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窈窕舞伎观后感 (精选多篇)第一篇:窈窕舞伎观后感窈窕舞伎观后感从早期的五个光头少年 、 五个相扑的少年 、 谈谈情、跳跳舞等影片开始,导演周防正行便一直致力于日本传统文化的表达,而这部上海国际电影节朱竞赛片单元入围电影窈窕舞伎 ,也依然延续了该主题,试图将日本传统文化与青少年文化结合起来,讲述传统文化的遗失与传承,不过对于这一目标的表达力有不逮。鉴于本片搬演了窈窕淑女的故事架构、情境和人设,更是遭到诸多观众的吐槽。舞伎,作为日本传统文化的一个象征,在影片中成为导演传达文化的一个载体。影片在揭开舞伎神秘面纱的同时,也揭露了部分发展现状与兴衰。京都的舞伎,一直是从京都当地年轻女孩子中选拔培养出来的,如今,愿意从事这个职业的当地人越来越少,有不少外地女孩想要加入进来,但是她们首要面临的最大问题,就是口音。不会说京都话,就意味着不能当舞伎,所以为了当舞伎,她们就必须要丢弃自己原本的语言习惯。电影讲述一位操着方言的乡下女孩在一位语言学家的帮助下如何成长为合格的京都舞伎的故事。无论是从片名还是内容上来看,本片很明显是翻拍自 1964 年好莱坞经典歌舞片窈窕淑女 。但是在整个故事的编排和设置上, 窈窕舞伎明显要逊色许多,这也令诸多现场观众表示失望,周防正行成全的是一再主演的他的挚爱老婆草刈民代,当然还有萝莉女主上白石萌音。通俗来讲,其实影片就是在讲述一个灰姑娘如何变身白天鹅的故事,而这个蜕变过程才是影片的主要看点,也是最能够吸引观众的地方。而影片对于女主角蜕变过程的处理并没有为观众交出一份满意的案卷。乡下女孩春子只身来到一家名为“万寿乐” 的老牌茶馆,乞求被收为学徒成为舞伎。但是由于自己带着满口方言,遭到拒绝。而这时却有一位语言学家以打赌的方式愿意将春子打造成为一名合格的舞伎。在好莱坞版本的(本站推荐:)窈窕淑女中,女孩在接受语言学家的改造时,产生了强烈的戏剧张力与情感冲突。语言学家对于女孩的占有、强制与改造与女孩对于语言学家的反抗、挣扎,都将两人之间那种相互依存、相互牵连的关系表达得淋漓尽致,这种女孩成长蜕变的过程才是观众最想看到的。而在窈窕舞伎中,观众看不到春子与语言学家之间的这种互动关系,改造必须有冲突、压迫和强执行力度的规诫、驯化,在逆反中移化,最终实现新人的造就,新人是合乎规范的,内心却不一定,这一关系要是怪咖科学家可能贡献“弗兰肯斯坦的怪物 ”,也有可能制造时光机。导演在建构这条人物关系时,并没有给春子和语言学家两人制造出太多的摩擦,也没有碰撞出火花,两人之间的关系被导演处理得平淡如水,完全失去了原本应该有的戏剧张力与情感冲突。语言学家对春子的改造完全被其他众歌舞伎对春子的帮助掩盖,而春子在被改造的过程中,对于自己身份与命运的抉择丝毫没有过挣扎、反抗。导演的这种处理方式,让这部电影失去了它本身所具有的魅力,而使得影片沦为一部单纯的带有歌舞片段的励志片。或许,导演是有意收敛春子与语言学家之间的关系,以尽量契合含蓄内敛的东方式情感美学,将更多的笔墨着力于描写京都艺妓文化以及对于传统文化的失落与担忧。影片开头,导演便将自己对于这种担忧传递出来,在京都历史最为悠久的花街上, “万寿乐” 的老牌茶馆里,艺妓们大都年老色衰,只剩下一名艺妓和一名舞伎,在现代流行文化的冲击下,这个职业正在经历着严重冲击。而从满口方言却励志成为舞伎的春子身上,我们也可以看到导演对于日本传统文化的一种希望。更有意思的是,影片对于春子的身份在前后也都有所交代,春子的母亲年轻时期也是“万寿乐” 的老牌茶馆里的一名舞伎,之后与人私奔离开了这个职业。如今,春子追随母亲的足迹重新踏进这个职业,我们是否可以看作这是导演对于传统文化传承的一种乐观心态呢?第二篇:窈窕淑女观后感the review of my fair ladythe movie is about a love story between a flower-girl eliza and a gentleman higgins. eliza was a fair but poor girl who had a distinct countryside accent. higgins was a linguist professor. he bet with his friend pickering that he could teach eliza for 6 months and transform her into a lady. finally they succeed while eliza left because of the selfishness of higgins. but at last higgins realized he could not live without eliza and they got togetherfrom my standpoint, the most impressive character was eliza. she attracted me at first because of her noise characteristic which was quite different from the upper class. she was not constrained by the so-called dignity and she could say whatever she wanted though it would be regarded as impolite and rude. just as eliza said that she was a good girl. she earned money all by her hands and sometimes she had to give some money to her alcoholic father. she was brave enough to seize the chance to become an elegant lady. she was also a lovely girl that when she heard she could have chocolates to eat everyday if she stayed her eyes stuck to the chocolates straightly. when she was forced to do the monotonous pronouncing exercise everyday, she showed her disgust to the professor by dreaming that his head was cut down by the king, and only to find that the professor was upstairs staring at her and shouting to her . when she made a little progress and the professor danced with her for the first time, she was so excited that she could not fall asleep.in the story, she was a cinderella who became a charming princess. the only difference was that she did not live happily with her prince that easily, instead they experienced twist and turns.though eliza was a poor girl who made a living by selling flowers, she had the determination and courage which seldom girls owned. she knocked the professors door bravely and asked him to teach her english with the full expectation of changing her fate. most people are satisfied with comfortable condition they have and never think about doing something to make their life better and always laugh at those who attempt to challenge. after seeing the film, i realized that i am that kind of person who is lack of enthusiasm. i am afraid of failure and challenge. that is why i always feel my life boring just like a bottle of boiled water. you may challenge the fate with the result of being knocked down, but it is this unpredictable consequence that is charming. we can use our curiosity and eagerness for knowledge to welcome a new day with both dreams and obstacles. it is neither impulse of ignorant nor greedy of doing all kinds of things, but a gracious spirit though ordinary. it happens on theflower-girl and happens on everyone who loves life. what is more, they will not give up to the hinder; instead they would rather pay more effort to do better. just like eliza, she could bear the tasteless pronouncing exercise and the midnight training. at last, her hard work paid off. she had changed into a excellent and independent lady after her behaviors and thoughts being guided and she was not a noisy girl any more.第三篇:快乐草裙舞 舞出窈窕身材快乐草裙舞 舞出窈窕身材火热的辣舞是除尽赘肉身材变好的最快方式,为何不来一场呢?想瘦身 不如跳舞“当甜言蜜语都虚无,不如跳舞”,陈慧琳在她的大碟不如跳舞中,向都市众生传递出炽热的情感,而这种源自舞蹈的热烈气氛,其实在巴黎、纽约等时尚之都也同样在蔓延。在传统印象中,舞蹈只是少数艺术家的“技术活儿” ,而现在,在巴黎和纽约风行的舞蹈班(dance class) ,彻底颠覆了人们对舞蹈的传统定义。每次练习,都会吸引上百名乃至上千名 14 到 37 岁的时尚人士参加。就像一场小型的狂欢,把
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