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内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书I大杨庄选矿厂年处理量为 40 万吨原矿,给矿粒度为 5000mm,选厂设计为一次性平地建厂。大杨庄铁矿属于中硬度矿石,含泥量小,采用三段一闭路破碎流程;主要有用矿物是磁铁矿,且粒度不均匀,细粒选别粒度为 0.2mm,采用阶段磨矿,阶段磁选工艺。原矿品位为 29.07%。矿石经第一段磨矿分级溢流进入第一段磁选,磁选产品品位为 45.8%,产率为 55.62%,回收率为 89.92%;粗选产品再经过地二段磁选,产品品位为 49.50%,回收率为 218.98%,产率为 128.60%;此时大量的尾矿被甩出,然后第二段磁选产品再进入第二段磨矿,之后对细粒磁铁矿进行选别;磨矿产品经过细筛选别,筛下产品品位为 52.79%,产率为48.60%,回收率为 88.26%;筛下产品经过第三段磁选,磁选产品品位为64.00%,回收率为 85.84%,产率为 38.99%;第三段磁选产品再经第四段磁选,精矿品位可达 68.00%,回收率为 85%,产率为 36.34%,精矿经过滤机过滤,含水率小于 10%。关键词:选矿 磁选 精矿品位 阶段选别内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书IIAbstractThe capacity of the Dayangzhuang dressing plant is 400,000t/a,the plant is going to be built on the ground which is filt and is put up at one time.The Dayangzhuang iron ore is the medium degree of hardness and contains little slime, so we choose the three section of closed crushing circults; Consideration of the mainly valuable mineral is magnetite and the size of magnetite particles are not average ,we adopted stage grinding and magnetic separation technology. The grade of run-of-mine ore is29.07%. The overflow product of the first classifier is given into the first magnetic and the degree of the product of the first magnetic separator is 45.8%, product ratio is 55.62% and recovery of concentrate is 89.92%; Then the concentrate is given into the magnetic separator and the degree,the product ratio and the recovery of concentrate of its are 49.50%,218.98%,128.60% respectively;Now,large aquantity of gangue is separated,then product of the second magnetic separator is given into the second mill ,entering into the stage of separating fine magnetite particles.The product of mill is given into the fine screen and the product of fine screens degree, product ratio and recovery are 52.79%,48.60%,88.26% respectively;then the product of the fine screen is given into the third magnetic separator and the degree,the product ratio and the recovery of concentrate of the third magnetic separator are 64.00%,85.84%,38.99%respectively;after that the product pass through the fourth magnetic separator and the concentrates degree, product ratio and recovery can to be 68%,85%,36.34%respectively. Finely ,the concentrate is trated in the filter and the ratio of containing water is 10%.Keywords: Mineral processing Magnetic separation Concentrate degreestage separation内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书III目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II第一章 绪论 .11.1 概述 .11.2 建厂条件 .11.3 设计的主要特点和主要的技术经济指标 .21.5 精矿运输,尾矿处理 .31.5.1 精矿运输 .31.5.2 尾矿处理 .31.6 厂址的选择 .3第二章 选别工艺流程 .52.1 选别工艺的确定 .52.2 工艺流程叙述 .5第三章 破碎流程计算 .73.1 选矿工艺流程的选择与计算及工作制度生产能力的确定 .73.1.1 确定工作制度 .73.1.2 各小时生产能力的确定 .73.2 破碎流程的选择与计算 .83.2.1 破碎流程计算 .83.2.2 计算各段破碎比 .93.2.3 计算各段产物最大粒度 .93.2.4 计算各段破碎机排矿口宽度 .93.2.5 确定筛子的筛孔尺寸和筛分效率 .103.2.6 计算各段产物的矿量及产率 .103.2.7 破碎数值量流程图 .10第四章 主厂房流程计算 .124.1 确定主厂房工作制度及处理量 .
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