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摘要汽车是数量最多、最普及、活动范围最广泛、运输量最大的现代化交通工具。没有哪种机械产品像汽车这样对社会产生如此广泛而深远的影响。半轴是汽车的轴类中承受扭矩最大的零件,它是差速器和驱动轮之间传递扭矩的实心轴,其内端一般通过花键与半轴齿轮连接,外端与轮毂连接 ,对于采用非独立式悬架的驱动桥,根据其半轴内端与外端的受力状况,一般又分为全浮式半轴、四分之三浮式半轴与半浮式半轴三种。该零件在机械设备中具有传动性,在进行半轴的工艺和工装设计时,首先对半轴的工艺性进行了详细的分析,设计出了加工的工艺过程,根据加工要求设计专用夹具设计,一付是用来车削半轴的外圆,一付是用来钻削半轴圆盘上均匀分布的小孔,在设计中注意的夹具的经济性和使用性,尽量降低加工时的成本,减少工人的劳动强度,除此还进行了组合量具的设计,用来检查 6 个均匀分布的小孔的位置度公差。汽车半轴的机械加工工艺分析对从事汽车半轴生产的企业单位来说是很重要的,工艺路线的好坏直接影响到加工效率、加工精度及加工质量。合理的加工工艺路线不但可以保证零件的质量而且可以充分的利用企业现有的设备,使工序的传接更加合理,从而使企业的管理更加的规范化,降低生产成本。关键词 半轴;工艺分析;夹具设计;AbstractThe car is a quantity at most, universal, the movable scope is the most extensive and transport biggest and modern pileup in deal. Have no which kind of machines product resemble the car is like this to the social creation like this.The half stalk is in automotive stalk the acceptance twist the biggest spare parts of sqire , it is bad soon machine and drive the round of delivers to twist the of solid stalk, it inside carry generally pass to spend the key and half stalk wheel gears to connect, carry outside with a conjunction, Carry according to the half stalk inside with carry outside of suffer the dint condition, generally divided into Whole float type half stalk、three quarter float type half stalk、Half float type half stalk.That spare parts is in the machine equipments have to spread to move sex, at carry on the half stalk of craft and work equip to account, the half axial craft carried on the detailed analysis first, designing processed craft process, according to process to request to design the appropriation tongs design, a pay is to use to come to car to pare the outside circle of the half stalk, on pay is use to drill to pare a dish of the half stalk up even distribute of eyelet, in the design the economy of the advertent tongs and usage, as far as possible lower to process of cost, reduce the worker of labor strength, in addition to this still carried on the design that the combination quantity have, use to check 6 even distribute of a business trip of position of the eyelet.Automobile semi-axes machining process analysis for enterprises engaged in production of automobile half shaft is very important and technology will have a direct impact on the efficiency and quality of machining precision and processing. Reasonable processing route will not only ensure the quality of parts and enterprises can make full use of existing equipment and make the process more reasonable, so as to make the management of enterprises more standardized and cut production costs.Key Words Semi-axle ;Process analysis; The tongs design;目录毕业设计(论文)任务书 .1摘要 .3目录 .5第 1 章 绪论 .6第 2 章 零件的分析 .72.1 零件的生产纲领及生产类型 .72.2 零件的作用 .72.3 对汽车半轴工艺设计的要求 .102.4 对夹具设计的基本要求 .102.5 毛坯的类型、结构形状和制造方法 .102.5.1 基准的选择 .102.5.2 确定零件毛坯图(结构形状) .11第 3 章 零件的工艺分析及拟定 .133.1 零件的工艺分析 .133.2 零件表面加工方法的选择 .133.3 制订工艺路线 .133.4 汽车半轴的加工余量 .143.4.1 确定工序 60 的切削用量 .153.4.2 确定工序 60 的基本时间 .16第 4 章选择设备及制定工艺卡 .174.1 设备的选择 .174.2 工艺装备的选择 .174.5 夹具设计的基础 .214.5.1 夹具的作用 .214.5.2 夹具设计的分析 .214.5.3 定位原理 .224.5.4 绘制夹具装配图 .23结论 .25致 谢 .26参考文献 .27第 1 章 绪论汽车产业是我国国民经济的重要支柱性、战略性产业,它与宏观经济环境有者非常密切的联系,产业链长、关联度高、就业面广、消费拉动大,在国民经济和社会发展发挥重要作用其对经济的拉动作用实际上比房地产更强。汽车产业与房地产并驾齐驱名副其实地成为拉动消费的“三架马车”之一。而汽车半轴是汽车的关键零部件,其制造质量直接影响汽车的性能。它是是汽车的的轴类中承受扭矩最大的零件,是差速器和驱动轮之间传递扭矩的实心轴,汽车的半轴是传动轴。汽车走动起来后需要转弯,两侧车轮的传动是不一样的,一侧快点、一侧慢点,这就要求传动轴上有个差速器。差速器就是让两边的车轮转动起来速度不一样的装置,半轴就接在差速器上再接到车轮上。汽车工业是技术密集型产业,在生产中应用了各种高技术。在车工原材料进厂到产品出厂的整个生产过程中,都离不开工艺。
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