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1 本 科 毕 业 设 计 (论 文)响水县铁路连接线地形测量设计Xiangshui county railway line topographic survey design 学 院 :1 专 业 班 级 :测绘工程 D 测绘 121 1 学 生 姓 名 :1 学 号:1 指 导 教 师 :1 2016 年 6 月淮海工学院本科生毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书1.本人郑重承诺所呈交的毕业设计(论文)是我个人在导师的指导下完成并取得的成果,同时严格遵守校、院毕业设计(论文)的规章制度。2.本人在毕业设计(论文)中引用他人的观点和参考资料均加以注释和说明。3.本人承诺在毕业设计(论文)选题和研究过程中没有抄袭他人成果和伪造相关数据等行为。4.在毕业设计(论文)中对侵犯任何方面知识产权的行为,由本人承担相应的法律责任。毕业设计(论文)作者签名:年 月毕业设计(论文)中文摘要响水县铁路连接线地形测量设计摘 要:随着城市化水平的不断发展,城市的交通和运输对城市经济的发展有着很大的影响力,铁路更是城市未来发展的基石,盐城市响水县老舍镇铁路连接线项目 1:2000地形图测绘是为了让铁路周边环境的人文要素、地理环境,城市交通路线相融合,构成响水县老舍镇独特的铁路连接线,同时也为后期的地形测量和工期施工提供指导。随着测绘事业发展的日新月异,测量的方法和使用的仪器也在不断改进更新,我们根据本设计测区的周围环境以及测量要求,选择了比较合适的测绘方法来进行技术设计。此次设计从对测区已经拥有资料的分析和利用,并且根据国家地形图测绘的相关技术规范和原则,阐述了平面控制网及高程控制的方案设计;讲述了图根点布设导线加密及碎部测量技术设计;汇报了后期数据处理,内业成图,质量检查的成果,本次的设计是严格按照国家工程的规范来进行设计的,为了能将盐城响水的铁路的施工建设能按时顺利的完成,同时为后期铁路的改造以及周边环境的变化改造进行了这次的铁路连接线的地形测量工程。关键词:地形图;铁路连接线;控制测量;精度估算;碎部测量毕业设计(论文)外文摘要Xiangshui county railway line topographic survey designAbstract: The continuous development of urbanization today, the railway has a very big influence the city economy, is the foundation of urban traffic and transportation, and also send a cornerstone of the future, yancheng xiangshui county town of Lao she railway line project 1:2000 topographic map surveying and mapping in order to make railway cultural elements of surrounding environment, geographical environment, urban traffic routes, constitute the xiangshui county town of Lao she special railway line, as well as later topographic survey and construction time limit for a project to provide guidance. With surveying and mapping career development with each passing day, the measuring method and use of the instrument are updated continuously, we according to this design environment and the measurement requirements, choose the more appropriate method of surveying and mapping technology design.This design from the analysis of the test area already has data and use of, and according to the national surveying and mapping of topographic map related technical norms and principles, this paper expounds the scheme design of plane control network and elevation control; Tells the story of figure root point layout wire encryption and detail measurement technology design; Report the later data processing, into a figure in the industry, quality inspection, this design according to the topographic map measurement for technical design, technical specification for construction of xiangshui county railway line project planning and subsequent use, provide basic information management, to provide guarantee for measuring precision and quality of project results, provide technical guide for topographic map surveying and mapping.Key words: Topographic map; reclamation; control survey; accuracy estimate; detail survey目 录1 绪论 .12 测区概况和已有资料利用分析 .12.1 工程来源 .12.2 测区概况 .22.3 测区已有资料利用分析 .32.4 技术设计依据 .42.5 地形图规格和精度要求 .43 平面控制网方案技术设计 .53.1 高斯投影变形分析 .53.2 平面控制设计原则与依据 .63.3 平面控制方案设计和精度估算 .83.4 导线观测 .144 高程控制测量方案技术设计 .154.1 基准选择 .154.2 高程控制设计原则与依据 .164.3 水准路线方案设计和精度估算 .174.4 水准路线施测 .215 数字化地形测量设计 .235.1 图根点的布设及要求 .235.2 图根测量 .235.3 全站仪碎部测量 .235.4 内业成图 .245.5 分幅与编号的要求 .255.6 测区分幅与编号 .256 工作进度计划及经费预算 .256.1 人员组织安排 .256.2 工作进度计划 .266.3 经费预算 .267 质量检查和成果验收 .277.1 检查验收 .277.2 上交的成果资料 .28结 论 .33致 谢 .34参考文献 .35淮海工学院二一六届本科毕业设计(论文) 第 1 页 共 35 页1 绪论近年来,道路基础设施的速度发展迅速,这
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