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外事英语-外宾接待00:02.57接待外宾00:05.15Dialogue 1 At the Airport.00:07.24在机场00:09.33professional Terms00:10.41专业术语00:11.49secretary n.00:12.63秘书00:13.77import n.00:14.85进口00:15.93export n.00:16.99出口00:18.05textile n.00:19.13织物00:20.22airport n00:21.25飞机场00:22.28flight n.00:23.39飞行00:24.50baggage n.00:25.59行李00:26.67suitcase n.00:27.73手提箱00:28.79Excuse me, are you Mr. Wilson from the United State or America?00:31.44请问,你是美国来的威尔逊先生吗?00:34.09Yes , I am.00:35.63是的,我是。00:37.17Im Mei Wen,the secretary of China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation.00:40.80我是梅雯,中国纺织品进出口公司的秘书。00:44.43How do you do. Miss Mei.00:46.00你好,梅小姐。00:47.57how do you do, Mr.Willson, Welcome to China.00:49.66你好,威尔逊先生,欢迎你来到中国。00:51.75Thank you. Its very kind of you to come to meet me at the airport ,Miss Mei.00:54.35谢谢,梅小姐。你到机场来接我,真太客气了。00:56.95Its my pleasure , I hope you will enjoy your stay here.00:59.55乐意效劳。希望你在这儿过得愉快。01:02.15Thank you , Im sure I will.01:03.71谢谢,我相信会的。01:05.28Did you have a pleasant flight?01:06.87你路途上过得愉快吗?01:08.47Yes, quite a nice flight.01:10.06是的,愉快,这是一次非常愉快的旅行。01:11.65Im glad to hear that , Now shall we go and see about your baggage?01:14.75很高兴听你这么说。现在我们去看看你的行李好吗?01:17.84Yes, Where is the bagage-claim area?01:19.43好的,行李提取处在哪儿?01:21.01Notes : Where is the baggage-claim area?01:23.25行李提取处在哪儿?01:25.50Its down there at Gate No 5. How many pieces of baggage do you have?01:28.62在下面五号门。你有几件行李?01:31.74Two suitcase,.01:32.76两个小提箱01:33.78Here we are , Could you point them out?01:35.24我们到了。你能认出它们吗?01:36.71Yes, This blue one, and that black one.01:38.56能,这个蓝色的,还有那个黑色的。01:40.41Since you have picked up your baggage. and now lets proceed through the customs.01:43.20你已拿了行李,我们去进行海关检查吧。01:45.98Since you have picked up your baggage,and now lets proceed through the customs.01:49.02你已拿了行李,我们去进行海关检查吧。01:52.07proceed through the custom01:53.15进行海关检查01:54.23Wilson:All right.01:55.21好的。01:56.19Dialogue 2 At the Customs01:57.46在海关01:58.73professional Terms01:59.63专业术语02:00.53passport02:01.35护照02:02.17customs02:02.92海关02:03.66declaration02:04.67说明02:05.68visa02:06.50签证02:07.32declare vt02:08.33宣告02:09.33currency n.02:10.29流通02:11.24belonging n.02:12.35所有物02:13.46contraband n.02:14.49违禁品02:15.52receipt n.02:16.40收据02:17.27dutiable a.02:18.25应纳关税的02:19.23Welcome to China. May I see you passport . customs and health declaration forms?02:22.54欢迎来到中国。能出示你的护照,海关申报表和健康申报表吗?02:25.84Notes : May I see you passport , customs and health decaration forms.?02:29.45能出示你的护照,海关申报表和健康申报表吗?02:33.05customs and health declaration forms02:34.72海关申报表和健康申报表02:36.40Yes, here you are .02:37.45可以,这就是02:38.51Let me see. You have a tourist visa. Where will you be staying ?02:41.24我看看,你拿的是旅行签证。你将去哪儿?02:43.97Beijing. Shanghai, and some other cities.02:45.83北京、上海以及其他一些城市。02:47.68Do you have anything to declare.?02:48.99你有什么东西要报关吗?02:50.29Yes, I have some foreign currency and a few gifts to declare.02:52.87有,一些外币和一些礼物。02:55.44Then fill out this currency declaration form please.02:57.63那么请填写这张货币申报单。02:59.83All right.03:00.70好03:01.58Whats in your suitcases? May I see it?03:03.30你手提箱里有什么?我可以看看吗?03:05.03Yes, my clothes and some other personal belongings. Do contrabands.03:07.40可以,里面装有衣服以及一些个人物品,没有违禁品。03:09.78May I see the gifts you mentioned.03:11.53我可以看看你提的礼物吗?03:13.28Yes, here they are.03:14.23可以,在这儿。03:15.19Do you have receipts for this gold watch and the necklace .?03:18.31你有这只金表及这条项链的收据吗?03:21.43Yes, I do.03:22.36有03:23.28Im afraid you have to pay quite a sum of duty on these valuables.03:25.48恐怕你得为这些贵重物品付相当一笔税金。03:27.67They are dutiable articles.03:29.58它们是缴税的物品。03:31.49How much shall I pay for these?03:32.65我得付多少钱?03:33.81100 Yuan.03:34.71一百元03:35.61Here is 100 Yua03:37.42And here is the receipt.03:38.55这是收据03:39.69You are through now. Mr. Baker.03:41.13你现在手续已办完了,贝克先生。03:42.56Hope you will enjoy your stay in China.03:44.13祝你在中国过得愉快。03:45.70Thank you, Could you please tell me where I can exchange my money?03:48.32谢谢。你能告诉我在哪儿可以兑换钱吗?03:50.95Yes, go right out those doors and youll see the exchange window straight ahead.03:54.15可以,直接从那边门走出去,正前方有个兑换处。03:57.35Dialogue 3 On the Way to the Hotel03:59.26在去宾馆途中04:01.16professional Terms04:02.09专业术语04:03.02air-condition04:03.94设以空调装置04:04.87private04:05.62私人的04:06.36facsimile04:07.29传真04:08.22convention n.04:09.14常规04:10.07laundry n.04:11.00洗衣房04:11.92arrangement n.04:12.80整理04:13.68receiption n.04:14.52接受04:15.37The city is really beautiful.04:16.52这个城市真漂亮。04:17.67Yes, it is . Where shall I be staying ?04:20.43是的。我住哪里?04:23.18youll be staying at the Ga
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