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中考英语专题讲练(5)形容词、副词(一)要点归纳英语中的形容词和副词都有三个比较等级:原级、比较级和最高级,而且常用于下面三种比较固定的结构中,如:1、原级常用于“as + 原级 + as”结构中,例如:Maths is as interesting as English.This kind of paper was as soft and light as silk.否定的原级用“not so / as as” 结构,例如:Tom is not so active in class as Mary.He cannot do it as well as he used to.2、比较级常用于“ 比较级 + than”结构,例如:Old stamps that have not been used are usually more expensive than used stamps.Today, new foods are travelling faster than ever before 其否定的比较也可用“lessthan”结构,例如:This play was less successful than that one.3、最高级常用于“the + 最高级 + 比较范围”结构,其比较范围为短语或从句,例如: The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world.Im afraid its the cheapest one weve got.在中考测试中,有关形容词和副词三个比较等级的考点主要有以下几点:一、正确使用三种结构和形容词、副词的比较等级1. Do you have a big library? No, we dont at least, not _ yours.A. bigger as B. as big as C. as big than D. as bigger than2.The horse is getting old and cannot run _ it did.A. as faster as B. so fast than C. so faster as D. as fast as3.John plays football _, if not better than David.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as4.He drives much _ than he did three years ago.A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully5.The Yellow River is the second _ river in China.A. long B. longer C. longest6.He is by far _ pupil in his class.A. the better B. a better C. the best D. as best7.I dont think English is _ a language as Russian.A. difficult as B. as difficult C. more difficult D. difficult二、注意比较成分的协调一致在形容词或副词的“ 比较级 + than”结构中,只有同类事物才能相互比较,例如:Thats easier said than done!But there are more men than women scientists.Doing this is more difficult in English than in Chinese.Its much cheaper to camp than to stay in a hotel.1.()The cost of living in Shanghai is still higher than any other city in China.2.His work is better than _ .A. anyone B. anyone else C. anyone elses D. anyones else3.His camera is more expensive than _.A. hers B. her C. it D. its4.The climate of Shanghai in summer is not so hot as _.A. Nanjing B. of Nanjing C. that of Nanjing D. in Nanjing三、根据比较等级的类型使用恰当的修饰词语在英语中,形容词和副词的原级、比较级和最高级及其相应的结构都可以被某些副词或副词性短语所修饰,例如:Youll notice that the people there speak quite differently from the rest of Canada.Some of the language and expressions are a little different from modern English.The rest are left to grow even taller.Canada is the second largest country in the world. asas 结构前可以用 just, almost, nearly, half, twice 等词表示程度。例如:1.After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _ tractors in 1988 as the year before.A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice as many D. twice many as2.With the help of the German experts, the factory produced _ cars in 1993 as the year before.A. as twice many B. a many asC. as twice as many D. twice as many 比较级前可用 many, much, far, a little, a bit, a lot, a great deal 等词语表示不定数量,例如:1.The experiment was _ easier than we had expected.A. more B. much more C. much D. more much2. How did you find your visit to the museum? I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ than I expected.A. far more interesting B. even much interestingC. so more interesting D. a lot much interesting3.If there were no examinations, we should have _ at school.A. much happier time B. a more happier time C. a much happier time D. the happiest time4.I cant read the notice on the board. Could you hold the light _?A. a little to it closer B. closer a little to itC. to it closer a little D. a little closer to it最高级可以被序数词,much,by far,nearly ,almost 等词语修饰,例如:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.He is by far the best pupil in his class.Paper produced every year is _ the worlds production of vehicles.A. the three times weight of B. three times the weight ofC. as three times heavy as D. three times as heavier as四、确定比较级和最高级的使用范围1.Canada is larger than _ country in Asia.A. any B. any other C. other D. another2.That dinner was the most expensive meal we _.A. would have B. have had C. had never had D. had ever had练 习1.If the manager has to choose between the two, he would say John was _ choice.A. good B. the best C. better D. the better2.Which do you think tastes _, the chicken or the fish?A. well B. good C. better D. best3.Which is _ country, Canada or Australia?A. a large B. large C. a larger D. the larger4.Of the two shirts, Id like to choose _ one.A.the less expen
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