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考试真题软件网(down.examebook.com )出品 自考三件宝:笔记、真题及答案、音频!第 1 页 共 10 页绝密启用前2006 年 4 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试国际商务英语 试卷(课程代码 5844)本试卷满分 100 夯;考试时间 150 分钟。将所有答案写在答题纸相应的位置沙漠上否则不计分。ITranslate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese(10)1certificate of origin2logistics3private carrier4idle funds5barter6balance of payment7grace period8patent9maturity10portfolio investmentTranslate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10)11东道国l2从量税13还盘14可转让装运单据15补偿贸易16直接标价17跟单汇票18不可撤销信用证19资金周转20领事发票Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right(10)21subrogate aone form of action which may be taken by a government toprotect industries from unfair competition by which goods aresold at a price lower than in the country where they aremanufactured22underwriter bcompany expansion through the purchase of other business23purchase contract cthe act 0f government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currencies考试真题软件网(down.examebook.com )出品 自考三件宝:笔记、真题及答案、音频!第 2 页 共 10 页24invoice d to substitute a claim against one person for a claim againstanother person25devaluation ea person who carries on insurance as a business26anti-dumping fa document for the general description on of the goods and the price27acquisition gthe importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an LC28offeree hthe bank that adds its own commitment to an LC29applicant of an LC ia contract made by the buyer30confirming bank jthe party to whom an offer is madeMake brief explanations 0f the following terms in English(10)31premium32sight credit33contract proper34force majeure35primary commoditiesVAnswer the following questions in English(20)36Explain the concepts of GNP and GDP respectively and point out their major difference37What is the most favoured nation treatment? Is it a very special treatment? why?38Can you summarize briefly the factors that have caused the changes in the transportation industry?39What does“foreign equities” refer to? Is it becoming an important part of securities business?Translate the following into Chinese(10)40UNCTAD is the intergovernmental body within the UN system for comprehensive review of trade,development and other related issuesUNCTAD is designed to promote trade and economic development of all countries,particularly developing countriesOver the 40-plus years since its founding,UNCTAD has played an important role in fostering North-South dialogue and cooperation,promoting trade and economic development of the developing countries and assisting them in speeding up integration into the multilateral trading economy41Allowing foreign banks to enter the Chinese market wi1l exert a positive influence on domestic banks, making Chinese banks more competitive,introducing new technology and information and providing additional fundsBut in the short and not-so-long term future after foreign banks enter the Chinese market,these banks will be able to use lower prices and efficient services,including such services as tele-banking, to win over a large number of customers from domestic 考试真题软件网(down.examebook.com )出品 自考三件宝:笔记、真题及答案、音频!第 3 页 共 10 页banks,especially prized customersThis will result in a cut in the amount of funds in the hands of domestic banksThe toughest challenge the government will face will be to eliminate bad debts,implement cautious and standard risk management models,and tighten up bank administration so that domestic banks can adapt to international competitionTranslate the following into English(30)42比较利益并不是一个静止的概念,一个国家可以通过自己的行动发展某种特定的比较利益。43经济联盟的成员国不仅要在税收、政府开支、企业策略等方面保持一致,而且还应该使用同一的货币。44除了国际贸易和投资,国际许可和特许经营有时也是进入国外市场的一种方式。45保险是一种转移机制。通过保险个人或企业可以将生活中的一些不确定因素转移给其他人。46包装需按运输的要求进行,在大多数情况下,卖方明确知道把货物安全地运到目的地所需要的包装。绝密启用前2006 年 4 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试国际商务英语 答题纸(课程代码 5844)本试卷满分 100 夯;考试时间 150 分钟。总分 题号 I 核分人 题分 10 10 10 10 20 10 30复查人 得分ITranslate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese(10)12345678910得分 评卷人 复查人考试真题软件网(down.examebook.com )出品 自考三件宝:笔记、真题及答案、音频!第 4 页 共 10 页Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10)11 l213141516171819
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