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2009 级市场营销专业国际市场营销期末考核要求考核方式:全英文论文写作题目:1 使用霍夫斯泰德文化五维度理论分析如何对跨国团队中不同文化背景的员工进行管理2 选取一个国家作为目标市场,并使用 PESTEL 分析工具分析其市场营销环境字数要求:全英文写作,字数在 2000 字左右格式:按照附件中格式执行(要求必须有摘要与关键字)论文上交方式:请将打印版本交给学习委员,不接受电子版论文上交截止日期:18 周星期四中午(6 月 21 日)Comment x1: 标题四号字,加粗Comment x2: 小三 加粗Comment x3: 摘要内容 小四Comment x4: 四号加粗Comment x5: 小四Comment x6: 正文小标题 小四 加粗Comment x7: 正文 小四,两端对齐字体全部使用 TIMES NEW ROMANEvolvement and Prospect of Study on Word-of-Mouth Communication AbstractBased on the review of theory of Word-of-Mouth both from abroad and domestic, this paper summarizes evolvement of abroad study and the domestic status quo. In order to fill research gaps, we point out the direction for future study and make a prospect of for Word-of-Mouth marketing.Key words: word-of-mouth communication; research evolvement; research prospect 1 IntroductionWord of mouth spread is a two way communication activity that originates from individuals or groups on certain products, services, brands or organizations. Known as the No. Zero Media, its unique properties makes the information transfers at zero-cost. With the developing of modern communication technologies and the popularity of internet, there is an unprecedented breakthrough on the range and frequency of WOM, which has profound significance for those modern enterprises. However, the academic research on WOM is still at the initial stage, which also lacks complete theoretic system. This essay aims to search for the advanced research orientations of WOM on the basis of literature review on the study history of WOM.
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