , regret(后悔)后接不定式表示动作尚未发生,后接动名词( 可用一般式或完成式 )表示动作已经发生。比较:Remember to post the letters. 记得把这些信寄掉。I remember posting the letters. 我记得这些信是寄掉了的。I forgot to tell him the news. 我忘告诉他这消息了。I forgot telling her the news. 我忘了曾告诉过她这个消息。She never regretted doing this. 她从没后悔这样做过。I regret to tell you that he cant come. 很抱歉他不能来。第二类go on:其后接不定式表示接着做另一事,接动名词表示接着做同样的事或不停地做着同样的事。如: Go on to do the other exercises after you have finished this one. 做完这个练习后, 请接着做其它的练习。You oughtnt to go on living this way. 你不应该再这样生活下去了。She nodded, smiled, and went on stitching. 她点了点头,笑了笑,又继续缝衣服。注:go on 后接的 doing 也可视为现在分词而非 动名词。 第 3 类cant help:其后接动名词表示情不自禁地去做某事,接不定式表示不能帮忙去做某事。如: He couldnt help crying when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时禁不住哭了。I cant help to clean the place up. 我不能帮助打扫这地方。1. 用不定式和动名词做宾语,含义基本相同的动词有:begin,start,continue,cannot bear,hate,like,love,prefer,propose,regret.例如:to begin writing(to write)to start reading(to read)to prefer watching(to watch) televisionto love playing(to play) football对上述动词的应用注意以下三点:(1) 在 like,hate,prefer 等表示情感的动词后面,如果表示一般倾向,多用动名词做宾语,如果指具体某次行动,用不定式更多。例如:I hate speaking before a big audience.I like reading books.Id like to read that book.(
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