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Aims: 1. Read and understand the text by learning some basic reading skills.2. Master the key phrases and sentence patt erns.Step 1: Read the text quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph.Para.1 a. The new English class is really interesting.Para. 2 b. We introduced ourselves to each other.Para.3 c. Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwritingPara. 4 d. Selfintroduction来源:学科网来源:学科网 ZXXKPara. 5 e. Why my new school is good.Para. 6 f. The students in m y class来源:学科网Step 2:Listen to the tape and read the text carefully, and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. The teachers write on the screen behind them. ( )来源:Zxxk.Com2. Ms Shens teaching method is different from that of his teachers at Junior High school. ( )3. We introduced ourselves one by one to the class. ( )4. Almost all the students like Ms Shen and look forward to doing homework. ( )Step 4: Find out the key phrases:1. 与相似 _ 2. 完全不像 _来源:Zxxk.Com3.玩得愉快_ 4.换句话说 _5. 期待,盼望_ 6. 把某人介绍给某人_7. 多于,不仅仅_ 8. 独自地 _ 9. 用有趣的方 式_Step 5: SummaryLi Kang lives in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei. Today is his 1. _ day at Senior High school. Everything in the school 2. _ him much. The class room is amazing, which has a computer with a special 3. _ behind it; teachers are friendly and 4. _. His English teachers te aching method is complete ly 5. _ from 6. _ of the teachers at Junoir High. During his class, Li Kang and his classma tes 7. _ themselves to each other and did some 8. _ games. There are 9. _ times as mamy girls as boys in the class and they all work 10. _.附件 1:独家资源交 换签约 学校名录(放大查看)学校名录 参见 :http:/www.zxxk.com/wxt/list.aspx?ClassID=3060附件 2:律师事务所反盗版维 权声明
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