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1、 校园场景选课的说法:选:learn, take, pick up, sign up for, register for(a course)退:quit(放弃), drop, give up 课:course, class选修课:selective course, optional course必修课:compulsory course, required course旷课:play truant, truancy课程的名称:理科课程:science(理科), mathematics(数学 math), statistics(统计学) physics, chemistry(化学), biochemistry(生物化学)文科课程:arts(文科), history, literature(文学), linguistics(语言学)热门学科:psychology(心理学), philosophy(哲学)学科词尾:-ics, mathematics(数学 math), statistics;-logy, e.g. trilogy, zoology, biology各年级同学及学位:本科四年:freshman(大一), sophomore(大二), junior student(大三), senior student(大四); undergraduate(本科生)学制名称:graduate student(研究生), postgraduate (研究生)学位名称:bachelor 学士, master 硕士, doctor 博士, post-doctor 博士后前缀 post-:postwar, postscript, postpone 推迟教师的说法:教授:professor, associate professor 副教授, instructor 讲师导师:mentor, tutor, supervisor(论文上的)导师;监督者词根 vis-:visible, invisible, visage, visibility, visionJulius Caesar : VENI,VIDI,VICIe.g. convenience, video, victory各种作业:作业统称:homework, assignment论文:paper, term paper, essay, thesis, composition,proposal, theme, key words, abstract项目:project ,projector, propose (a toast)前缀 pro-, pre-, pri-, fore-: progress, preview, foresee各种考试:参加(考试):take (an exam), sit (an exam)考试:exam, mid-term exam, final exam, finals, test, quiz, pop quiz作弊:cheat, copy结果:pass, passing grade, fail, make-up exam2、 消费场景吃饭:餐馆名称:restaurant, caf, cafeteria, dining hall餐前:reserve, menu, order, recommendation餐中:knife, fork, napkin, spoon, chew, swallow餐后:bill, check, treat, its on me, go Dutchstereotype:go Dutch, Dutch widow/courage/act逛商店:商店名称:market, store, shop, department store折扣低价:on sale, discount, bargain归类记词:count, counter, encounter, account, accountant, recount, countdown又如:dome, domain, domestic, domesticate住酒店:酒店名称:hotel, motel, inn, bed-and-breakfast入住:reservation, book, check in, reception退房:room service, check out词根 cep-, ceive- :receive, reception; deceive, deception; conceive, conception租房子:房东:landlord房客:tenant, guest动作:let, rent, check, move相 关 名 称 : rent, lease, utilities, decorate, furniture, paint, peel off, oven, bookshelf, cabinet,kitchen, bedroom, sitting room, study3、 交通场景机场:机场:airport, airline, flight, passenger, airhostess物品:luggage, baggage, passport, boarding pass动作:take off, circle, land海关:customs, restricted article, declare词根 claim-/clam-/clar-:claim, proclaim, clamorous4、 维修场景维修:修理工:repairman, carpenter, electrician, mechanic物品:first gear, clutch, shower pipe, leak动作:fix, mend, repair, install, assemble后缀-er, -or, -ian, -ese, -ist:teacher, director, editor, musician, Chinese, artist; cook(er), flash(er)5、 医院场景看病:医生病人:doctor, physician, surgeon; patient疾病名称:cold, influenza, fever, temperature, cough, pneumonia, cancer, fracture, swine flu身体部位:head, heart, liver, lung, stomach, kidney, ankle, knee, waist , bottom, hip, tooth6、 职场场景面试:申请者:applicant, candidate, interviewee相 关 名 词 : resume, curriculum vitae, interviewer, application letter, recommendation letter,position, job vacancy, job opening相关动作:recruit, interview, offer, reject, turn down工作:职务名称:employer, boss, chief executive office, immediate boss, director, secretary, employee,head of department相关动作:promote, fire, lay off, dismiss, resign第四章 听力多义词汇1、adoptadopt ones advice 采纳某人的建议adopt children 收养孩子adopter, adoptee 收养人adoptive parents 养父母2、adaptadapt to 适应于adapt oneself toan adapted story 一个改编了的故事3、articlewrite an article 写文章an article of luggage/ furniture 一件行李,一件家具large/ dangerous s 大减物品/危险物品s of the contract 合同的条款4、bearI cant bear(忍受) it anymore. 我再也受不了。=stand, put up withbear(生)= give birth to, forebear(祖先)bearer 持有者should bear in mind that 持有某种信息5、beatBeat it!走开 the crowd 躲避人群method A beats method B 方法 A 优于方法 Bbeat around the bush 拐弯抹角dodge(躲避), ditch, duck6、bookbook a table 预订be booked up 订购orderThe Book, Bible 圣经7、boxboxingboxerbox office 票房,售票处8、blockI drove 2 blocks (街区)already.blocked blood vessel 堵塞住的血管the traffic was blocked 交通堵了。9、covercover the expense 包含花销cover 20 pages/ miles 涉及cover the issue 新闻报道Cover me!掩护我10、 chargecharge someone 150 dollars for 为了。收取。be in (the) charge of 掌管take charge of 接管charge the battery 充电under a murder charge 谋杀的罪名11、commercialcommercial 贸易,商业commerceWhen we watch TV series, we are often interrupted by the s.我们总是被商业广告打扰。Mercury: mercurial, merchant, merchandize12、dealWhats the big deal? / No big deal.这有什么大不了的?没有什么大不了的a great deal of 大量car dealer 汽车经销商deal with= cope with= tackle = handle 处理,解决13、exhaustexhaustion, exhaust energy 消耗能源be exhausted, be tired, be worn out 精疲力竭exhaust/ green-house gas emission, emitmit-, mis-:permit, permission; omit, omissionduce-, duct-:introduce, introduction; reduce14、filmromantic filmThe woman is filming the lake.run out of film 用完了胶卷develop the film 冲洗胶卷15、fineFineI am fine.Tom was fined for speeding.Tom 由于超速罚款give sb. a ticket for16、 fairfair, unfairMy Fair Lady 窈窕淑女international fair17、giftgive sb. a gift/ presentShe was gifted with the music talent.She has a gift for music.18、 jama jar of jamThe road is jammed.a tra
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