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新疆农业大学硕士学位论文新疆农区现代肉羊生产体系的构建姓名:田烽申请学位级别:硕士专业:农业推广养殖导教师:余雄;冯克明20060601Abstrct:Xinjiang is one of traditional pasturing area in China, husbandry is the preponderant and dominant industry of rural economy in Xinjiang, and sheep industry is the important part of Xinjiang husbandry. Recently, along with the regulation and optimization of agriculture and rural economic structure, and the farther extension of industrial chain and the more and more close relations between crop and plant cultivation and livestock breeding, the good complexions have been formed preliminarily with the characteristics of superiority complementary, harmonious development and monolithic advance of industry. In the light of husbandrys situation, the tempo of husbandry in rural area is faster than that in pasturing area, the sheep industry in rural area has became the new point of growth of development of rural economics in Xinjiang. But as a whole,the sheep industry of Xinjiang does not get rid of the passive position to raise sheep relying on inartificial conditions completely yet, this productive method of traditional sheep industry is affected easily by kinds of calamities, and form a vicious circle with the characteristics of sheep being I summer, fat in autumn, thin in winter and high mortality in spring,it brings about the traditional sheep industry staying at a low productive level and a low economic benefits over a long period of time. At the same time, because of over loading in natural pasture, the contradiction between pastures yield and livestocks amount is serious increasingly, cnvirornnent is destroyed seriously, and the majority of pasture shows various degrees of degeneration, desertification and stalinization, the farther development of sheep industry in pasturing area is limited. Sheep industry in rural area is still staying at the conditions of family raising, low investment and low output, the productive cycle is long and the productive level is low. This dissertation analyzes the existent problems of Xinjiang meat sheep industry and appraises the advantages to develop meat sheep industry in Xinjiang rural area based on analyzing adequately the ncccssity to develop meat sheep industry in Xinjiang rural area and understanding in detail the productive actuality and developing trend of sheep industry in the world, 8 systems will be established to support the production of meat sheep in rural area including breeding system of high-quality seed, system of crossbreed, productive system of feedstuEfj system of fatten, system of prevention and cure of epidemic disease, system of technical service, market system and system of training. At the same time, several advices arc put forward on speeding modem production of meat sheep in rural area, so as to improve the industrialization of production of meat sheep, to raise meat quality and market competitiveness, and to achieve the aim of high efficient production of meat sheep in rural area.Key words: rural area, meat sheep, productive system, Xinjiang独创性声明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。 尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰 写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得新疆农业大学或其他教育单位的学位或证书而使,过 的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并时间:一 b n关于学位论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解新疆农业大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:新理农业大学有 权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子文档,可以采用影印、缩印或 扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文,允许论文被查阅和借阅,本人授权新疆农业大学 将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以公布(包括刊登)论文的 全部或部分内容。(保密的学位论文在解密后应遵守此协议)研究生签名:研究生签名:h时 I 月 日 导师签名:时间: 月新 a 农业大学硕士学位论文引言新疆是我国的传统牧区之一,畜牧业是新疆农村经济的特色优势产业与支柱产业, 而养羊业则是新疆畜牧业的重要组成部分,占很大比重,近年来,随着农业和农村经济 结构的调整优化,产业链的进一步延伸,种植业与养殖业;间联系越来越紧密,己初步 形成了优势互补、协调发展、产业整体提升的良好局面。就畜牧业自身而言,近娃年农 区畜牧业的发展速度已明显髙于牧区畜牧业的发展速度,农区养羊业,特别是农区设施 养羊业已成为我区农村经济发展中新的增长点。但从总体上来看,我区养羊业在很大程 度仍未摆脱“靠天养羊”的被动局面,这种传统的养羊业生产方式受各种自然灾害影响 大,形成“夏壮一秋肥一冬瘦一春死亡”的恶性循环,致使传统养羊业长期停留在低生 产水平和低经济效益的状态。同时,由于天然草场超载过牧现象严重,造成草畜矛盾曰 益突出,对我区生态环境破环严重,大部分草场出现不同程度的退化、沙化、盐绩化, 致使牧区养羊业进一步发展受到限制。而刚刚兴起的农区养羊业长期停留在家庭养殖、 小规模、低投入、低产出的小生产状态,以传统畜牧业为主,科技含量低,生产周期长, 生产水平低,无法形成规模饲养、商品生产和规模效益。因此,在新的市场经济条件下, 随着农业产业结构的调整优化和人们生态环境保护意识的加强,以及我国加入WTO 后国 内外市场对羊肉品质提出了更髙的要求,如何做到肉羊养殖业的可持续发展和高效生 产,进而全面带动我区农业和农村经济的全面发展,是新 a 养羊工作者面临的一个新课 题。作者在论文撰写过程中参阅了大量的文献资料,有很多资料对农区畜牧业发展进行 了论述,但涉及到农区现代养羊业生产体系的构建资料很少,本论文主要从发展农区养 羊业的必然性,国内外养羊业发展现状、趋势及新理养羊业生产现状和农区养羊业存在 的问题进行分析,并结合我区农区发展肉羊业的优势及近些年来我区在设施畜牧业方面 所取得试验结果和积累的经验,对新疆农区现代肉羊生产体系的构建及加快农区现代肉 羊生产进行了系统的论述,力争能为我区农区现代肉羊业的发展提供思路。新疆农区现代肉羊生产体系的构建新理农 此大学硕士学位论文2.国内外养羊业发展概况、特点及趋势 2.1国外养羊业发展概况、特点及趋势2.1.1 茵外养羊业发展概况与特点养羊业一直与人类生活息息相关,但随着时代的发展,人类对养羊业的要求已经发 生了相应的变化。16 17 世纪,西班牙美利奴羊的出现及其在世界各地的传播和 18 世 纪初人们追求高档毛料,形成了以细毛羊为主的世界养羊业。至 19世纪,在世界范围内 基本上形成了具有区域经济特征、适应区域自然资源特点、体现民族特色的羊毛生产体 系,并由此推动了毛用养羊业的形成。如澳大利亚细毛羊业始于 18 世纪后期,19 世纪 已发展为农业主要产业,20 世纪,绵羊的数量和羊毛产量多年居世界第一位,号称“绵 羊王国”。18 至 19 世纪,盖羊肉生产开始向多极化发展,肉羊业在大洋洲、美洲、欧洲 和一些非洲国家得到迅速发展,世界羊肉的生产和消费显著增长,生产瘦肉量髙、脂肪 含量少的优质羊肉,特别是盖羊肉,并开展了相关育种工作。19872003 年全世界羊存 栏数与产品产量,详见表表 1 _19872003 年全世界羊存栏数与产品产置单位:万只、万吨、公斤雜 lijm? 腿 原毛 羊肉 产 /js 捕精徵 m m m m 羊隨1987 165940.5 115764.3 50176.2 306.1 2.64 867.2 5.23 1.731994 169114.5 108666.1 60948.8 46095.4 266.6 2.45 997.7 5.88 1
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