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T.R. Knight has married his longtime boyfriend. T.R.奈特和交往多年的男友结婚了。A source confirms to PEOPLE that the former Greys Anatomy star wed his partner of three years, Patrick Leahy, on Friday. 知情人士告诉人物杂志,这位前实习医生格雷演员和交往了三年的男友,帕特里克 莱希于周五正式结婚。One of the guests at the nuptials was Knights friend and former costar Katherine Heigl (their characters, George and Izzie, were also BFFs and at one point lovers on the show). Heigl posted some pics on Twitter from the wedding, which took place in upstate New York. 奈特的朋友和前合作演员凯瑟琳 海格尔受邀参加了婚礼,海格尔还在推特上上传了婚礼照片,可以看到婚礼是在纽约北部举行。Knight, 40 whos currently starring in the off-Broadway production of Romeo & Juliet with William Hurt and Elizabeth Olsen left Greys Anatomy in 2009. 40 岁的奈特最近在非百老汇戏剧界和威廉 赫特,伊丽莎白奥尔森合作出演罗密欧与茱丽叶 ,他于 2009 年离开实习医生格蕾剧组。Last night, the White House announced that it would nominate Federal Reserve vice chairwoman Janet Yellen to replace Fed chairman Ben Bernanke when his term expires in January.10 月 8 日晚,白宫官员表示将提名现任美联储副主席珍妮特- 耶伦将在明年 1 月份、现任美联储主席伯南克任期结束后,取代现任主席成为下届美联储主席。Yellen was widely seen as the frontrunner to receive the nomination especially after her chief opponent for the job, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, withdrew his name from contention in September.耶伦被普遍认为是此次提名的首要人选特别是她的头号竞争对手,前财政部长劳伦斯-萨默斯于9 月退出竞争之后。She will be the first female Fed head, and given her dovish tendencies meaning she tends to focus more on employment and less on inflation economists and market participants mostly expect her to continue the policies of her predecessor.耶伦将成为史上第一位女性美联储主席,并且考虑到她的“鸽派”倾向即她倾向于关注就业问题,而较少关注通货膨胀问题经济学家和市场参与者们都期待她继承前任的政策方针。Yellen is expected to be easily confirmed in the Senate.外界认为耶伦将顺利地获得参议院的批准。During his nomination speech this afternoon, President Obama praised Yellen, calling her a strong leader and highlighting the warnings she gave of a credit bubble in 2007.在 9 号下午举行的提名演说中,奥巴马称赞耶伦为“强硬的领袖” ,他着重提到了她在 2007 年对信贷泡沫提出过的警告。Obama then turned the mic over to Yellen.然后奥巴马将麦克风交给了耶伦。I am honored and humbled by the faith youve placed in me, she said to Obama.耶伦对奥巴马说, “对于您赋予我的信任,我深感荣幸。 ”The past six years have been tumultuous for the economy and challenging for many Americans, said Yellen. She acknowledged that while many were still struggling, progress has also been made on making the financial system safer.“过去的六年是美国经济的震荡期,也给许多美国人带来了挑战。 ”耶伦说,她深知许多人还在为摆脱困境而斗争,但同时在维护金融系统稳定上我们已经取得了一些进展。During a sit down with Darren Aronofsky for Interview magazine, Scarlett Johansson asked the director what his SAT score was, and ended up revealing her own:在与导演 Darren Aronofsky 一起接受 Interview 杂志的访问时,斯嘉丽约翰逊问起导演的 SAT 得了多少分,同时也暴露了自己的分数:I think the way it worked when I took them was that they were out of 1,600, so maybe youd get a 1,240 if you were a smarty-pants. I got a 1,080, which was pretty low. But that was probably because I didnt answer half of the math questions.“我记得我参加 SAT 考试的时候,满分是 1600 分,如果你考了1240 分,你就算是挺聪明的了。我考了 1080 分,算是比较低的分数。估计因为有一半以上的数学题我都没答。”The 29-year-old Don Jon actress would have taken the SATs around 2002, at which time the average score was 1020, making 1,080 slightly above average. Brains and beauty, as they say.这位 29 岁的唐璜女演员大约是在 2002 年的时候参加了 SAT 考试,当年的平均分是 1020 分,1080 分刚过平均线。 “美貌与智力的关系” ,你懂的。A fashionable young woman in socks, platform sandals and a mini-skirt tosses a waterfall of straight dark hair over her shoulder and eyes up an 850 golden handbag in the shape of an apple, sitting alone in a perspex cabinet.一位脚穿厚底凉鞋和短袜、身着迷你短裙的摩登女郎,甩动一头乌黑垂顺的、瀑布般披在肩上的长发,正注视着玻璃橱柜中一个价值 850 英镑的苹果形状的手提包。Nearby, a middle-aged woman with a bored, silent husband, stares at a 2,000 Celine handbag, intermittently snapping pictures of the object of her desire on her iPhone.在年轻女郎附近有一位中年妇女,在沉默而厌烦的丈夫的陪伴之下,正盯视着一个价值两千英镑的名牌塞琳女包,她时不时的拿出苹果手机偷拍这一心爱之物。The distinctive strains of Mandarin chatter fill the air as an immaculate woman clad all in black wafts past in a cloud of scent, trying to convince a young couple of the merits of the latest designer perfume.空气中充满了用普通话聊天的嘈杂声响,一位一身黑的女士穿过人群,给香水气味氤氲的烟云送来一丝清风,她正在向一对年轻夫妻介绍一瓶最新款名牌香水的价值所在。Meanwhile, a man hands over his credit card to a female shop assistant, who clutches it carefully between both hands as if holding a gift, lowers her head reverentially and makes an elaborate show of averting her eyes out of respect.同一时间,一位男士正将自己的信用卡交给一位女销售员,这位女销售员两手小心的握着信用卡,仿佛是在接受一份礼物,她虔敬地低下头,避免直视对方以表示对顾客的尊敬态度。It could be an ordinary day on any luxury shopping street in Shanghai but this is the heart of Londons West End.这一幕也许每天都会在上海的某个高档购物街上演然而此时这是在伦敦西区的中心地带。And the Chinese signs, Mandarin-speaking shop assistants and extra deliveries of sought-after designer goods in especially small sizes are all part of making the high-spending visitors who have travelled here this week from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou feel at home.中文标识牌、说普通话的销售员和应顾客要求进行的额外调货中国顾客的尺码比较小所有这一切都让那些乘着一周假期,从北京、上海、广州不远而来的高消费顾客感觉宾至如归。Wave upon wave of Chinese visitors, in small groups and coach parties, alone and in pairs, pa
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