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Test 1 Part I Reading Comprehension Passage oneWhen the TV viewer turns on(打开) his set, what sort of programs does he have to choose from(从选择)? You might think there would be more programs devoted to(把用于) entertainment than to anything else, but thats not the case(情况并非如此) . In most countries, fewer than 20% of broadcasting hours are devoted to entertainment. U.S. figures are high34.8%, and the fun loving Canadians are even higher with 44%. Except(除了) Canada and Italy, all countries give more broadcasting time to education than to either information (news, documentaries and so on) or(或者或者) entertainment programs. Of course, few educational broadcasts take place(发生) during peak viewing times(黄金时间). In Japan though, more than 60% of broadcasting time is taken up(占据) with education of one kind of another- just another example of the businesslike Japanese philosophy. In the U.K., the figure is 56.4%. The Italians have fewer educational programs than anyone else. They dont go in for(喜欢) entertainment either. Only about ten percent of viewing time is devoted to dramas and serials, quiz shows(智力竞赛节目), music, sports, etc. You will find more news information programs on Italian TV than anything else. Thats understandable in a country experiencing social and political changes. Italians rely on(依靠) TV to tell them whats going on and events are happening almost too fast to follow. The percentage of time the U.S. devoted to news and documentary programs is much smaller. After education, most TV time is given to entertainment. Many of these programs are shown around the world.1. Based on this passage, the percentage of TV broadcasting hours devoted to education is greatest in _.A. Japan B. Italy C. Canada D. the United States2. More news information programs are broadcast on Italian TV than anywhere else because the Italians _.A. are interested in what is happening in the world B. like to undergo social and political changesC. prefer to learn news information on TV rather than in newspapersD. expect TV to tell them the latest news about what is going on in their country3. So far as the broadcasting hours devoted to entertainment are concerned, _.A. the Japanese figure is the highest in the world B. the U. S. figure is smaller than the U.K. figureC. the U.K. figure is second to the Japanese figure D. the Canadian figure is higher than that of any other country4. From this passage, we learn that most TV stations in the world devoted more broadcasting hours to _.A. educational programs B. entertainment programs C. news information programs D. dramas, serials, music, sports and so on5. In the United States, _.A. TV programs are shown for world audience to watch B. most of TV broadcasting hours are given to entertainmentC. educational programs are shown during peak viewing timesD. TV broadcasting hours devoted to education are more than those devoted to entertainmentADDADPassage TwoMan has invented ways to keep warm, but how do animals defend themselves? They cannot reason in the sense that man can, but nature has taken care of(照顾) the animal kingdom by providing animals with(装备) special instincts (本能). One of these instincts is known as hibernation (冬眠). Sleeping like a dormouse (榛睡鼠) is not only a common saying but is a reality. When winter comes, the dormouse and other hibernating animals have reached a well-nourished(营养良好的) state. They eat very well in warmer days laying down(放下,制定) fat in the tissues of their bodies and during hibernation this keeps them alive(活着) . Safe in their nests, or burrows (地洞) , they sleep soundly until the warmth of spring arrives. Bats, tortoises, snakes, frogs, even insects like butterflies, hibernate more or less(多多少少) completely. Some, like the squirrels (松鼠), sleep during coldest weather but are roused (弄醒) by a warm spell (暖流). During hibernation, the temperature of an animals body drops drastically(大幅度地) . Breathing and heart-beats almost cease(停止). Another instinctive(本能的,直觉的 ) method of avoiding intense cold is to escape by means of(借助于) migration. Wild swans, seagulls, swallows and cuckoos are a few of the very many kinds of birds which fly thousands of miles, twice a year, to avoid cold. Many animals, especially those of the Arctic regions, have summer and winter quarters. The Arctic deer of North America, as well as(和 ) the reindeer (驯鹿) of Europe, move southward towards the forests when winter approaches(临近). They return to the northern area when the warmth of spring begins to be sensed. There are animals which do not attempt to(试图做某事) leave at the first sign(迹象) of winter cold. Their instinctive means of defense is to dig out a deep burrow, made it soft and warm by padding (填塞) out with straw, leaves, moss and fur. In it they have a secret place containing(包含) food which they hope will last(持续) the winter through! Animals which fall into this class(种类) incl
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