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河北省保定市高阳中学 2015 届高三上学期第 22 次周练英语试卷.单词拼写1 The doctor is well known for having_(治疗)some people of the deadly disease.2 Richardson_(推断出)from his studies that equality between the sexes is still a long way off.3 The army was well trained and well armed,and had little difficulty_(击败)the enemy.4 The_(建设)work of the theatre is supposed to be completed within the year.5 Employees are expected and required to _(参加)team meetings. 6 The president became too_(热心的)over a big navy.7 The scientists are doing _(科学的)research on the rats.8 His injuries were_(严重的)and he was rushed to hospital.9 Its difficult to_(操纵 )the machine.10 He is intensely_(谨慎的 )not to make mistakes in spelling.完成句子1 _the American government _the French officials_the news about Syria.美国政府和法国官员都没有证实有关叙利亚的这则新闻。2 She smiled suddenly,_.她突然一笑,露出一口洁白的牙齿。3 She_casually before carrying out a research.在进行调查研究之前,她从不随便下结论。4 _our home,he always brings me a gift.每次我叔叔来我们家,他总会带给我一件礼物。5 _Mr.Wang give a performance at the party.有人建议王先生在晚会上演个节目。.用适当的动词形式填空,体会非谓语动词的用法(专项训练 )1 _(shock) and sad, Alice stood there and couldnt help bursting into tears.2 All flights_(cancel) because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but wait.3 The restaurant_(serve)western food at the far end of the street is now very popular.4 _(catch)in a traffic jam,students of a college in India answered their exam papers on the school bus.5 He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them_(interest)in his lectures.6 I smell something _(burn) in the kitchen.Can I call you back in a minute?7 _(drive)by a greater demand for vegetables, farmers have built more greenhouses.8. Hill often attends public lectures at the University of London, chiefly_(improve) his English.9 The discovery of the new drug is of great significance to people _(suffer)from heart problems.10 A letter_(post), he hurried to the shop for some shopping.完形填空体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:人生感悟 词数:329 难度: 建议用时:16 分钟If youre going to do something,my dad used to say,do it right.Mostly he said that after my half hearted(不尽力的)_1_ to weed the vegetable garden.For some reason,he knew that there were white roots still_2_ deep in the ground without looking around the garden.So I would be in the _3_again the next day with a spade dig deep and_4_ the roots of our garden.As I tried to focus my attention to _5_,Dads words kept echoing in my mind:“Do it right.”I saw a perfect example of what Dad was talking about last week when one of the teams in the company was _6_. All of us were sad to see them go.They were good friends and _7_,and we worried about them.And_8_,at such times you always wonder:am I next?But as we watched them during the week they were given to_9_,many of us noticed that they werent handling this in quite the way we expected them to._10_ none of them found another job,there was also no bitterness or_11_ in their departure.I didnt hear a negative word. I didnt see any _12_ or unhappy facesat least,not from them.Instead,I saw grace.“Its_13_, ”one of my colleagues whispered.“I went over there to offer comfort and support to them,and they _14_comforting me.”Ancient Greeks believed that swans save their sweetest song for the moments to their_15_.I dont know if my departing friends _16_ their ending as a “swan song” or not, but the calm,quiet dignity with which they embraced their cruel reality touched and _17_us.Lee,a man who has seen and_18_ lots of lay offs during almost 40 up and down,on again off again years with the company,_19_ nicely for all of us.“Now,that doing it right, ”he said.Somewhere,I just know Dad was smiling his_20_.1 A.attempts BjudgementsC expectations Drequests2 A.planted Bburied Cgrown Dstuck3 A.house BschoolC garden D company4 A.look forward to Bcome up withC fit in with Dget down to5 A.watching BthinkingC digging Dworking6 A.turned down Blaid offC cut down Dgiven up7 A.competitors BcolleaguesC directors Dconsultants12 A.tears Bsmiles Cdangers Dfears13 A.upsetting BexcitingC disappointing Damazing14 A.objected to Binsisted onC ended up Dkept on15 A.birth Bdeath C arrival Dparty16 A.view BrecognizeC choose D describe17 A.discouraged BwarnedC inspired Damused18 A.celebrated BwitnessedC resisted Dsurvived19 A.made up Bsummed upC picked up Dspeeded up20 A.disagreement BindifferenceC admiration Dapproval.阅读理解A体裁:说明文 话题:前沿科学 词数:338 难度: 建议用时:6 分钟Last nights meteor(流星) shower left many people in the community dissatisfied and demanding answers.According to Gabe Rothschild, Emerald Valleys mayor,people gathered in the suburbs of the city, carrying heavy telescopes,expecting to watch the br
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