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1Book 7Unit 7 Eating outThe First Period内容: A. Listen, look and say.知识能力情感目标: 1. Master the new words and the phrases.2. Practice the sentence pattern: Do you like -? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.重点: The phrases and the sentences.难点: Use the phrases and the sentences correctly.疑点: Well, yes, a little.课前准备: Tape, word cards, projector教学过程:Step I. Warm up1.Greetings. 2.Sing a song.Step II. RevisionUse the projector to look and ask individuals:What do you want to do? Is there a -? Wheres(are) the -?Step III. Presentation1. Bring in a menu. Pat my stomach and say: Im hungry. What can I eat? Show the menu and lay out the food and teach some of the food items.2. Write the name of the food items on the board.23. Say after the teacher.4. Ask the pupils, Are you hungry / thirsty? Pick up a food item and ask Do you like -? to teach the other items not on the menu. E.g. pizza, Coke, milk, water, fruit salad -.5. Let the pupils ask me whether I like the food items. Vary my answers by saying, e.g. Yes, I like it a lot./ Well, I like it a little. / No, I dont but I like - .Step IV. Practice1. Listen and repeat the tape.2. Let the pupils make the questions with the words, e.g. Do you like -?3. Recite the dialogue.4. Tell the pupils to work in pairs and to role-pay Pats mother and the children.Homework: 1. Copy Part A for one time.2. Tell the parents or other relatives about what food they like or dont like for a food survey.Blackboard design: Unit 7 Eating outDo you like a cup of tea/ a packet of fries/ dumplings?Yes, I do./ Yes, I like it a lot (a little).No, I dont (but I like-).教学反思: 1. Are you -? 和 Do you-?的回答 Yes, I am.和 Yes, I do.不是分得很清楚,得天天练口语。32.有些短语如:a packet of fries, a piece of cake,A bowl of noodles 等还不能熟读,需反复练习。The Second Period内容: Part B1 and B2.知识能力情感目标: 1. Master the drills. What would you like? I like -, please.2. Grammar: Uncountable nouns.重点: The sentence patterns.难点: The answer I d like -, -, - and -.疑点: would like =d like课前准备: tape, a menu, projector教学过程:Step I. Warm up1.Sing a song at page 44. 2. Free talk.Step II. Revision1. Read and spell the words.2. Dialogue in pairs Are you hungry / thirsty? Do you like -?Step III. Presentation1. Show a menu and ask a pupil: Are you hungry / thirsty? Do you like -?2. Then ask the other pupil, What would you like ? Get the pupil toanswer Id like -. Write the drills on the board. Explain d like 4= would like. Let the pupils read after me.3. Ask several pupils in the same way . Vary my asking by saying How (What) about you ?4. Dialogue in three.Step IV. Practice1. Listen to the tape for B2.2. Divide the class into four groups and dialogue.3. Practice in four.4. Some groups come to front and act out the dialogue.Step V. grammarShow the pupils that water also cannot be counted, e.g. milk, juice, tea , a cup of tea, two cups of teaStep VI. Summing up1. The usage of What would you like ?2. d like = would like3. The usage of Uncountable nouns.Homework: 1. Copy B1 and B2 once each. 2. Recite B1 and B2.Blackboard design: B1. B2.What would you like?he/ she I (We) d like -.He/ She5教学反思:1.经过训练,Id like -. 的口头回答已较熟练。写时容易漏d 或 like, 答句不会用 a 或 -s ,需要强调。2. 能背出句子并能互相对话。3.看图说话就不够流利,有待操练。The Third Period内容: Part C. A story & Part D. 知识能力情感目标: 1. Master the sentences: What s the matter? The food there is great! Thats a good restaurant for all of us.2. Comprehend the story and act out it.重点: The sentence patterns.难点: Act out the story freely.疑点: The food there is great! - for all of us课前准备: tape, a Real Beef card, a Roast Pig card and a vegetables card, master for a horse, a pig and a cow, projector教学过程:Step I. Warm up1.Say the poem at page 41. 2. Ask and answer freely.Step II. Revision1. Do B3 . Listen and tick the correct order.62. Act out B2 freely.Step III. Presentation1. Listen to the tape for two times. Then answer the questions:1) How many people are there in the picture?2) Who are they?3) What are Mr Horse , Miss Cow and Mrs Pig going to do?4) Does Miss Cow like hamburgers?5) Does Mrs Pig feel hungry? Really?6) What are they going to eat?2. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles and the captions.3. Explain the difficult sentences.4. Ask the pupils to tell me what kind of food they can eat at the restaurant in Picture 4.5. Practice the sentences: Whats the matter? Tell the class they can answer : Im not very well. / I had a bad cold. / I had a fever.6. Try to recite the story.7. Role-play the story in three.8. Ask some groups to come to the front and act out the story with the three cards and three masks.Homework: 1. Copy Part C for one time.2. Finish Part D in the book.7Blackboard design:C. A storyWhats the matter? Im not very well.I had a bad cold /fever /headache.教学反思: 故事较长,句子较多,表演不是很流畅。Whats the matter? You dont look very well. The food there is great.Thats a good restaurant
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