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英文演讲稿 The Person I Miss Most(精选多篇)第一篇:英文演讲稿 The Person I mIss mostThe PersonImIssmost whenIsawThetItleThePersonI_most,actuallyIdIdntknowhowtodobecauseIcantwrIteaappealIngartIclewIththIskIndoftItle.butnow,IhavetosaysomethIng,soIwanttotalkaboutthIsguycalledvIctor.vIctorwasmyclassmateInprImaryschool.heIsalIttletallerthanme.hehasblackskInbuThesaIdItIscInnamon.heIsthInnerthanmebecauseheIshardlyevereathIslunch.heIshumorous,selfIsh,naughty.,ThesePersonalItyarejustwhatIhave.youmayguess,weareclosefrIends,butImnotsure.ItshardtodescrIbeourfrIendshIp.weneverrecognIzewerefrIends,butweallthInkweshouldbe.whenoneofushadaproblem,TheoTherneverhelphIm.whenoneofusfaIledaexamorsomethInglIkethat,TheoThermaylaughathIm.butwestIlllIketoplaywITheachoTher.wehadalotofgoodtImetogeTher.wehavesamehobbIestoo,suchasplayIngcomputers,playIngcardsandoThergames.tomakealongstoryshort,wearestrangefrIends,butgoodfrIends.IdontwanttotellstorIesbetweenus,becauseTheyaresImIlar,weplayedtrIckstogeTher,wewerepunIshedbyteachertogeTher,wefoughtforfun,andoThercrazythIngs.now,weareIndIfferentclasses,IseldommeethImnow.tobefrank,IamalIttlemIsshIm,mIssThecrazythIngswedIdtogeTher.justonemorethIng,dontlethImknowwhatIsaIdjustnowplease.第二篇:The Person I admIre mostgood mornIng everyone!today,Id love to share some InformatIon wIth you about The Person I admIre mostIf someone asked me, “do you admIre most people?” I wIll not hesItate to say: The Person I admIre most Is my teacher.why do I say that The Person I admIre most Is my teacher?.she Is a kInd and strIct teacher.she let us become an honest and good Person.everyday,The students always noIsy,but you educate patIently to us. when someone does well,you always gIve hIm praIse and encouragement.when I am lazy,you always crItIcIzes me.you tell me many storIes about famous Persons. through storIes,I realIze I must study hard.or I wIll fall behInd oThers.when you sees thIs,she smIles and I smIle,too.when I make progress,you praIses me and hope I wIll make greater progress. wIth her help,I study best In my class and I became much Interested In englIsh. when I graduated from unIversIty,I also become an englIsh teacher,I want to try my best to teach my students well.do you admIre hIm?admIre It or not,I admIre hIm anyway.第三篇:The Person I respect most(初中英语作文)The Person I respect mostI met a lot of people In past thIrteen years, such as my parents, my teachers and my frIends. but In thIs artIcle, I want to talk about a Person who Is neITher my parents nor my frIends. he Is only an old man. although I even do not know hIs name, he Is stIll a Person I respect most .It was a noon and It raIned hard. after fInIshIng The extra englIsh class, I was so tIred because The class lasted about three hours. unluckIly, I needed to go home In a long dIstance. on The way home .I revIewed The Important grammar around words that were taught by my englIsh teacher .suddenly I heard a bIg noIse that was from my bIcycle. I knew what happened. I couldnt help thInkIng today must be my unlucky day. and Then I trIed to fInd someone who could help me. but There was nobody on The cold wIndy day except me. at that tIme , an aged voIce got Into my ears “can I help you, my boy?” I looked around and saw an old man behInd me, w(请你收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问)ho was dIrty and was In cugs(是否敲错 ). I guessed he mIght be a beggar who pretended to help me, but hIs real aIm was to ask me some money. so I saId “go away. I have no money.”after hearIng that, not only was he angry , but he burst Into laugh. he saId “I really want to help you.”suddenly, my face turned red. a few mInutes later, he fIxed my bIcycle up. I checked It carefully and I couldnt belIeve that It was lIke a new one. when I looked up and wanted to say thanks to hIm, he had already gone. a lot of tears dropped from my eyes.thIs Is The whole thIng between hIm and me. despIte It has already fInIshed for a long tIme, I stIll regret my behavIor. I shouldnt judge Person wIth hIs appearance. he showed hIs love to me. he Is The Person I respect most. I want to say There Is a lot of love In The world .now I thInk If someone Is In trouble, I wIll help hIm at once. ok, let me pass on The love from now on !第四篇:The Person I respectThe Person I respectgood mornIng, everyone. I am so happy to stand here to gIve you a speech. The topIc of my speech Is The Person I respect.tell you The truth, I respect many people: my faTher, my moTher, even my sIster, but The Person I respect most Is my chInese teacher: mIss zhang. I respect her because she Is The kIndest teacher I have met. she always encourages me when I meet a dIffIculty. once I had a problem, she gave me a smIle and saId: “dont gIve up. I belIeve that you can do It well.” she always gIves me some helpful suggestIons. I have learnt a lot of thIngs from her, I have learnt that we shouldnt gIve up when we meet dIffIcultIes. through mIss zhangs smIle , I saw The kIndness from her even The truth of lIfe.I love mIss zhang
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