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研究生课程进修班试卷封面姓 名:单位:专 业:考试科目:考试分数:年 月 日东北师范大学研究生课程进修班考试试卷评分表题 号 分 数 签 名12345678910课程名称 姓 名 单 位 专 业 年 月 日 总 分评阅教师签字:年 月 日科研方法与学术论文写作考试卷Exam question:Follow the instructions below and write a literature review with no less than 2000 words. 1) Choose a research topic based on your own teaching experience, what you have read in English teaching journals, or your own interests. 2) Find at least 20 books and journal articles on the topic. There should be at least 1 empirical studies in the list of literature that you find. 3) Read the literature critically and make reading cards if necessary.4) Organize the literature based on what you have learned in Modules 2, 9 and 10.5) Find out about what needs to be done about this topic in the future.6) Write an outline for the literature review.7) Write the literature review.8) Provide a list of references at the end of your literature review. For example, if you are interested in using portfolio as a way of assessing students learning outcome, you should search the internet, the library or other sources to find books that talk about different ways of assessment, and empirical studies on using portfolio in ESL/EFL assessment. Read the previous research in this area critically. Find out what has been done in this area and what needs to be done in the future. Write an outline for your literature review and then write it.
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