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1 / 38毕业设计(论文)传智播客网上书城系统设计姓名: 学号: 班级: 05 软件 3 专业: 计算机 所在系: 软件工程 指导老师: 完成日期:2050 年 10 月 01 日 2 / 38 3 / 38摘要随着科学技术的发展,网络在人们生活中的应用越来越广泛。人们越来越想在最短的时间内购买到自己所需的图书。但书目的繁多,给人们在繁忙的工作生活中的购书带来了很大的麻烦,于是网上购书便成了人们向往的事情。图书销售系统的开发为人们带来了很大的方便,使他们足不出户就可以轻轻松松地买到自己想要的书,既省时又省力。有效地缩短了图书流通发行环节,将广大读者、图书、出版者、发行者紧密地结合在一起,大大提高了图书流通率。它有着经营成本低、库存是虚拟的、用户检索方便、地域限制少等特点。系统以 JSP 为主要制作工具,实现了用户注册、登陆、验证身份及书籍的预览查询、对书籍的购买通过购物车实现等功能。关键词传智播客电子商务网上书城管理信息系统 4 / 38AbstractWith the development of science and technology, Internet is applied more and more widely in peoples lives. There is a growing desire to purchase books which peoples possibly want to buy in the shortest time. However, a wide range of books brought a lot of troubles to people in the busy life. So book online has become a matter of people yearn for.The development of this system will make a lot of convenience for people, so that they can buy books which they liked easily, both convenience and effective. The system effectively reduce the length of the book links the flow of distribution, it can be a large number of readers, books, publishers, distribution worked closely together, improving the flow rate of the book greatly. The system has many advantages such as low operating costs, virtual inventory, the user searches convenient, less geographical restrictions and so on.JSP in the system as the main tool what to achieve the user registration, login, authentication, book preview inquiries, through the shopping cart in order to achieve the purchase of books. Key words itcast E-commerce Online bookstore MIS 5 / 38目录中文摘要 .3英文摘要 .4目录 .5第一章 绪论 .71.1 课题背景、目的及意义 .71.1.1 课题背景 .71.1.2 课题目的和意义 .71.2 国内外研究现状 .71.2.1 国外的研究现状 .71.2.2 国内的研究现状 .8第二章 可行性分析 .82.1 社会可行性 .82.2 技术可行性 .82.3 操作可行性 .82.4 系统的技术介绍 .92.4.1 Javascript.92.4.2 JQuery.92.4.3 MySQL.92.4.4 MVC.92.4.5 JDBC .102.4.6 DBUtils.102.4.7 C3P0 .112.5 系统开发平台及运行环境 .112.5.1 系统开发平台 .
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