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从历年真题学大学英语六级词汇. With the dollar slumping to a 26-year low against the pound, already-expensive London has become quite unaffordable. (2008. 06 阅读 Text 2)【翻译】随着美元兑换英镑的汇率暴跌至 26 年来的最低点,生活成本已经很高的伦敦着实让人难以承受。【词汇】1. slump v. 大幅度下降,暴跌例:Net profits slumped by 41%.净利润暴跌了 41%。2. unaffordable a. 买不起的,负担不起的例:The patient had incomplete treatment because of the unaffordable medical fees.由于无法负担医疗费用,这位病人无法接受完整的治疗。【语法】 “with + n./pron. + v-ing”:这一结构在句子中作伴随状语,说明情况,现在分词表示主动或正在进行的动作。. The weak dollar is a source of humiliation,for a nations self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency. (2008. 06 阅读 Text 2)【翻译】美元疲软是一种羞辱,因为一个国家的自尊心有一部分源于本国货币的坚挺。【词汇】1. humiliation n. 羞辱例:The result is a total humiliation for him.结果对他来说完全是一种羞辱。2. self-esteem n. 自尊例:Obese people suffer from low self-esteem and depression.肥胖的人深受自尊心弱、抑郁之苦。【语法】for:因为,由于。表附加或推断的理由,引导的分句前常有逗号, for 分句一般不放在句首。. Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners. (2008.06 阅读 Text 2)【翻译】许多欧洲人也许会视美国为一个对外国人有敌意的傲慢的超级大国。【词汇】1. arrogant a. 傲慢的,自大的例:She was selfish and arrogant.她很自私、自大。2. superpower n. 超级大国; 超级强权例:The Chinese Government declares that China will never be a superpower.中国政府声明中国将永远不做超级大国。3. hostile a. 敌对的,怀有敌意的例:The local people are hostile to outsiders. 当地人对外来人有敌意。本文精选历年英语六级真题,在真题中讲解词汇,相信能令考生更快、更直观地学习英语六级词汇!. We have a full-blown prestige panic; we worry that there wont be enough prizes to go around. (2008. 06 阅读 Text3)【翻译】我们对声誉有极度的恐慌,我们担心没有足够的奖赏给每一个人。【词汇】1. full-blown a. 完全成熟的,盛开的例:He is a full-blown director.他是一名成熟的导演。2. prestige n. 威望,威信,声誉例:He has high prestige among the masses.他在群众中很有威信。3. panic n. 恐慌,惊恐例:There was a panic when the building caught fire.这栋大楼起火一度引起恐慌。. Underlying the hysteria is the belief that scarce elite degrees must be highly valuable. (2008. 06 阅读 Text3)【翻译】歇斯底里的状态下潜藏的是“稀缺的精英学历必定是非常珍贵的” 这样的一种信念。【词汇】1. hysteria n. 歇斯底里,狂暴的情绪例:Eventually the hysteria died down.狂暴的情绪最终平息了下来。2. scarce a. 缺乏的,稀少的,罕见的例:Good fruit is scarce in winter.好水果在冬天很少见。3. elite n. 精英,精华 a. 精英的,最优秀的例:He is elite in information technology.他是信息技术方面的精英。. Getting into Yale may signify intelligence, talent and ambition. But its not the only indicator and, paradoxically, its significance is declining. (2008. 06 阅读 Text3)【翻译】能考入耶鲁大学说明学生有智力、天资和抱负。但这并不是唯一的指标,反常的是,其重要性正在下降。【词汇】1. signify v. 表示,意味着,预示例:Dark clouds signify rain.乌云预示着降雨。2. indicator n. 指示器,指标例:Gold prices are often seen as an indicator of inflation.黄金的价格经常被视为通货膨胀的指示物。3. paradoxically adv. 矛盾地,反常地例:Paradoxically, the success was frustrating.矛盾的是,那次成功让人很沮丧。4. significance n. 重要性,意义They didnt realize the significance of the discovery.他们没有意识到这项发现的重要性。. Sustainable development is applied to just about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a result it has become difficult to question either the basic assumptions behind it or the way the concept is put to use. (2008.12 阅读 Text2)【翻译】可持续发展被应用到各个领域,从能源到清洁的水到经济发展。因此,很难去怀疑其背后的基本假设或者想法被付诸实践的方法。【词汇】1. sustainable a.可持续的例:Sustainable development is the common target of humans.可持续发展是全人类的共同目标。2. be applied to 被应用于3. question v. 对表示怀疑,询问例:The teacher will question us on nouns.老师将提问我们关于名词的知识。4. assumption n. 假定,设想例:The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions.这个理论是建立在一系列错误的假定之上的。5. concept n. 概念,想法例:the concept of social class 社会等级的概念6. put +n. +to use 将付诸实践,利用. Whats more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050. (2008.12 阅读 Text2)【翻译】另外,发展中国家对动物制品的需求增长极快;到 2050 年,多消耗 3 亿吨的谷物才能满足这一需求。【词汇】1.whats more 连词,另外2. demand +for 对的需求3. meet the demand 满足需求【语法】demand 为主句的主语,for animal products in developing countries 都是修饰demand 的;从句中 meeting it 做主语,其中 it 是指主句中的 demand。. The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage. (2008.12 阅读 Text2)【翻译】关键是要抛弃那些极其简单且一成不变的保持可持续性的方法,那些方法集中于保持产量又不增加破坏。【词汇】1. static a. 静止的,不变的例:The price of the product has been static recently.这件产品的价格近期一直固定不变。2. sustainablity n. 可持续性,永续性可以结合.中的形容词记忆,同一词根的词一起记可以增加背诵效率。. The percentage of immigrants (including those unlawfully present) in the United States has been creeping upward for years. (2008. 12 阅读 Text3)【翻译】近几年来,美国移民的百分比(包括那些非法入境的)一直在缓慢升高。【词汇】1. immigrant n. 移民 a. 移民的例:The country has large numbers of immigrant population.这个国家移民人口很多。2. unlawfully a. 非法地,不正当地例:They were unlawfully married.他们是非法结婚的。3. creep v. 爬行,匍匐;缓慢地前进例:The baby is just learning to creep.宝宝才刚刚学着爬。. In time, Italians, Romanians and members of other so-called inferior races became exemplary Americans and contributed greatly, in ways too numerous to detail, to the building of this magnificent nation. (2008. 12 阅读 Text3)【翻译】经过一段时间之后,意大利人,罗马尼亚人还有其他所谓劣等种族的人变成了模范美国人并且对这个伟大的国家做出重要贡献,这些贡献太多以至于不能详述。【词汇】1. In time a. 最后,经过一段时间后,及时2. inferior a. (质量等)低劣的,下等的;(位置在)下面的例:to make someo
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