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1课题 Unit 1 Mocky the juggler教学目标一、知识目标与能力目标1. 学生能够认读、听辨、默写 Words to learn 中的 12个单词;能够认读、听辨单词表中相关词汇;2. 学生能够听辨、认读并使用以下句型来问询/描述他人或自己的职业:What does he/she do?He/She is a doctor/nurse.What do you do?Im a student.Is he/she a farmer/teacher? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.Are you a policeman? Yes, I am./ No, Im not.3. 能够认读、听辨字母组合 ee、eo、ea、ue 的发音;4. 能够整体感知 text,能力水平较高的学生能够表演;5. 能够独立完成 Jacks family 阅读;6. 能感知 story time,能力水平较高的学生能够表演7. 能够说唱歌谣,并理解其含义。二、情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1)培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧带新的方式自主学习,同时也要注重合作学习。(2)Asking and answering questions about likes and dislikes.教学重点:学生能够认读、听辨、默写 Words to learn 中的 12个单词;能够认读、听辨单词表中相关词汇。课前准备图片、录音、单词卡片。 第( 1 )课时教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Chant : Is it an orange?2. Free talk:Whats this?Is it a (pen)? Whose (pen) is it? What does A(he/she) do?2Step 2 Presentation1. studentShow the card.2. doctors he a student?No, he isnt.Yes, he is not a student. He is a doctor. Show the card.3. nurseIs she a doctor?No, she isnt.What does she do?She is a nurse.Show the card.4. dancer/farmershow the card of dance.Show the card of farm.Teach this word.He is a farmer.Hes not a dancer.Is he a farmer?Yes, he is.Is he a dancer?No, he isnt.Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Its As (pen).She is a student.Read after the teacher.Spell after the teacher.Spell by Ss themselves.Read in lines.Is he a student?Yes, he is.Is Mocky a student?No, he isnt.Read after the teacher.Spell after one student.Spell by Ss themselves.Read in rows.Is he a doctor?Yes, he is.He is a doctor.3Read after the teacher.Spell after the teacher.Read in pairs.Have the Ss read.Plus letter r after dance.Have the Ss guess the meaning.5. pilot/vetRepeat the procedure of nurse6. policemanWhat does he do?He is a pilot.Is he a pilot?No, he isnt.What does he do?He is a policeman.Show the card. Have the Ss observe and find out the word man.Explain the meaning of police.Show the word policewoman.Step 3 Practice1. game: Whats missing.doctor/pilot/policeman2.Listen to this3.Listen and matchRepeat the procedure of Listen to this4. Lets sing: Shes a doctor.5. Game: What does he/she do?T: What does he do?Step 4 SummaryStep 5: Home work1.Read and recite the eight words.2.Copy the words 4-1.3.Read the sentences on UBBB fluently(eight sentences).4.Preview the text of Unit 1.4第( 2 )课时教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Sing the song: Shes a doctor.2. Free talk:*Are you a student/pilot?Is he/she a student/pilot?How to spell pilot/student? Step 2. Presentation1.wordsjuggle / juggler/teachLook, what is he doing?He is playing.He is juggling and he is a juggler.Show the card juggle.Show the word dance-dancer.This time, look at this word, what is it ?Show the card of teacher.Have the students guess the verb form.Shows the card of teach.call: Do the action of call somebody.Look, do you know what am I doing?I am calling.Show the word call.help:Show the card and have the Ss say the former meaning.Show the new meaning.2.structuresLook, is he a farmer?Yes, he is.What does he do? He is a farmer.Read after the teacher.Consolidation by high and low voice. Read one by one. Sing with the tape.Read after the teacher.Read one by one.Have the Ss guess the noun form of juggle.Show the card juggler.Repeat the procedure of juggle.5Read and spell after the teacher.Read and spell in rows.Read and spell after the teacher.Read and spell in lines.Have the Ss read and spell then recite this word.Read、spell and translate all the words after the teacher / together.What do you do?Show the cards and have the Ss practice in pairs.Step 3. Practice1. Lets chant: who is he?Listen to the tape.Chant and clap with the tape.2. Game: What do you do?(chains game)Supposed that it is twenty years later. I see you by accident and want to know your job.What do you do?Im a pilot.What does he do?He is a pilot.3. Read and writeLook at the picture and answer the teachers question.What can you see in the picture?What does she do?What does he do?Have the Ss finish the rest questions.Check the answers.4.Chant:Step 4. Summary作业设置:1.Copy and recite the new words 4-12.Copy the key sentences twice with translation twice3.Preview the text of unit 14.Take a photo of your family to school next class6第( 3 )课时教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Lets chant : Who is he?2. Free talk :Have the Ss show the pictures they ve prepared.Who is he?Is he a doctor?What does he do?Who is he?Is he a doctor?What does he do?Step 2 Presentation1.wordsLook, I have a photo, too.Do you want to know something of this picture?You can ask me the questions.Who is she ?What does she do ?Show the card.Read after teacher.Show the phrase: Call an ambulance.Repeat the procedure of ambulance.What do you use to call an ambulance?Show the card : telephone2. Texta. Play the tape for Ss (without reading the book)Q1 : How is Mocky ?b. Answer the questions:Do you know what the matter is? Q2 : What does Miss White do?Q3 : What is the man do?Q4 : Is Mocky a juggler? Q5 : What does Mocky say? Q6 : Can Mocky ju
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