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2016 年南通市中考英语试卷第卷(选择题 共 60 分)一、单项 选择(本题共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)1Tom likes playing football and he is member of the clubAthe;a Bthe ;不填 Ca;the D不填;a2They went climbing the morning of May I and came back the afternoonAon;on Bin ;in Con;in Din;on3Im afraid that this type of energy will if we continue to waste itArun out Bbreak out Ccome down Dfall down4Della,dont stay up late, you will feel sleepy the next dayAso Bor Cbut Dand5What about yesterdays dragon dance? Oh,its one Ive ever seenAa most wonderful Bmore wonderful Cthe most wonderful Da morewonderful6We can see some wild animals in the forest,right? Its hard to sayThere be only a few leftAmay Bmost Cneed Dshould7Jack is still working to high standards he has made great achievementsAuntil Bif Cthough DBecause8Shall we get together this Saturday or Sunday evening? is OK. Im free this weekendABoth BEither CNeither DNone9Moon cakes for free to those old people this coming Moon FestivalAwere offered Bwill offer Chave offered Dwill be offered 10I dont know what her hobbies are because we talk about work when we meetASometimes Bnever Calways Dseldom 11What do you think of our hotel? Good! Im especially satisfied with the high of your serviceAlevel Bspeed Cpraise Dprice12The couple will be away for a while and they need someone the babyAlook after B looking after Clookied after Dto look after 13Sandy,the glass is broken.How did that happen? Sorry,Mum.I dont know. I outsideAplay Bwas playing Chave played Dam playing14Richard is studying in Germany. I wonder On the phoneAhow his parents keep in touch with him Bwhy his parents keep in touch with himChow do his parents keep in touch with him Dwhy do his parents keep in touch with him15I hate watching TV adsIts just a waste of time .Some are quite amazingAGood idea BI agree with you CThats OK DI dont think so二、完型填空(本题共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)A gift in a wrong place brings unexpected happinessSince I came to my new neighbourhood,I have had the pleasure of meeting a few neighboursThey seem to be quite 16 people. For Christmas,I thought I would do something nice for each of the neighbours that I know.I sat down and 17 .There were nine neighbours,and I also knew which houses they lived inHowever,I decided to 18 one more person to my list, the lady I met every morning walking to work as I drove down the street. She always managed a sweet smile and a hearty wave(挥手) , 19 I had no idea which house she lived inMy gift idea was to make small 20 baskets and leave them on each of my neighbours front porches(门廊)the night of Chrismas EveI kept the last one for the friendly lady,since I was still not exactly sure where she lived 21 the house down about where I met her each morning. Finally I decided to put it there. My neighbours really enjoyed the baskets and a couple even came by to 22 meThis morning on my way to work,I placed my mail in the mailbox and noticed a Thank You cardI opened it and read the 23 which really caught me by surpriseThe card said, “Thank you for those lovely apples and strawberries you left on the porch of Tod. He 24 on January 19, but he never stopped talking about how nice it was that someone 25 him in his time of illness. He really enjoyed it ”I was very 26 I had no idea who Tod was or that he had been seriously 27 I had left that nice ladys basket on Tods porch by accidentI believe that Tod never expected to have that basket. I feel 28 that the nice lady did not get a basket from me this Christmas,but I believe that if she knew what had happened,she would 29 meI feel lucky to have helped Tod be more cheerful in his last daysThis just makes me further believe that sometimes 30 in life are beautiful( )16. Arich Bkind Cstrong Dshy( )17. Aimagined Brested Ccounted Dwatched( )18. Asend Badd Cconnect Dput( )19. Abut Bso Cunless Dbecause( )20. Aflower Bfood Cvegetable Dfruit( )21. Aclearly Bcertainly Cmaybe Dsimply( )22. Athank Bprotect Cencourage Dtouch( )23. Aadvice Bstory Cnotice Dmessage( )24. Apassed away Bran away
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