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沈 阳 化 工 大 学 科 亚 学 院本 科 毕 业 设 计全套图纸,加题 目:流量为 170t/h 双管程固定管板式换热器专 业: 过控 班 级: 1201 学生姓名: 指导教师: 论文提交日期: 2016 年 6 月 1 日论文答辩日期: 2016 年 6 月 6 日毕业设计(论文)任务书过程装备与控制工程 1201 班 学生:毕业设计(论文)题目:流 量 为 170t/h 双 管 程 固 定 管 板 式 换 热 器毕业设计(论文)内容:有关换热器综述一篇; 计算书说明书一份; 毕业设计(论文)专题部分: 固定管板式换热器起止时间:2016 年 5 月 25 至 2016 年 6 月 6 日指导教师: 签字 2016 年 3 月 1 日课题名称 流 量 为 170t/h 双 管 程 固 定 管 板 式 换 热 器设计者 何香颐 图号 GK-01设计参数 管口表容器类别 符号 公称尺寸 用途或名称参数名称 壳程 管程 a 450 进油管工作压力 MPa 1.6 2.5 b 450 出油管设计压力 MPa 1.65 2.5 c 200 热水出口工作温度 20 85 d设计温度 52.5 110 e 20 放气口介质 水 油 f 20 放气口介质特性 h 200 冷水进口推荐材料 Q345 20 钢 g 20 排液口腐蚀余量 mm 0.3 2 m 20 排液口焊接接头系数 0.85 0.85程数 1 2传热面积 465 465换热管推荐尺寸管子与管板连接方式 强度焊接强度焊接设计参数: 管程: 管程为油,入口温度为 130,出口温度为 90壳程:壳程介质为热水,由 20加热到 85;流量为 170t/h结构为固定管板式换热器摘要在不同温度的流体间传递热能的装置成为热交换器,简称为换热器。换热器是化工、交通、动力、石油、冶金国防等工业部门重要工艺设备之一。由于物料的性质、要求各不相同,换热器的种类很多,根据使用场合,使用目的有所不同。了解各种换热器的特点,根据工艺要求正确选用适当类型的换热器很重要。按照热量交换的方式不同,分为间壁式换热器、直接接触式换热器、蓄热式换热器三种。化工生产中绝大多数情况下不允许冷、热两流体在传热过程中发生混合,所以,间壁式换热器的应用最广泛,在换热器中至少要有两种温度不同的流体,一种流体的温度较高,放出热量;另一流体温度较低,吸收热量。换热器在动力、制冷、石油、食品、化工等等行业中都有广泛的应用,而且他们是上述这些行业的通用设备,并有着十分重要的部位。固定管板式换热器是管壳式换热器的一种典型结构,也是目前应用最广泛的一种换热器。固定管板式化热器的优点为结构简单,成本低、选材广、适应性强、耐压性强、方便清洗、管子损坏时便于堵管或更换,在各工业部门应用最为广泛。这种换热器使用于壳侧介质清洁且不宜结垢,并能进行清洗管束,壳程两侧温差不大或者温差较大但壳侧压力不高的场合。换热设备在石油化工、炼油以及在其他工业中使用广泛,它适用于冷凝、冷却、蒸发和废热回收等等方面。列管式换热器分为 U 型管换热器和固定管板式换热器。U 型管换热器结构特点是只有一块管板,换热管为 U 型,管子的两端固定在同一块板上,其管程至少为两程。U 型管换热器的优点是:只有一块管板,结构简单,密封面少,运行可靠;管件清洗方便,管束可以抽出。缺点是管板利用率较低,管内清洗困难,管束内程管间距大,壳程易短路,内程管子坏了无法更换,所以报废率高。固定管板式换热器主要是由封头、管板、换热管、简体、管箱、法兰及折流板等组成,管班上两端分别固定着管束,简体和管板之间是刚性连接在一起,相互之间无相对移动,换热器结构简单、造价低、制造方便,在相同直径的壳体内可排列安装较多的换热管,并且每个换热管都可单独进行管内清洗或更换,但是管外清洗比较困难。因此,固定管板式换热器更适用于不易结垢的壳程流体清洁,而冷热流体温差不太大的管程常用清洗的场合不太适用。固定管板式换热器的设计包括:流体设计、结构设计、热力设计和强度设计。在本次设计中进行了对物料及热量衡算,并对换热器整体机构进行计算和对换热器的基本附件进行选择和设计,最后绘出非标零件图和装配图。其中课题设计以强度校核和结构设计为主要设计内容。热力计算是指根据使用单位提出的基本要求,合理选择运行参数,并根据传热学的知识进行传热计算。关键字:换热器,固定管板,壳体,封头AbstractIn different temperature of liu medical transfer heat device become a heat exchanger, heat exchanger for short.Heat exchanger is chemical industry, transportation, power, petroleum, metallurgy, national defense industry one of the important technological equipment.Due to the nature of the material, requirements vary, there are many kinds of heat exchanger, according to the using situation, using low is different.To understand the characteristics of all kinds of heat exchanger, according to the technological requirements it is very important to correctly choose the right type of heat exchanger.According to the heat exchange in a different way, divided into recuperative heat exchanger, direct contact heat exchanger, three kinds of regenerative heat exchanger.Chemical production in the vast majority of cases are not allowed to cold and hot fluid in the process of heat transfer in hybrid, so, the most widely used, recuperative heat exchanger in the heat exchanger should have at least two different fluid temperature, the temperature of a fluid is higher, gives off heat;Another fluid temperature is low, absorption of heat.Heat exchanger in power, refrigeration, petroleum, food, chemical industry and so on are widely used in industry, second they are these industry general equipment, and has a very important part.Fixed tube plate heat exchanger is a kind of typical structure of tube and shell heat exchanger, a heat exchanger is currently the most widely used.Fixed tube plate heat exchanger of advantages as simple structure, low cost, wide material selection, strong adaptability, strong pressure resistance, convenient cleaning and pipe damage to facilitate tube jam or replaced, the most widely used in various industry departments.This kind of heat exchanger used in shell side of the media should not be clean and scaling, and can be washed, on both sides of the shell side shell temperature difference is not big or temperature difference is bigger but the occasion of the lateral pressure is not high.Heat exchange equipment in petrochemical, refining, and widely used in other industries, it is suitable for cooling, evaporation and condensation, waste heat recovery, etc.Shell and tube heat exchanger is divided into U tube heat exchanger and fixed tube plate heat exchanger.U tube heat exchanger structure characteristics is only a piece of tube plate, heat exchange tube for U, at both ends of the tube are fixed on the same piece of plate, the monitor for at least two process.The advantages of the U tube heat exchanger is: only a piece of tube plate, structure is simple, sealing surface, less reliable operation;Fitting convenient cleaning, tube bundle can be pulled out.Defect is low utilization rate of tube sheet, tube cleaning is difficult, the distance between pipe bundle in cheng, shell Cheng Yi short circuit, the process pipe is broken cant change, so the scrap rate is high.Fixed tube plate heat exchanger is mainly composed of head,
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