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,Unit 3 A healthy life,基础知识自测,一、单词识记,1._ vt. 滥用;虐待2._ adj. 性的;性别的3._ n. 压力 vt.加压力于4._ n.青少年 5._ vt.禁止,取缔,abuse,sexual,stress,adolescence,ban,6._ adj.入了迷的7._ adj. 无意识的8._ adj. 欠款的;到期的9._ adj. 精神的;智力的10._ n. 结果;效力,addicted,automatic,due,mental,effect,11.strengthen vt. _12.desperate adj. _13.disappointed adj. _14.ashamed adj. _15.illegal adj. _,加强;巩固,不顾一切的;绝望的,失望的;沮丧的,感到惭愧的,不合法的;非法的,16.survival n. _17.female adj. _18.prejudice n. _19.judgement n. _20.awkward adj._,幸存者;幸存,女(性)的;雌性的,偏见;成见,判断;看法;判决,局促不安的;笨拙的,二、词汇拓展,1.strengthen vt.加强;巩固;使坚强 vi. 变强 _ adj.强大的,强壮的 _ n. 力量,力气,strength,strong, He is _ (strength) enough to lift that rock. He hasnt got enough _ (strong) to remove that stone. It is an attempt to _ (strong) our competitive ability.,strong,strength,strengthen,2.addicted adj.入了迷的,上了瘾的_v.使沉溺,热衷于_n.热衷,沉溺,嗜好 _ 搭配沉溺于,对有瘾,be addicted to/addict oneself to,addict,addiction, Is surfing the net a hobby or an _ (addict) for you? Some students are addicted to _ (play) computer games.,addiction,playing, Once you get addicted _ drugs,its rather difficult for you to get rid of them. Dont addict _ to such foolish things.,to,yourself,3.disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的 _vt. 使失望;使沮丧 _adj.令人失望的;令人沮丧的 _n.失望;沮丧,disappoint,disappointing,disappointment,_ 搭配令人失望的是_搭配对某事感到失望_搭配对某人感到失望,be disappointed with sb,to ones disappointment/to the disappointment of sb,be disappointed at/about sth, I was_at the _ news. (disappoint) The news_(使我失望). Hearing the results of the exams,he left_ .,disappointedly=in disappointment,disappointed,disappointing,disappointed me, Much to our _,he will not be able to come. The _ look on his face suggested that he failed in the exam again.,disappointment,disappointed,4.effect n.结果;效力 _adj. 有效的 _adv. 有效地 _vt.影响,effective,effectively,affect,_搭配 对产生影响_搭配开始生效;奏效_搭配生效;起作用;奏效_搭配使生效;实施,bring/put/carry sth.into effect,have an effect on/upon,come into effect,take effect, We must put the policy _ effect. We dealt with the situation very_ (effect). It contains a powerful drug,which mainly has an effect_ old people.,into,effectively,on,5.stress n.压力;重音;vt.加压力于 _adj. 产生压力的;紧张的 _adj. 感到有压力的;紧张的,stressful,stressed,_搭配在压力之下_搭配在的压力之下_搭配强调某事,lay/put/place stress on.,under stress,under the stress of., My English teacher_ _ (强调了朗读的重要性). She found her new job very _ (stress),so she was feeling very _ (stress) and tired.In other words,she was _great stress because of her _ (stress) new job.,stressful,stresses the importance of reading aloud,stressful,stressed,under,6.ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的 _n.羞耻;惭愧;遗憾的事情 _adj.可耻的;惭愧的 _adj. 无耻的;不知羞耻的,shame,shameful,shameless,_搭配因而感到惭愧_搭配耻于做某事 She was ashamed _ having failed in the exam.,be ashamed of,be ashamed to do sth.,of, The next day,I felt_ (shame) that I hadnt stopped her from going away alone. She was ashamed_ (tell) that she had fallen in love with him.,to tell,ashamed,三、词组互译,1.节食,控制饮食_2.冒险 _3.习惯于某事 _4.对上瘾 _5.对造成损害_,go/be on a diet,take risks/take a risk,be/become accustomed to (doing) sth.,be addicted to,do damage to,6.形成习惯 _ 7.列出 _ 8.伸手去拿,够 _9.被感染 _10. 处境危险 _,get into/form/develop the habit of .,make a list of,reach for,be/become infected with/by,at risk,11.lead a healthy life _12.in spite of _13.give up _14.make a judgment _15.feel like doing _,过着健康的生活,尽管 不顾 不管,放弃,做出判断,想做某事,16.take seriously _17.ban sb.from doing sth._18.be ashamed of _19.decide on _20.stand for _,
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