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毕业设计(论文)课题 学生学籍管理系统类 别 毕业设计说 明 毕业设计论 文系 科 电子工程系专 业应 用 电 子技 术 应 用 电 子技 术 /应 用英 语电 气自 动 化技 术 电 气自 动 化技 术 /市 场营销计 算机 应 用技 术 计 算机 应 用技 术 /广告 设计 与策划班 级 微机 051姓 名 唐松完成日期 2007.12.12指导教师 刘锋I学生学籍管理系统摘 要当今社会中,计算机的使用已经深入到日常工作和生活的方方面面。Windows 系统的推出使电脑从高雅的学术殿堂走入了寻常百姓家,各行各业的人们无须经过特别的训练就能够使用电脑完成许许多多复杂的工作。然而,虽然现在世界上已经充满了多如牛毛的各种软件,但它们依然不能满足用户的各种特殊需要,人们还不得不开发适合自己特殊需求的软件。我们都知道,对于学生的学籍管理是一个教育单位不可缺少的部分,它的内容对学校的管理者来说至关重要,所以学生学籍管理系统应该能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段。但一直以来人们使用传统人工的方式管理文件档案,这种管理方式存在着许多缺点,如:效率低、保密性差,另外时间一长,将产生大量的文件和数据,这对于查找、更新和维护都带来了不少的困难。而使用计算机对学生学籍信息进行管理,具有手工管理所无法比拟的优点.例如:检索迅速、查找方便、存储量大、保密性好等。这些优点能够极大地提高学生管理的效率,也是学校科学化、正规化管理的重要途径。关键词:C#程序设计语言, SQL SERVER 2000,软件工程IIStudents student status manages systemAbstractNowadays in society, computer sigmatism already goes deep into the Fang Fang face arriving at daily work and life. Systematic debuting of Windows makes a computer run a family from elegant learning palace hall to have entered common common people , the all professions and trades people uses a computer to be completed unnecessarily by that special training can right away lots and lots of complicated job.But although having already been full of the countless various software in the world now, they can not satisfy consumers various requiring that people has to develop the software being suitable to self peculiar need peculiarly as before. We all know the selfs status as a student to the student manages the part being a indispensability educating an unit, its content is to the school director all-important, therefore student selfs status as a student management system ought to be able to be that the consumer provides sufficient information and rapid inquiry means.But always in the past people is using the artificial tradition way administration document file , this there is existing a lot of shortcoming in supervisor mode, such as: Inefficient , keep secret nature is bad , time is besides once long, will produce large amount of document and data, with regard to, this seeks , renews and defends the difficulty having brought about quite a few. Use a computer to carry out administration on student selfs status as a student information but , have unable parallel handwork administration merit. For instance: The retrieval is prompt , seek to store reserves conveniently, keeping secret greatly, nature is easy to wait. These merit is able to improve efficiency managed by student tremendously , is also school scientification , regularization administrative important approach.Keywords: C # programming language , SQL SERVER 2000, software engineeringIII目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II目 录 .III引 言 .1第一章 系统需求分析 .2第二章 可行性分析 .32.1 面向对象的程序设计 .3第三章 系统设计 .43.1 系统功能分析 .43.2 系统流程图 .5第四章 数据库设计 .64.1 数据库需求分析 .64.2 数据库概念结构设计 .64.3 数据库结构的实现 .9第五章 详细设计 .105.1 主窗体的创建 .105.2 创建公用模
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