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第一词:TRY我们先看几个来自生活中的句子,都是常见句子(注:所谓 Chinglish 只是相对,并非绝对):1、这蛋糕真好吃,你尝点。Chinglish:This cake is so delicious, please eat a little.Revision: The cake is so delicious. Please try some.2、这样不行,你再看看。Chinglish: It wont do. Please see it again.Revision: It wont do. Please try again.3、我做过一两次,都失败了。Chinglish: I did one or two times, but I failed.Revision: I tried a couple of times, but I failed.4、请您放心,我一定有多少力,出多少力。Chinglish: Please put down your heart. Ill give all my strength out.Revsion: Dont worry, Ill try my best.5、这件裙子真漂亮,你穿上看看?This skirt looks so beautiful. Would you please try it?凡是带有“尝试”、做事没底但是还是做了等,可以选用 try 一词,简单又实用。当然,try 还有审判的意思。So, Please try this word more often.在 google.com 中对 try 的原形进行搜索, “约有 158,000,000 项符合 try 的查询结果 ”,也就是近 1.6 亿个结果。可见 try 是多么受欢迎。那么我们用过多少次?第二词 Enjoy这一动词我印象比较深刻,它的用法比较简单,凡是带有“享受到”的意思就可以用。反义词是 suffer (from)。经典用法是享有。声誉。在公司、单位英文介绍里可以说简直是不可或缺的一个词。如:In Africa, Botswana is one of the few countries which enjoys a good reputation for corruption control and the DCEC has attracted favourable attention from analysts, donors and Botswanas regional neighbours.顺便再说一句,好的用 enjoy,不好的可用 suffer。一想到灾难、甚至阿富汗、伊拉克什么的就应该想到 suffer 这个词。这个词就不单独列出来了。再如:UN conference to study why women in war-torn States suffer justice deficit.第三词 Available这个词有点怪,是形容词,但是一般放到所修饰的词后面。凡句子中含有是“有。可以用到”的时候都可以考虑这个词。这个词关系到我们思维方式,而不是这个词用法有多复杂。反义词是 unavailable.现在都讲究资源了先看几个句子:1、对不起,没座了。Chinglish: Sorry, we have no seats now.Revision: Sorry, no seats available.2、网站暂时无法访问。Chinglish: This website cant be visited temporarily.Revision: Website Temporarily Unavailable.有时候尽管不是非用 available/unavailable 不可,但是多用一些,看起来正宗。在 google.com 中搜索结果:是约有 441,000,000 项符合 available 的查询结果,即 4 亿多条,但是我们用过几次。他们爱用的我们老不用,难怪正宗度老是大打折扣。要学习例句,google.com 里多得是。几亿条了可不是?br第四词 Surprise有人可能会说,这个词有什么了不起?选中这个词,完全就看重这个词包含的一种文化。西方人注重生活情调,特别看重带给朋友或家人的“惊喜”。先看几个句子:1、我男朋友来看我了。真是个惊喜!My boyfriend has come to see me. Its really a big surprise!2、对于这名老教师来说,真是惊喜连连啊。To this veteran teacher, its one surprise after another.这个词荒延谩魑 耍 岣咦约旱纳 钊叮 投嗟鉺 urprise 吧!在 google.com 中,约有 25,100,000 项符合 surprise 的查询结果。-第五词 Skills首先感谢上面的朋友捧场。我们一起学习,一起进步。作“技能、水平”讲。以前一想到“水平”一词,就会想到 level 一词,但是老外可不是这么想的。skills 一词,更近。先看几个句子:1、怎样才能提高我们的英语水平?Chinglish:How to improve our English level? (他们一般不这么说,但是应该可以看懂)Revision :How to improve our English skills?2、他写作、翻译水平很高。Chinglish:His writing and translating level are very high.Revision: He has very good writing and translation skills.现在追求技术的时代,skills 也走俏。什么 English skills, computer skills, study skills, survival skills, writing skills.都泛滥了,我们也决口一次如何?-第六词 Offer这个词比较微妙。英译中时不太好处理,正因如此,这个词才值得我们重视。先看几个句子:1、谢谢你的好意,不过我可以走回去。Chinglish:Thank you for your goodwill, but I can go home on foot.Revision: Thanks for your offer, but I can walk home.2、全国人民纷纷向灾区伸出了援助之手。version 1:People from all over the country all giving their hands to the disaster area.Alt Version: People from all over the country are offering helping hands to the disaster area.3、他给了一件工作给我。version 1: He gave me a job to do.Better version: He offered me a job.Offer 可以做动词用,也可以做名词用。还有一些固定搭配,其中Job offer 非常红。凡是带有“给予”、“善意提供的(帮忙)”等意思,就可以考虑 offer这个词。我们可以把 give 一些空间让点给 offer。这个机会可是我最后给你的。答应不答应随你的便。This is my last offer to you. Take it or leave it.-第七词 Difference意思是差别。对于 difference 只需要掌握一到两个短语,我们口语水平就会前进一大步,让你的同学对你刮目相看,那就是make a difference(有很大不同) 或 make no differences(没什么不同)。1、你说的什么移动、联通, 我看还不一路货色。Youre talking about Telecom and Unicom. The way I see it, they make no differences at all.2、这种化妆品你用用看,效果绝对不一样。Chinglish: Please use this kind of cosmetics, the effect is absolutely different.Revision: Please try this sort of cosmetics, i bet itll make a big difference.(不好意思,我就是喜欢 try 这个词)3、上帝啊,再给我一次机会,我不会再这样了。Chinglish:God, please give me a chance again, I wont do this again.Revision: God, please grant me another chance, and Ill make a difference.凡是一样不一样,都可以考虑这 2 个短语,你用好了,绝对可以 make a difference。另外说一下,受教科书的影响,说不同的时候中国学生习惯 be 、different from 这一句型。但是很多时候 differ from 这个动词形式更简单,try it, and youll make a difference,让你的老师、同学对你刮目相看。西方人崇尚个人奋斗,追求与他人不一样。这个词,对于他们来说,太神圣了。在 google.com 中,make a difference 这一短语搜索结果近 600 万,我们用过几次了。所以以后有条件,我们就要 make a difference,没有条件时,创建条件也要 make a difference。第八词 pointpointless(没意义)一词也算它一伙的。提到这个词,完全是 meaning 一词在作怪。先看几个例子:1、你这样做是什么意思?Chinglish: What is your meaning in doing this?Revision: Whats your point?2、如果你抽烟的话,哪怕就别怕得癌症。再问“上帝怎么这样对我啊”没什么意义。Chinglish: If you smoke, you should not be afraid to get lung cancer. Its meaningless to ask why did God do this to me?. (注:meaningless 可用,但是老外不爱用,爱用的是我们)Revision: If you smoke, you should be prepared to get lung cancer; its pointless to ask why did God do this to me?.要洗脑子,转变中式思维习惯,就别怕“矫枉过正”。以后凡是遇到“有意义”、“没意义”的时候,先考虑 point/poinless,而不要先考虑meaning
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