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I中山大学硕士学位论文外国法无法查明时法律适用问题研究On the applicable law without ascertainment of foreign law专业名称:法律硕士学位申请人:XXX导师姓名及职称:XXX 副教授答辩委员会(签名):主席:委员:答辩日期: 年 月 日II外国法无法查明时法律适用问题研究专业:法律硕士姓名:XXX指导教师:刘兴莉 副教授摘 要外国法的查明不仅是处理涉外民商事案件的一个必经阶段,更是有效适用外国法的一个极为重要的先决条件,缺少对外国法的查明, “法律的域外效力”则名存实亡,国际私法也因此失去基本立足点。因此,外国法的查明是国际私法中一个极为重要的问题,依照国际私法的冲突规范确定外国准据法是一国法院不可回避的任务。当一个涉外民商事案件依据一国冲突规范的指引确定外国法作为准据法,却在依据一定的程序、采取一定的方法后,外国法的内容仍然无法查明或者该外国法根本没有相应的规定时,此时,法官应如何处理呢?我国关于外国法无法查明时法律适用问题的理论、立法及司法实践都仍存在一些不足,彼此之间存在着较大的分歧,这也成为我国涉外民商事审判中外国法适用率偏低的重要原因。在外国准据法无法查明的情况下,世界各国的代表性做法是:推定外国法与法院地法相同并适用法院地法;替代适用法院地法;驳回当事人的诉讼请求和抗辩;适用与本来应适用的法律相近似的外国法;适用与案件或当事人有最密切联系的国家的法律;适用一般法律原则。我国应借鉴他国立法、司法实践以及理论研究的合理成分,首先应该适用由当事人协商一致重新选择的准据法,其次适用最密切联系地法,再次适用一般法律原则,最后以中华人民共和国法律作为保底选择。III关键词:外国法 无法查明 法律适用 法院地法 最密切联系 On the applicable law without ascertainment of foreign lawMajor: Juris MasterName: Liu ZemingSupervisor: Liu Xingli ABSTRACTThe ascertainment of foreign law is not only the indispensable procedure in the case of foreign-related civil and commercial proceedings,but also is the important preconditions of effectively applying foreign law. Lack of the ascertainment of foreign law will make the laws extra-territorial effect meaningless,which means International Private Law loses its basic standpoint.For that reason, the ascertainment of foreign law is a extremely important issue in International Private Law,it is the unavoidable task for the local court .When the relevant content of the foreign applicable law could not be ascertained after using necessary methods in the cases of foreign-related civil and commercial proceedings , how will the judges of local court do? There are defects and divergence on the theory,legislation, juridical practice of the law-applying issue when failing to ascertain foreign law in our country,which leads to the low application rate of foreign law in the cases of foreign-related civil and commercial proceedings.When failing to ascertain the foreign law,foreign countries take following representative measures to solve the issue:Local law presumed to be applied;The foreign law is substituted by the local law;The parties claims or defenses will be IVrejected;Applying the law which is similar with foreign law ought to be applied;Applying the law which has most significant relationship with the cases or the parties ;General doctrine will be applied. We should use the reasonable factors of foreign countries legislation,juridical practice,and theory about solving the issue of failing to ascertain foreign law for reference.Firstly,applying the law which is agreed by parties.Secondly, applying the law which has most significant relationship with the cases or the parties.Thirdly,applying the general doctrine.When the measures above do not work and there no other measure to take,chinese law should be applied.Key words:foreign law; fail to ascertain;law-applying;local law;most significant relationshipV目 录摘 要 .IABSTRACT .II目 录 .IV引 言 .1第一章 外国法无法查明的界定及原因 .4第一节 外国法无法查明的界定 .4第二节 外国法无法查明的原因 .8第二章 外国法无法查明时法院地法的适用 .11第一节 适用法院地法的依据和理由 .11第二节 适用法院地法的实践 .12第三节 适用法院地法存在的问题 .20第三章 外国法无法查明时替代规则及方法的适用 .22第一节 当事人意思自治重新选择的准据法的适用 .22第二节 最密切联系地法的适用 .25第三节 相近似外国法的适用 .28第四节 一般法律原则的适用 .30第五节 驳回当事人诉讼请求或抗辩 .32结 语 .38参考文献 .40后 记 .441引 言随着加入 WTO,我国
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