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和谐型交流电力机车复合冷却器试验台设计摘要:随着中国经济持续增长,铁路货运需求也随之增加,2002 年以来,我国采取引进、消化、吸收的方式,逐步推广单机牵引 5,000 吨级重载列车的大功率交流电力机车。为保障安全,新型高速重载机车在规定时间的运行作业后必须检修,但国内目前尚无配套的检修试验装置。本课题论述和谐型交流电力机车复合冷却器试验台的设计,详细分析了复合冷却器的性能要求,规划了实验台的功能,提出了总体设计方案,阐明了系统设计要求和试验参数,完成了复合冷却器试验台的硬件设计,进行了压力、流量、真空度传感器的选型,对电气元件如电机、继电器-接触器也进行了参数计算和选型。压力传感器选用 AUTO-VP4-H 系列通用压力传感器/变送器,流量传感器选用 YF-21 流量传感器;真空度传感器选用 PTJ410F 采集,通过PCI1710 数据采集卡将数据传送至上位机;继电器选用欧姆龙一般通用中间继电器 MY-J 系列,电机选用 Y 系列中小型三相异步电动机。基于 KingView 组态软件开发了监控界面,利用动画连接函数设计仿真界面,实现了对通风机组测试状态的动态监控,利用 ACCESS 数据库进行实时数据的记录和查询,调用PRINT 函数实现了报表打印。经南车集团襄阳国铁机电有限公司的实际应用,该系统实现和谐型大功率电力机车的通风机组性能检测,具有自动化程度高的特点。关键词:监控系统;组态软件;电力机车;复合冷却器;数据采集;Dive pump test-bed duct comprehensive relays Abstract:With Chinas sustained economic growth and increased demand for rail freight since 2002, China adopted the introduction, digestion, absorption, and gradually promote the single 5,000-ton heavy train traction power AC electric locomotives. To ensure safety, the new high-speed heavy locomotive operating in a specified time after the operation must overhaul, but the maintenance of domestic support is currently no test equipment.This topic discusses the Harmony AC electric locomotive composite cooler test bed design, detailed analysis of the performance of the composite cooling requirements of the functions planned for the test bed, the overall design scheme is proposed to clarify the system design requirements and test parameters, complete Cooler test bed complex hardware design, for the pressure, flow, vacuum sensor selection, electrical components such as motors, relays - contactors have also been calculated and the selection of parameters. Pressure sensors use AUTO-VP4-H Series Universal pressure sensor / transmitters, flow sensors used YF-21 flow sensors; vacuum sensors used PTJ410F acquisition, through the PCI1710 data acquisition card to transfer data first bit machine; relay selection Omron General use intermediate relay MY-J series, the motor selection of small and medium three-phase induction motor Y series. KingView configuration software based on the monitoring interface, the use of animated interface connector design and simulation functions, the realization of the state of the ventilation unit test dynamic monitoring, real-time data using ACCESS database records and queries, call the PRINT function implements the report printing.The national railway CSR Yangyang the practical application of the Electrical and Mechanical Co., Ltd., the system high-power electric locomotive to achieve a harmonious unit performance testing of ventilation, with a high degree of automation features.Key words: Monitoring System; Configuration software; Electric locomotive; Composite cooler; Data collection;目 录1绪论 .11.1 研究背景及意义 .11.2 和谐型交流电力机车复合冷却器试验台概述 .11.2.1 和谐型交流电力机车复合冷却器概述 .11.2.2 和谐型交流电力机车复合冷却器试验台作业线 .21.3 工业控制组态软件的概述 .21.3.1 国内外工业控制组态软件概述 .31.4 本课题主要研究内容及步骤 .32潜油泵油流继电器综合试验台总体概述 .52.1 潜油泵油流继电器综合试验台整体设计方案 .52.1.1 潜油泵油流继电器综合试验台系统结构 .52.1.2 潜油泵油流继电器试验台设计指标 .62.2 潜油泵油流继电器综合试验台网络分析 .63潜油泵油流继电器综合试验台硬件设计 .83.1 潜油泵油流继电器综合试验台硬件结构 .83.2 传感器的选型 .83.2.1 压力传感器的选型 .83.2.2 流量传感器的选型 .93.2.3 真空度压力传感器的选型 .93.3 数据采集装置的设计与选型 .103.4 中间继电器的选型 .123.5 电机的选型 .133.6 PCI1710 与电机连接 .143.7 元器件清单表 .144潜油泵油流继电器综合试验台软件设计 .1641 组态软件简介 .164.2 组态软件选型 .164.2.1 组态王软件简介 .164.2.2 MCGS 组软件简介 .174.2.3 组态王和 MCGS 两种软件的对比 .184.3 软件界面设计思路及结构 .184.4 主界面设计 .194.5 子界面的设计 .204.6 定义变量 .244.7 报表控件 .265 安装调试 .295.1 硬件调试 .295.2 软件调试 .29参考文献 .30致 谢 .31襄樊学院 毕业设计(论文)报告纸第 1 页装订线1 绪论1.1 研究背景及意义在 2006 年“和谐
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