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第 1 页 共 30 页初三英语词汇句型易混易错知识点汇编1. Its said that he is a good student 据说Its believed that 据相信Its reported that 据认为2. within the year 在一年之内3. to this day 直到今天4. check in V. 登记住宿手续check-in n. 登记住宿手续check out v. 登记退宿手续check-out n. 登记退宿手续checkout n. 收款台 5. a check up on eyesight6. after all 毕竟7. There are three windows in the wall8. have a word with sb. = talk with sb.和某人说句话have words with sb. 和某人吵架9. The girl asked someone else to take a picture= The girl had a picture taken. 让某事被做10. Youll be late for school if you dont hurry.= Hurry up, or youll be late for school.=You wont be late for school unless you hurry up.11. be worth doing 值得做某事=be worthy of being done=be worthy to be done12. (1) Pleased to meet you.(2) Im pleased to meet you.with you work.(3) What pleasant weather!(4) do sth. with pleasure 乐意做某事(5)Thanks a lot.It is a pleasure. (不用谢)14. go bad 变坏wrong 出错15. think of sb. as 把。 。 。看作think about the plan 考虑关于那计划think it over 仔细想think hard 努力想16. in his spare time 在他空余的 时间free17. vegetarian 素食者18. His story proved (to be ) true. (证明, 无被动)19. whatever = no matter what 无论什么20. however,= but第 2 页 共 30 页21. everyone / every one of us22. English is easy to learn.This kind of watches sells well.This pen writes smoothly.This kind of cloth is easy to wash.23. be angry with sb. / at sth.24. say / talk /speak /explain to sb.25. think it + adj. + to do26. The train will arrive very soon. 时间上的快27. such a nice book = so nice a booksuch an interesting book = so interesting a book28. He doesnt know if you have any questions, if you have any questions, raise your hands.29. besides English = in addition to English30. The thing that matters is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.31. catch sb. doing sth. 撞见某人在某事=sb be caught doing sth.32. let sb.down 让某人消沉33. look forward to doingpay attention to doingon ones way to being a doctorlead to doingin addition to doing34. Once 一旦 you have it, you must work hard to keep it.35. be supposed to 应该36. not a little = verynot a bit = not at all37. Wildfires are common 常见的 during the Australian summer.38. There was nothing left.剩下的 39. under control/way/repair/discussion/consideration在。 。 。之中make repairs/arrangements/preparations40. Is your father a teacher?Well, he used to be.41. Did he use to get up at six?Yes, he used to.42. TV series 电视连续剧43. a copy 一份44. make oneself understood45. his health problem46. If you are not careful = unless you are carefulIf you arent quickIf you dont hurry upWhen you are spoken toUnless Im invited第 3 页 共 30 页47. steal a wallet from a ladyrob a lady of a wallet48. My room needs / requires / wants cleaningto be cleaned49. warn his of the dangerwarn sb. to be carefulwarn sb. not to smoke50. Dont waste time doing sth.51. Its a waste of time to so sth.52. in a way 在某种程度上53. Where do you think he lives?54. be angry with sb.at sth.55. lie lied lied 撒谎lie lay lain-lying 躺 (不及物动词)lay laid laid-laying 放,下蛋 (及物动词)56. teach me French57. her best friendToms best friend58. We havent heard from him since last month.59. What useful information he has told me!How useful information you have offered me is !60. the latest news / song61. Im sure thatIm not sure if Are you sure that62. create creative creation 创造63. develop developing developed development64. occur occurred occurred (= happen)65. burn burning burnt burnt burned - burned66. long length- lengthen (v.加长)67. short shorten (v. 改短)68. wide width widely widen (v.拓宽)69. strong strength strengthen (v. 加强)70. hot heat heat (n.)heat (v.加热)71. expect unexpected 没有被预料到的72. warm warmth73. prefer preferredrefer referred 谈到,涉及到76. imagine imaginationrealize realizationexamine examinationrecite recitationexplain explanation第 4 页 共 30 页pronounce pronunciationorganize organizationexclaim exclamationprepare preparationconsider-considaration77. real really reality 现实invite invitationinvent invention78. his courage 勇气his encouragement 鼓励encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励79. environment environmental environmentallyautomatic automatically 自动的educational seasonalreason reasonable 公平的, 合理的accident 事故 by accidentally 偶然, 碰巧80. prefer preference81. die dead dying deadly death82. respond v. 反应 response n. 反应 responsible(负责的 )83. choose chose chosen choice84. raise the flag / pets / flowers / questionsbe raided85. rise from the chairThe river rose 5 feet.86. deep deeply depth87. include including88. improve improvementaccept acceptable 可以接受的89. his surprised look 感到惊奇的the frightened horse 感到害怕的90. prove seem +adj.91. Tom looked excited at Marys news / words.when he heard Marys news / words92. The doctor did everything to save the drowning boy.what he could to save94. what to do what to do about ithow to do it what to do nexthow to do the next how to do i
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