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Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the Peoples Republic of China(Promulgated by Decree No. 306 of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China on June 15, 2001, and effective as of July 1, 2001)(Translated by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China. In case of discrepancy, the original version shall prevail.)Chapter I General ProvisionsRule 1. These Implementing Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law).Rule 2 Invention in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to a product, a process or improvement thereof.Utility model in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to the shape, the structure, or their combination, of a product, which is fit for practical use.Design in the Patent Law means any new design of the shape, the pattern or their combination, or the combination of the color with shape or pattern, of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application.Rule 3 Any formalities prescribed by the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be complied with in a written form or in any other form prescribed by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council .Rule 4 Any document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be in Chinese; the standard scientific and technical terms shall be used if there is a prescribed one set forth by the State; where no generally accepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or scientific or technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.Where any certificate or certifying document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations is in a foreign language, the Patent Administration Department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, request a Chinese translation of the certificate or the certifying document be submitted within a specified time limit; where the translation is not submitted within the specified time limit, the certificate or certifying document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.Rule 5 Where any document is sent by mail to the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope shall be deemed to be the date of filing; where the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope is illegible, the date on which the Patent Administration Department under the State Council receives the document shall be the date of filing, except where the date of mailing is proved by the party concerned.Any document of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council may be served by mail, by personal delivery or by other forms. Where any party concerned appoints a patent agency, the document shall be sent to the patent agency; where no patent agency is appointed, the document shall be sent to the liaison person named in the request.Where any document is sent by mail by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , the 16th day from the date of mailing shall be presumed to be the date on which the party concerned receives the document.Where any document is delivered personally in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , the date of delivery is the date on which the party concerned receives the document.Where the address of any document is not clear and it cannot be sent by mail, the document may be served by making an announcement. At the expiration of one month from the date of the announcement, the document shall be deemed to be served.Rule 6 The first day of any time limit prescribed in the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall not be counted in the time limit. Where the time limit is counted by year or by month, it shall expire on the corresponding day of the last month; if there is no corresponding day in that month, the time limit shall expire on the last day of that month; if a time limit expires on an official holiday, it shall expire on the first working day following that official holiday.Rule 7 Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council is not observed by a party concerned because of force majeure, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date on which the impediment is removed, at the latest within two years immediately following the expiration of that time limit, state the reasons, together with relevant supporting documents, and request the Patent Administration Department under the State Council to restore his or its rights.Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or
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