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专升本英语复习题( C ) 1、A lot of research and studies have shown that Trench oil, taken out from kitchen waste, _ the increase of cancers.A. results from B. attends to C. contributes to D. devotes to 翻译:许多调查研究表明,从厨余垃圾中提取出来的地沟油会导致癌症患病的增加。A 由引起 例:Her disability resulted from a traffic accident. 她的伤残是由一次交通事故造成的。B 注意;专心于;致力于;办理 例:attend to ones advice(注意某人的建议)attend to ones duty(尽职,专心于工作)C 促成,有助于;导致 注意:contribute to 后面一般接名词或名词短语,不接 to do sthD 献身于,致力于 注意!一定是 devote +oneself/ones time or life to sth/doing sth , 若看不懂可参照以下例句:-She has devoted all her time to helping the poor. 她把所有时间用于帮助贫困人群。-She has always devoted herself to music. 她一向专心致力于音乐事业。( D ) 2、Recently in China, the brain drain has been _.That is to say, there has been a _ of the process across China.A. refuse; refusal B. change; change C. arrive; arrival D. reversed; reversal翻译:最近在中国人才外流得到了遏制,也就是说,在中国人才外流的过程出现逆转。注意:brain drain 意为“人才外流” ;that is to say 意为“也就是说,即为”A. refuse,动词,拒绝 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事;refusal,名词,拒绝,谢绝B. change,既是动词也是名词,改变。C. arrive, 动词,到达; arrival,名词,到达D. reverse, 动词,逆转,颠倒; reversal,名词,逆转,转变。 (用法可参照原句)( D ) 3、 -How do you like our city?-It has changed beyond all _ in the past 20 years, a completely new one in front of me.A. realization B. description C. expression D. recognition 翻译:-你如何看待我们的城市?-在过去的 20 年里它有完全面目全非的改变,在我面前的是一个完全新的城市。注意:How do you like+sth? 意为“你喜欢吗?”或是“你认为怎么样?”in the past+数字+years 意为“在过去的年里 ”completely, 副词,完全的,彻底的A realization ,名词,实现,理解,领悟,它的动词原形是 realize;beyond realization 不可实现B description ,名词,描述,说明,它的动词原形是 describe;beyond description 无法形容C expression,名词,表达,表现,它的动词原形是 express;beyond expression 无法表达D recognition,名词,识别,认出,认可,动词原形是 recognize;beyond recognition 面目全非( A ) 4、The peace talk is an important development on the peace process, we have all been waiting for a long time.A. one B. what C. it D. that翻译:和平谈判是和平进程中一个重要的发展,我们已经为此等待很久了。注意:这题主要考查的是语法知识,填空中填 one 或 which 都对,都是用来指代 the peace talk,但选项中只有 one 所以选 A。( B ) 5、In order to finish the work on time, the man in charge decided to some more workersA. give up B. take on C. look after D. take up翻译:为了按时完工,负责人决定雇佣多一些工人。注意:in order to do sth 为了做某事; on time 按时,准时;in time 及时;in charge 主管,负责 in charge of sth 负责什么,主管什么A give up 放弃B take on 在题中所表达的意思是“雇佣” ,另外还有“呈现” 、 “承担”之意C look after 照顾D take up 开始从事,开始着手于( D ) 6、I have battled with my whether I should keep the extra money given to me or return it to the sellerA. consciousness B. identification C. awareness D. conscience翻译:我的良心在挣扎,我是应该将额外的钱占为己有还是退还给卖方。注意:battle with 与做斗争whether ,连词,是否。一般是 whether.or not, 但 or not 常被省略A. consciousness ,名词,知觉,意识B. identification,名词,鉴定,识别,认同C. awareness,名词,意识,知晓度,例:raise ones awareness of sth/doing sth 提高某人在某方面的意识D. conscience,名词,良心,道德心( B ) 7、Colors like red _ a sense of energy and strength.A. exchange B. convey C. transform D. Transfer翻译:红色之类的颜色可传达一种充满活力和力量的感觉。A exchange,动词,交换,更换,交流,兑换B convey,动词,传达,表达C transform,动词,转换,转变,D transfer,动词,转让,转移,传递( C ) 8、We must _ to the endless argument so that we can calm down and settle the problem.A. come to an end B. make ends meet C. put an end D. bring it to an end翻译:我们必须先结束这没完没了的争论才能冷静下来解决问题。注意:endless argument 没完没了的争论,无休止的争论;calm down 冷静settle problems 解决问题A.come to an end 结束,不能选 A 的原因是 come to an end 表达主语的“结束”,比如说,His life comes to an end.他的人生到达尽头。这里的主语是“他的人生”。明显题目中的主语是 WeB.make ends meet 使收支相抵,量入为出,即支出等于收入,不盈不亏。C.put an end to sth 使某事物结束,表示终止某事物。符合原题D.bring it to an end 使其结束,不选它是因为它会使题目中句子的结构混乱。( A ) 9、1 always have so many things to _ when I come back to the company after a trip abroad.A. attend to B. add to C. contribute to D. appeal to翻译:每当出国回到公司,我总是会有许多事情要去办理。注意:这题可以参照第一题的解释。add to 增加到 ; appeal to 呼吁,例 appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事( D ) 10、 The TV Dwelling Narrowness (蜗居 )is really fantastic. The show has succeeded in_ much to the audience, which has contributed to its success.A. giving away B. going through C. laying aside D. getting across翻译:电视剧蜗居真的很棒!该节目已成功获得观众好评,受众面广是促成了它的成功。 A. give away 分发,赠送,泄露B. go through 经受,经历,通过C. lay aside 搁置;储蓄;留存D. get across 通过;使.被理解。 get across to sb 被某人理解。选 D 的原因是“该节目成功被观众理解,即获得观众好评”( B ) 11、 Mark promised me that he would tell Frank my message _ he met him when he returned to school.A. now that B. the moment C. in case D. even if 翻译:马克答应我他一看到弗兰克回到学校就会向他转达我的信息。A now that 既然B the moment 一.就.;立刻,马上;例:The moment I saw her, I fell in love with her.我对他一见钟情C in case 以防D even if 尽管 ( C ) 12、 _ modern science and technology, people lead a more and more comfortable and rich life.A. According to B. In addition to C. Thanks to D. Instead of 翻译:多亏现代科学技术,人们过着越来越舒适富裕的生活。A. according to 根据B. in addition to 除之外C. thanks to 多亏,幸亏,由于D. instead of 而不是。注意!一定是 instead
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