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31. base/oralOn most days, our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions. (2014.湖南阅读 B)大部分日子里,我们的成绩是基于我们对作业问题的口头答案。basebesn. 基础;基地;(棒球)垒 v. 基于拓basic a. 基础的配at the base of 在的基部be based on/upon 以为基础 /根据的baseon例 Their relationship was based upon mutual respect.他们之间的关系以相互尊重为基础。a novel (which is) based on his lifeBasing his film on the novel, he won great popularity.Ones success is based on how hard he has tried. 一个人的成功基于他的努力程度。 (2005 重庆) lie in, consist inoralrla. 口述的,口头上的拓orally ad. 口头上配oral English 英语口语oral exam 口试oral communication 口头交流例Michael was late for Mr. Smiths oral class this morning. 迈克尔今天早上在史密斯先生的口语课上迟到了。 (2006 江西)32. complete/usual /according to /calculationThis particular time, I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations. (2014.湖南阅读 B)在这次特别的时间里,我根据自己的估计完成了一惯的两个或三个问题。completekmplita. 完全的 vt. 完成,结束例I stood there and couldnt believe in that a complete stranger is so thoughtful. 我站在那里简直不敢相信一个完全的陌生人会如此体贴。 (2009 浙江)considerate But before the owner completed the sale with me, his wife changed her mind and wished to keep it, and he offered me additional dollars to return the farm to him. 但是在这个所有人与我完成买卖之前,他的妻子改变主意了,希望能留着它,于是他加价让我返还他的农场。 (2008 四川)Sun, sand and romance - her holiday was complete.阳光、沙滩加上浪漫的爱情她的假期完美无缺。Their engagement came as a complete surprise to me.他们订婚使我感到非常意外。This is a complete waste of time .complete with sth 装备有某物; 具有某特点: be equipped withThe house comes complete with swimming pool and sauna.这栋房子配备有游泳池和桑拿浴设备。usualThis shop is open for business as usual despite the shortages.尽管商品短缺,这家店还是照常营业了。usual practice It s usual practice to exchange business cards at the beginning of the meeting. 习惯;惯例 (ROUTINE)according tokd tprep. 按照,根据拓accordingly ad. 因此;相应;于是例Which of the following is true according to the text? 根据文章,以下哪一个是对的?(2009 山东)Calculationby sbs / some / many calculationsBy some calculations, the population will reach 8 million soon.据一些人估算,人口很快将达到八百万。calculateklkjuletv. 计算,核算,推测calculator 计算器配calculate on/upon 期待,指望例Since the beginning of the spread of AIDS in 1981, about 11.7 million people have died of it. It is roughly calculated that in 1997 alone, about 2, 3 million people died of it. 自 1981 年艾滋病开始传播以来,大约有 1170 万人死于该病。据粗略计算,单 1997 年就有大约两三百万人死于该病。 (2007 湖北)33.characteristic /optimism /alive /remindMy characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteenteaching english. (2013.浙江阅读 D)只有当我想到我将从事我十四岁以来的我想做的事情教英语,我特有的乐观才会复活。characteristickrktrstk a. 典型的,独特的 n. 特征,特点be characteristic of sth / sb 是 的特征;特点;品质:The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. 需要交流是人类社会最重要的一个特征。 With the hospitality so characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.这些人生性好客,他们敞开家门接待了五十多位客人。She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. 她说话带着特有的热情。 optimism /ptmzm/ 乐观;乐观主义Judging from/by your examination results, I think you have cause/grounds/reason for cautious optimism about getting a university place.从你的考试成绩来看,我认为你有理由对在大学得到一席位持谨慎的乐观态度。optimistic p.tms.tk乐观的She is optimistic about her chances of winning a gold medal.她对赢得金牌很乐观。alivelav a. 活着的,存在的拓living a. 活着的配be buried alive 被活埋come alive 睡醒; (地方)变得繁忙,热闹起来,活跃起来; 显得逼真;变得有趣;鲜活起来alive to 认识到例Though a doctor told Karen that she would soon follow her husband into death, she is still alive. 尽管有位医生告诉凯伦她不久就会随她的丈夫死去,但是她现在仍然活着。 (2007 湖北)The city centre really comes alive at the weekend.到了周末,市中心就变得十分热闹。Shes a writer who really knows how to make her characters come alive.她是一位真正懂得如何把人物塑造得栩栩如生的作家。Be aware ofSchools must be alive to technological change. 学校必须意识到技术的变化。remindrmandvt. 提醒,使记起构re- (回)+mind (v. 在乎,介意)拓reminder n. 提醒物;提示配remind sb. of 提醒某人remind about 提醒例While reading Platos The Republic, for example, I needed to keep looking at the introduction of the book to remind myself what the text was about. 比如,在阅读柏拉图的理想国时,我需要不停地参阅前言来提醒我这本书到底是说什么内容的。 (2007 四川)1比较下面两句:He reminded me to write the letter.(他有意地或无意地提醒我,叫我写那信。 )He reminded me of writing the letter.(他有意地或无意地使我想起写过那信。 )2remind 的宾语后面可以接以 that,how 等词引导的从句。例如:He reminded me that I ought to do it at once.和 He reminded me how careful I ought to be in doing it.3 “某人(A)remind 某人(B )of 某人(C) ”往往作“A 在外貌上像 C,所以使 B 见了 A 便想起 C”解。例如: You remind me of Addison.(你在外貌上像 Addison,所以使我见了你便想起 Addison。 )这用法有时也用在比喻里。例如:He reminded me of a tiger.(他在外貌上像虎,所以使我见了他便想起虎。 )reminder/rmand/ 提醒记忆之物serve/act as a reminderThe cold served as a reminder that winter wasn t quite finished. 寒冷提醒人们冬天还没有过去。34. confident /textbook /behaviour /disappear /positive / attentionSo I did, confident that, as the textbook had said, the bad behaviour would disappear as I gave my students positive attention.(2013.浙江阅读 D)我确实这样做了,正如教科书上所说,当我积极地关注我的学生时,他们的坏的行为会消失。confidentknfdnta. 自信的;确信的形近记忆:confidential a. 秘密的高考考点:be confident of 对 有自信词汇扩充:confidence n. 信心,自信
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