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新疆交通运输业论文:新疆交通运输业与区域经济增长【中文摘要】新疆作为我国最西北的一个省区,地理位置的特殊性决定了其交通运输业在经济发展中的特殊地位。搞好新疆的交通运输业已不仅关系到整个西部大开发的顺利步伐,同时也关系到国家团结、稳定、发展的整个大局。本文以新疆的交通运输业与区域经济增长的关系作为切入点,在收集、阅读相关大量文献的基础上,运用已学过的既有经济理论对二者之间的辩证关系做了详尽的阐述,突出了交通运输业作为一个独立的产业、在推动整个经济发展过程的贡献。本文在阐述二者之间的关系上充分体现了唯物主义辩证法的思想;着力说明了二者之间的相互辩证关系,理论联系实际;综合运用统计学、计量经济学、数理经济学的分析方法对文章的理论作出实证检验,检验结果是理想的。全文共七个章节,在阐述新疆交通运输业与区域经济增长的关系时,从交通运输业带动新疆区域经济增长的微观经济效应和宏观经济效应两个方面来论述的。在阐述新疆交通运输业促进区域经济增长的微观经济效应时主要围绕交通运输成本对企业成本的影响来展开的;论述宏观效应时主要是从交通运输业对新疆区域贸易的影响来加以论述的。诚然,随着我国经济建设步伐的不断加快,新疆在促进整个西部经济发展的大局中扮演的角色越来越来重要。但是,我们也应当清楚地看到影响新疆区域经济增长的因素是多方面的。其中的主要因素便是企业成本,交通成本作为企业显性成本的一部分,直接关系到企业的效益水平。根据韦伯的工业区 位论,合理的布局应当在很大程度上分布在交通发达的运输网络周围,便于企业之间,企业与顾客之间的信息传递,在最大程度上降低信息失真的可能性,从而节约交易成本,提高了新疆企业的竞争力。与此同时,新疆与周边地区和国家之间的贸易往来也越来越密切,贸易量逐年呈递增趋势发展。然而,由于地理位置的特殊性,交通运输业的发展状况直接影响了新疆对外贸易的开展,交通运输成本在交易成本里面占了很大的比重,致使新疆本地企业在国际竞争中处于不利地位,同时也降低新疆地区人民的福利水平。此外,在新疆交通运输业与新疆区域经济增长现状分析中得出结论为:二者之间的发展呈不协调发展态势。最后,本文选取了五个具有代表性的交通指标,货运量、政府交通投资、政府的基础设施支出、对外贸易总额、和新疆生产总值,通过新疆统计年鉴提供的数据,建立了他们之间的协整方程,通过他们之间的系数可以看出,各变量对新疆区域经济增长的影响作用都是显著的。并且,根据格兰杰因果关系检验得出五个交通指标与与新疆总产值之间具有双向的因果关系,从实践上肯定我们前面的理论论述,并且根据实证检验结果在文章的最后给出了相应政策建议来供大家参考。【英文摘要】The relationship of Transport and regional economic growth has been studied by all the country as an eternal topic, Read through the research literature has been made a lot of research results in various countries, Xinjiang as an autonomous region of northwest China, Geographical specificity determine its transportation in economic development of the special status. Xinjiangs transport industry has been doing a good job not only to the smooth development of the whole pace of the western region, but also related to national unity, stability and development to the overallIn this paper take the relations of he transport industry and regional economic in xin jiang as a starting point. in the collection, read the relevant body of literature, based on the utilization of the existing economic theory, Has been studied by using the established economic theory of the dialectical relationship between the two made a detailed exposition of, In this paper, described the relations between the two fully embodies the materialist dialectics of thought; focus on the interrelationship between the two illustrates the dialectical relationship between theory with practice; comprehensive use of statistics, econometrics, mathematical economics methods of analysis the theory of the article to make empirical testing, test results are satisfactory.Full-text of six chapters, in dealing with the relationship between the transport industry in Xinjiang and regional economic growth, from the transportation industry driven economic growth in Xinjiangs regional micro-economic effects and the macroeconomic effects of two aspects discussed. Elaborating on the transport industry in Xinjiang stimulating regional economic growth, the main focus on micro-economic effects of transport costs on to expand the impact of enterprises; discussion of macroeconomic effects is discussed mainly the impact of the Xinjiang regional trade to be deal with in the transport industry.It is true that, as China continues to accelerate the pace of economic construction, the entire western region of Xinjiang in the promotion of the overall situation of economic development, become more and more important. However, we should also clearly see the impact of regional economic growth in Xinjiang by many factors. One of the main factors is the cost of doing business, transportation costs as part of corporate explicit costs directly related to the enterprise level of efficiency. According to Webers theory of industrial location,a rational layout should be largely distributed in well-developed transportation network, To facilitate enterprises, between enterprises and customers the transmission of information, to the maximum extent to reduce the possibility of information distortion, thereby saving transaction costs and improve the competitiveness of enterprises in Xinjiang. In the meantime, Xinjiang and its neighboring regions and countries are getting closer and closer trade between the volume of trade was increasing year by year. However, due to geographical specificity, the development of the transport industry impact on the conduct of Xinjiangs foreign trade directly, transportation costs account for a significant proportion of which resulted in Xinjiang local businesses at a disadvantage in international competition, but also reduce the level of benefits the people of the Xinjiang region, The Analysis of transport industry in Xinjiang and Xinjiang regional economic growth concluded as follows:the difference between the development is not an equilibrium in the
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