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推断题:题型科普:推断题并非每年必考题型。具体数据:08 年未考。09 年未考。10 年 6 月1 道题,10 年 12 月 1 道题。11 年未考。题型形式:推断题从提问方式上看,有三个词提示:What can be inferred from the last paragraph?What can be concluded from the passage?What do we learn from the last paragraph?(切记,what do we learn about global warming?这种 learn+细节内容的题目,属于细节题)解题思路:推断题近些年题目大多出现在文章最后一题,对应文章最后一段。同学做推断题切忌自行进行推理分析,正确选项应是原文信息的同意表达。以 2010 年 12 月的推断题为例:A life partner, children and good friends are all recommended if you aim to live to 100. The ultimate social network is still being mapped out, but Christakis says: “People are interconnected, so their health is interconnected.”66. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A Its important that we develop a social network when young.B To stay healthy, one should have a proper social network.C Getting a divorce means risking a reduced life span.D We should share our social networks with each other.这道题很多同学误选 D 选项。该选项就是典型的过度推理。原文确实提到了各种社会关系,同学阅读之后也感觉得社会关系在文章中是以积极正面形象出现的。于是,D,我们应该分享我们的社会关系。这句话没错,但它就不是正确选项。因为原文没有提到分享社会关系,这是同学阅读“感觉” “推理”出来个一个不对应原文的信息。正确选项 B。因为文章是想通的,一段信息就表达一个核心含义。所以无论同学读哪一句都能得到相同的答案。比如 A life partner, children and good friends are all recommended if you aim to live to 100。其中 A life partner, children and good friends 这些即对应选项的social network,其中 if you aim to live to 100 对应选项的 to stay healthy.或者读第二句,but Christakis says: “People are interconnected, so their health is interconnected.”其中 People are interconnected 对应 social network,其中 so their health is interconnected 对应 to stay healthy。重申一下重点,推断题一定不要去推理,一定要立足原文,选择原文信息的同意表达。细节题:题型科普:细节题是阅读考试中所占比重最大的题型,接近总题量的 90%。具体数字,09 年两次考试,20 道仔细阅读题中,19 道细节题。10 年 20 道题目中,14 道细节题。11 年 20 道题目中,19 道细节题。预计本次四级考试中,两篇仔细阅读将有 9 道细节题。题型形式:细节题的提问方式比较多样,较难总结。但简单来说,只要不是前几篇博文讲的主旨题,推断题,语义题,那么剩下的题全都是细节题。试举例让同学对细节题的常见提问方式有更直观的认识:1.对事物进行提问。Whats said about global warming in the first paragraph?Whats does the author say about vacationing?2.对作者或专家的观点提问。What does Tony Little say about the British education system?What does the author intend to convey?3.对题干信息进行补完。The author believes that, since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol,_解题思路:其实无论以怎么样的方式提问,同学记住考官出题的一个原则,四级阅读的正确答案不用读文章很多信息去归纳总结分析推理,正确答案就对应原文的一句信息。所以想做对一道题,就分两步。第一步,定位到考官出题的一句信息;第二步,将原文出题的一句信息和选项进行比较。解题方法归纳成文字性的语言:1.定位词定位信息区间,区间内重点阅读考点句。2.将原文信息和选项进行一一对应的比较。以 2011 年 6 月四级考试中 passage 2 的第一题为例,帮助同学理解应用做题方法:原文:Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Annan, the former United Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster, population and economic trends. It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition (营养不良) and heat-related health problems.问题:What is the finding of the Global Humanitarian Forum?A)Global temperatures affect the rate of economic development.B)Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warming.C)Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countries.D)Economic trends have to do with population and natural disasters.首先,定位词定位信息区间。该题定位词明显为 Global Humanitarian Forum 和 finding.用定位词可以定位到第一和第二自然段。接下来,两段信息可以都读,但是阅读中我们可以发现一个重要表达在第二段,it found(结论型语言,该考点下文会做总结)。重点阅读 it found 这一句信息。最后,拿信息句,It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition and heat-related health problems 和选项进行一一对应的比较。易得出,B 选项正确。因为,选项中的Rates of death 对应文章中的 death rates,选项中的 from illnesses 对应原文中的from illnesses,选项中的 risen 对应原文中的 raising,选项中的 global warming 对应原文中的 climate change。一一对应,所以正确。语义题:题型科普:四级阅读必考题型。08 年 5 道语义题。09 年 2 道语义题。10 年 4 道语义题。11 年 1 道语义题。平均来讲每次四级考试中会有 1-2 道语义题。题型形式:语义题一般就原文中一个有特殊含义的单词,词组或句子进行提问,题目形式非常有特点。如:By “a one-way street” (Line 1, Para. 1), the author means _.A university researchers know little about the commercial worldB there is little exchange between industry and academiaC few industrial scientists would quit to work in a universityD few university professors are willing to do industrial research解题思路:整体来讲,语义题属于四级阅读中偏难的题目。因为既然问到一个单词词组或句子的意思,那正确答案就必然不能从原文本身来找寻。个别语义题需要进行语义理解甚至一步简单推断。但还是有一些语义题是能够有标准化的做题思路的,即:结合上下句,重点关注并列转折和解释说明部分。这个思路包含三方面内容,分别展开讲解。1.结合上下句。语义题所提问的单词词组或句子一般同学都不认识,即使认识,正确答案也未必是同学认识的含义。这种题的目的就是希望同学能结合上下句,来理解不认识的单词词组或句子。很多情况下,正确答案直接对应语义考查词句的上下句。如 2011 年 12 月的语义题:63. What does the author mean by saying money is known . to bring a relationship to its knees(Line 1, Para. 2)?A) Money is considered to be the root of all evils.B) Some people sacrifice their dignity for money.C) Few people can resist the temptation of money.D) Disputes over money may ruin a relationship.Since money is known to be one of the things most likely to bring a relationship to its knees, we should be grateful. For many families the recession means more than not booking a holiday A YouGov poll of 2, 000 people found 22% said they were arguing more with their partners because of conc
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