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同义、近义词、词组同义、近义词、词组范围很广,涉及到各种词类,我们在以上有关章节中已谈到这方面的内容,这里我们仅举数例同义、近义词、词组的辨析。1.likely,probable,possible1)likely 意为很可能的 ;probable 一般指有 较大的可能;possible 仅指有可能,不管可能性大小。例如:His election is possible,but not probable.(他有可能当选,但是可能性不大。)The police concluded that the probable(not possi-ble)cause of the fire had been a cigarette butt.(警察得出结论,火灾很可能是由烟蒂引起的。)She is likely to succeed.(她很可能成功。)2)likely 之后常跟不定式,也可接从句,而 probable 之后通常接从句,不跟不定式。possible 作表语时,主语用 it,或 something,一般不用人作主语。例如:He is likely to come.It is likely that he will come.It is possible that I might be of some use in that part of the work.注意以下句型:It is likely/probable+that clause sb./sth.+be+likely+不定式3)likely,probably,possibly 作副词时 ,含义和用法略有不同,likely 多和 most 或 very 连用;probably=most likely,意为很可能 。He may possibly succeed.(他或许会成功。 )含有不会成功的意味较多。2.lost,missing,gone1)lost 用于修饰物时是 丢失了的 之意。例如:a lost pen,ones lost youth;用于修饰人时是迷途的 之意。例如:a lost child2)missing 有失踪的 ,行踪不明的之意,因此, 小孩失踪应用 missing。修饰物时,意为缺少的,不在的。例如:There is a page missing from this book.3)gone 意为 离开的。例如:He is gone.也可作丧失的,用光的 解。例如:His hair was nearly all gone.All his money is gone.3.illness,sickness,disease1)illness 指患病的状态。例如:She died after a long illness.2)disease 指具体的某一疾病。例如:Many diseases are caused by bacteria.They were more likely to die from childhood diseases.3)sickness 通常指身体不适,或者呕吐、恶心 等。例如:Does the doctor know what his sickness is.He felt a wave of sickness come over him.4.calm,quiet,silent,still1)calm 指天气、海洋等时,表示一种无风无浪的平静; 指人时,表示镇静平和的心情。例如 :He remained calm.After the storm the sea was calm again.2)quiet 指没有动静,没有噪音,尤指没有骚动的安宁状态。例如:Everything was quiet.Keep quiet.3)silent 用于事物时,侧重没有声响;用于指人时,强调少言寡语。例如:Thats a silent film.Why do you keep silent.4)still 侧重于不动、静止时,与 calm,quiet,silent 不能替换;侧重于无声时,可与 quiet 替换。例如:Please keep still while I take a photo of you.How still(quiet)everything is!5.pleased,pleasant,pleasing,pleasure1)pleased 指外物作用于感官,使人感到 高兴 、满意、喜欢,常见的结构为:be pleased+不定式或从句,be pleased with,be pleased at (about)。例如:Im very pleased with the performance.Were pleased about (at) your success.Im quite pleased that she has got such a good chance.2)pleasant 意为令人愉快的,舒畅的,非常好的,讨人喜欢的,风趣的。例如:They spent a very pleasant afternoon in the hills.Spring weather is pleasant.He talked in a pleasant way.3)pleasing 指某物或某人使他人高兴、招人喜爱 。例如:These flowers are very pleasing.The girl has pleasing manners.4)pleasure 是名词,指快乐,愉快的事 ,乐趣。例如:Its a pleasure to meet you.May I have the pleasure of dancing with you.6.beach,coast,shore,bank1)beach 和 shore 均可指海滨。比较而言,beach 指较为平坦、覆盖着沙子或碎石、适宜于游泳与日光浴的沙滩,海滩。shore 则是笼统的说法,指毗邻大片水的陆地 ,既可以包括 beach,也可以指岩石突兀或陡峭的岸边。另外,shore 也可以表示 湖边。例如:Early in the morning we went to the beach to see the sunrise.Many people were lying on the beach,bathing in the sun.The hotel lies on the shore of the West Lake.2)coast 指海洋与陆地的分界线,意为 海岸,海岸线,是一个地理术语。例如:She lived ten miles from the coast.China has a long coast from north to south.3)bank 表示毗邻河流的任何陆地、河流或运河的河岸 。例如:Trees are planted along the banks of the canal.7.at first,first of all,first1)at first=at the beginning,表示当初 ,起初( 但后来),与后来发生的事相对照。例如:At first I didnt want to go,but I soon changed my mind.2)first of all(或 first)表示首先;最重要的, 说明顺序,是时间上或一系列行动的开始 ,后面往往接next,then 等。例如:First of all,open the windows.Then turn off the gas and,if necessary,call an ambulance(救护车).Ill have to finish my homework first.3)first 还有第一的、最先的的意思。例如:January is the first month of the year.Who was the first man to fly across the Atlantic.8.most,mostly,almost,at most1)most 或 most of 是大多数的,大部分的,几乎全部的之意,相当于 nearly all,前面不用冠词;但 most of 后名词前必须加冠词。例如:Most people think as I do about the matter.Most of the students had left when he came.2)mostly(副词)主要地,多半地,相当于 mainly。例如:He uses his bike mostly for going to school.The students are mostly young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty.3)almost 意为 几乎,相当于 very nearly。例如:He spent almost the whole day reading English.4)at most 意为最多,相当于 not more than,与 at least 相对。例如:I can pay only twenty dollars at (the) most.同义、近义词、词组 高考语法综合练习从 A、B、C、D 中选出能够替换句中划线部分的选项。1.He kept silent for a certain reason.A.a kind of B.of course C.certainly D.some2.From time to time he went to visit Grandma.A.Some time B.Sometime C.Some times D.Sometimes3.I am a little tired.A.a bit B.a bit of C.not D.some4.He is double my age.A.as old as I am B.older than IC.two years old than I am D.twice as old as I am5.At times she makes mistakes when she speaks English.A.In time B.On time C.Now and then D.At the same time参考答案1.D 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C 从 A、B、C、D 中选出能够替换句中划线部分的选项。6.You are going to have trouble with that car before long.A.soon B.in the future C.long ago D.sometime ago7.You can do it by this means.A.on the way B.in this way C.by the way D.by this way8.The old man has to spend a great deal of money on medicine every month.A.a good many B.a large quantity of C.a great plenty of D.a large number of9.Be careful as you cross the field;there are rocks scattered here and there.A.one by one B.everywhere C.dotted D.piled
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