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公用事业论文:公用事业特许经营合同中的行政特权研究【中文摘要】随着公共行政民营化研究的兴起,公用事业特许经营相关问题的研究已经引起了我国行政法学者的高度关注,对公用事业特许经营合同的研究也早已进入行政法学的视野。但实践中,公用事业特许经营的运作并非一帆风顺,特许经营项目失败的案例比比皆是,使政府、特许经营者、消费者三方都陷入了纠纷不断的漩涡之中,这些纠纷和损失,归根结底是由于行政主体在公用事业特许经营合同中的行政特权引发的。因此,本文专门研究公用事业特许经营领域的行政特权,通过对格式文本、法律文本、现实个案的分析,归纳行政主体在特许经营合同履行过程中行使过的特权类型,即以合同履行评估权、单方变更解除权、临时接管权为主要研究对象,探讨如何从实体、程序、救济途径三方面来限制行政主体特权的行使,以期更好的保护公共利益和特许经营者的合法权益。本文的主体内容分为四个部分,第一部分分析了公用事业特许经营合同中行政特权的概念与特征,指出行政特权在公用事业特许经营合同履行过程中存在的必要性;第二部分主要分析公用事业特许经营合同中的特权类型,以公用事业特许经营格式合同、市政公用事业特许经营立法、现实中的相关案例为基础,分析特许经营合同特权的基本类型,并确立合同履行评估权、单方变更解除权、临时接管权这三类特权,并分析各类特权在立法和实践中存在的问题;第三部分针对如何限制政府滥用这三类特权,提出从实体方面与程序方面对行政特权进行法律控制,从而达到公用利 益与特许经营者利益的平衡。第四部分讨论如何从救济上有效化解特许经营合同特权纠纷,为特许经营者及利害关系人提供司法外救济和行政诉讼两个救济途径,使纠纷得到及时有效的化解,限制政府滥用特许经营合同中的行政特权,保护特许经营者的合法权益。【英文摘要】With the beginning of research on the privatization of public administration, a series of problems about the franchise agreement of public utilities which came into view of the subject of administrative law have aroused great concern among our scholars. But the operation of the franchise agreement of public utilities is not so easy in practice. Numerous failing cases of franchise are still in evidence. So the government、franchisee and customer are involved in a long legal wrangle, facing to big losses that were caused by the executive privileges in franchise agreement of public utilities ultimately. Therefore this thesis specializes in the executive privileges in franchise agreement of public utilities by analyzing the preformatted texts、legal texts and real cases, summarizing the types of the executive privileges operated by administrative subject in the course of contract implementation. These executive privileges include the power of contract performance evaluation、the power of modifying and cancelling the contracts unilaterally and the power of temporary takeover. In order to protect the public interests and the legitimate rights of franchisee, its necessary to limit the exercise of these privileges from three perspectives:entity、procedure and relief way.This thesis is composed of four parts. In the beginning part, the writer establishes the concept and legal characteristics of the executive privileges, whose existence is necessary in government contract performance. In The second part, the writer establishes three types of the executive privileges on basis of the preformatted texts of the franchise agreement of public utilities、the legislation of the franchise agreement and the real cases, and then analyzes the problems of these executive privileges in legislation and practice. The third part is a study of how to limit the abuse of these executive privileges. By means of legal control over these executive privileges, it can bring out the balance between the public interests and the legitimate rights of franchisee. The fourth part deals with the problems of relief system settling administrative contract disputes . Effective method is that the law offer two kinds of relief system: administrative lawsuit and relief out of judicature. Thus the franchise agreement disputes can be resolved well, and the legitimate rights of franchisee can be fully protected.【关键词】公用事业 特许经营合同 行政特权 公共利益【英文关键词】public utilities the franchise agreement the executive privileges the public interests【备注】索购全文在线加好友 : 同时提供论文写作一对一指导和论文发表委托服务【目录】公用事业特许经营合同中的行政特权研究 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 引言 8-14 (一) 研究缘起 8-9 (二) 研究现状 9-10 (三) 研究任务 10-12 (四) 研究意义 12-14 一、公用事业特许经营合同中行政特权的涵义 14-19 (一) 概念 14-16 (二) 特征 16-19 二、公用事业特许经营合同中行政特权的类型化分析 19-36 (一) 合同履行评估权 19-25 (二) 单方变更解除权 25-30 (三) 临时接管权 30-36 三、公用事业特许经营合同中行政特权的法律控制 36-48 (一) 从实体上拟制各类权力发动的条件 36-43 (二) 从程序上规制各类权力的行使过程 43-48 四、 公用事业特许经营合同中行政特权的救济机制 48-53 (一) 司法外救济机制 48-50 (二) 行政诉讼机制 50-53 结语 53-55 参考文献 55-58 攻读硕士学位期间公开发表的论文 58-59 后记 59-60
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