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Unit 1 单元评价检测 (45 分钟 100 分)第卷(共 50 分). 听力(10 分)() 录音中有五个句子,听一遍后,选择最佳答语。 (5 分)1. A. I will be a doctor. B. I dont think so. C. I work near here. 2. A. Yes, they will. B. No, they wont. C. Maybe in 20 years. 3. A. A rocket. B. A plane. C. A space station. 4. A. There will be. B. There wont. C. Yes, there will. 5. A. The guitar. B. Computers. C. Football. ()录音中有一段对话,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。 (5 分)6. Next Monday will be _. A. Christmas Day B. New Years DayC. Sams birthday7. _ will come to Sams house to spend the vacation. A. Grandparents B. Aunts familyC. Sams classmates8. They will stay here for _. A. one weekB. two weeksC. one day9. Mum asked Sam to help her with the _. A. treeB. giftC. food10. Sams uncle will take his _ with him to Sams house. A. dogB. sonC. friend. 单项选择(20 分)1. There are many trees on _ side of the river. A. bothB. allC. eachD. every2. _ a teacher, John thinks that his main duty is to help the students to become better learners. A. AsB. ByC. AboutD. Like3. (2012桂林中考)I _ my homework as soon as I get home. A. doB. didC. will doD. am doing4. No hurry. The bus will arrive _ ten minutes. A. at B. for C. in D. by5. It _ that there is no way out of your trouble. A. seemed B. seemsC. is seemed D. was seemed6. This is _ that all of us believe its very important. A. such useful informationB. so useful an informationC. so useful informationD. such a useful information7. In our city, _ middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future. A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of D. two thousand of8. (2012郴州中考 )If I have enough money, I _ a school bus to help the poor children go to school. A. buyB. boughtC. will buy 9. All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them _. A. laughedB. laughC. laughingD. to laugh10. Its easy _ water from the river. A. gettingB. getC. getsD. to get. 完形填空(10 分)I think that the world will be an easy place to live in. We 1 have machines and robots and they will 2 us do all the 3 jobs, and we dont have to do things 4 washing dishes and 5 the beds, though we wont have any dishes at all. Maybe we will just throw the dishes away after each meal. I 6 that doctors will be able to 7 us alive 8 a long time. I hope that when I am 80 years old, there 9 something and it will keep me alive for 10 80 years, so I will live to be 160 years old. 1. A. will B. could C. do D. can2. A. teach B. help C. tell D. ask3. A. good B. easy C. same D. boring4. A. like B. as C. for D. to5. A. make B. do C. doing D. making6. A. know B. hope C. see D. listen7. A. let B. keep C. learn D. ask8. A. to B. with C. for D. after9. A. will B. will be C. are D. are going10. A. other B. many C. more D. another. 阅读理解(10 分)Mr. Green made a robot. He could say only one sentence “There is no doubt (疑问) about it. ” The robot always repeated the same words when you spoke to him. One day Mr. Green needed lots of money and he took the robot to the market to sell him. “Who will buy my robot? He is very smart, ” he shouted. “Twenty thousand dollars for my robot! ”A man was surprised that he was asking for so much money. Is it different? Instead of asking Mr. Green why he wanted so much money, he decided to speak to the robot. “Are you worth (值) twenty thousand dollars? ” he asked the robot. “There is no doubt about it. ” answered the robot. The man liked the robots answer so much that he bought him and carried him home. But very soon he found that the robot could say nothing else. He was sorry he bought the robot. He stood in front of the robot and said, “How foolish (愚蠢的) I was to throw so much money away! ” “There is no doubt about it, ” said the robot. 1. How many words could the robot say? A. Only one sentence. B. One word. C. Ten sentences. D. Hundreds of sentences. 2. Why did Mr. Green sell the robot? A. Because the robot was bad. B. Because Mr. Green didnt like it. C. Because Mr. Green needed much money. D. Because the robot was old. 3. When the man heard Mr. Greens words, he thought _. A. the robot was unusual B. Mr. Green needed lots of moneyC. the robot was cheapD. Mr. Green didnt want to sell the robot4. The man was sorry that _. A. he met Mr. Green B. he went to the marketC. he spoke to the robot D. he bought the robot5. At the end of the story, the man probably felt the robot was _. A. sorry for him B. afraid of himC. laughing at him D. trying to surprise him第卷(共 50 分). 词汇运用(10 分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 (5 分)1. People put the rubbish into the river and there is much p_. 2. As we know, light travels faster than s_. 3. I hope there will be fewer _ (工厂)in our city. 4. I will have a job _ (面试)tomorrow, I need to look smart. 5. Many _(科学家) are researching the space. ()用所给词的适当形式填空。 (5 分)6. Many _
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