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Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills【学习目标】1 能从听力材料中获取信息并完成任务。2 能听懂指令并画出路线图,培养精听技能。3 能谈论如何到达特定的地点。【学习重难点】1能据所听内容给出地图上的路线。2能用英语表达怎样去某地。【自主学习】 (认真阅读课文,完成知识梳理,在课本上做好标注)基础知识A、预习本课单词(P49-50),先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读。 (同桌互查,小组长检查)并能根据音标写出下列单词及汉语意思:(注意这些词的词性)1. tre(r)_ _(n.) 2.t:n _ _(n.) 3. krs _ _(n.) 4. trfk_ _(n.)5. k:n(r)_ _(n.) 6. p:st_ _(介词)7. d _ _(情态动词)B. 在书中找出本课重要短语,并且在书上划出。1. 找宝藏_ 2. 走过房子_3. 向左转_ 4. 沿着小路走_5. 在你左边的一个房子_ 6. 走向那个桥_ 7. 穿过桥_ 8. 在第三棵树前面_9. 在第二个转弯处向右转_ 10. 一个英语角_11. 交通灯_ 12. .在第一个路口左拐_13. 在街道拐角处_ 14. .这个星期六下午_C.重点句子:(在课本上用用红色笔划出来并试着背诵):1、在第二个拐角处右拐。_ on the right.2、走过房子,向左拐,沿着靠近河旁的小路走。Walk post the house, _ and _ the path _ the river.3、沿着小路走,你就会看到你左边的房子。Walk along the path, and youll see a house _.4、过桥,向右拐,继续向前走。 _, turn right and _.5、一直走,向左拐你就能看见那个邮局了。_ and _, then you can see the post office.6.在交通灯处,我应该走那一条路?_ way _ I go _ _ _ ?【课堂达标检测】一、请根据中文写出所缺单词。1. Take the third _ (交叉路口) on the right.2. Several men are standing at the _ (拐角), talking to some police officers.3. Walk _ (路 过) the house, turn left and walk along the path next to the river.4. Take the first _ (转弯处) on the left.5. There is less _ (来往车辆) in this area than in Nanjing.6. There are many _ (宝藏) boxes in the hole.二、单项选择( )1. _ the first turning on the left.A. Down B. Take C. Go D. Walk( )2. -_. Where is the nearest restaurant, please?-Walk down this road to the end, it is on the left.A. Im sorry B. Pardon C. Hello D. Excuse me( )3. Take the second crossing _ the right.A. on B. at C. past D. along( )4. Turn left _ the fourth crossing.A. at B. on C. in D. past( )5. _ the road when the traffic light is green.A. Across B. Crossing C. Through D. Cross三、根据首字母提示完成对话A: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest library?B: Well, its a little f_1_ away from here. You can go a_2_ the street, take the first t_3_ on the left, then walk s_4_ on and you will find it. You wont m_5_ it.A: Oh, thanks. Do you know when it is o_6_?B: It should be open now. It opens at 9:00 am.A: Great. And could you tell me which bus I should t_7_?B: Sorry, I dont know. You may ask the policeman over there. He may know that.A: OK. B_8_ the way, w_9_ is the nearest McDonalds?B: Right behind you, Sir. S_10_ that sign?A: Oh, yes. Thanks a lot.B: Youre welcome.四、完形填空Jim Scott lives in a big city with his family. There are four people in his family, his wife and two _1_.Its Saturday afternoon. Jim is _2_ his yellow motorbike outside the house. Henry, one of his friends, comes to _3_ him. Henry asks him, “Thats _4_ motorbike, isnt it?” “Sometimes,” Jim answers.Henry doesnt _5_. “Sometimes?” he says. “_6_ do you mean?”Jim says, “When theres a film on at the _7_, my daughter, Joe, uses it. When theres a basketball match, my _8_,Mike, uses it. My wife often uses it to do some _9_ and comes back with a lot of things she buys. And when it doesnt work, it is _10_.”( ) 1. A. parents B. brothers C. sisters D. children( ) 2. A. riding B. cleaning C.using D. mending( ) 3. A. like B. see C. find D. help( ) 4. A. bad B. you C. nice D. your( ) 5. A. understand B. know C. say D. play( ) 6. A. How B. Why C. When D. What( ) 7. A. office B. supermarket C. cinema D. school( ) 8. A. son B. friend C. wife D. daughter( ) 9. A. shopping B. driving C. walking D. cooking( )10. A. yours B. mine C. nobodys D. someone
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