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Technical ProposalChina Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Co., Ltd中 国 核 工 业 第 五 建 设 有 限 公 司TENDER No: 2013 ERXNY 004 DPC K5B 20130603 PO 00 Project Procurement Execution PlanRev. Page 1 of 28 2013/8/198 Project Procurement Execution Plan 项目采购执行计划8.1 Procurement management of the project site 项目现场采购管理8.2 Management of project materials transport 项目物资运输管理8.3 Project materials warehouse management 项目物资仓储管理8.4 The project machinery equipment management 项目机具设备管理Technical ProposalChina Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Co., Ltd中 国 核 工 业 第 五 建 设 有 限 公 司TENDER No: 2013 ERXNY 004 DPC K5B 20130603 PO 00 Project Procurement Execution PlanRev. Page 2 of 28 2013/8/198 Project Procurement Execution Plan 项目采购执行计划8.1 Procurement management of the project site 项目现场采购管理8.1.1 General 概述The main equipment of the project, the materials are supplied by owner, CNF company bear procurement task of very small part of the pipe bracket, bridge, construction auxiliary material, used in construction machinery and equipment.本项目主要设备、材料均为甲供,核五公司承担的现场采购任务主要的很少部分的管道支架、桥架、施工辅材、施工用机具设备等的采购任务8.1.2 Management Responsibilities 管理职责8.1.2.1 Staffing 人员设置Set up project plan, purchasing engineer, etc, under the leadership of the purchasing manager, be responsible for purchasing materials, equipment and so on work of the project on site .项目部设置计划、采购工程师等在采购经理领导下,负责对项目现场采购材料、设备等开展工作。 Responsibilities 岗位职责: Be responsible for the effective implementation of the procurement and material acceptance management procedures;负责有效实施采购及物项验收管理程序; Be responsible for project budget according to prepare the project purchasing plan, be responsible for inquiry, bidding, signing procurement contract, supervising the implementation of the procurement contract, the organization to purchase items for acceptance, with the unqualified products to replace, return claim. Participate in the evaluation of suppliers when necessary.负责根据项目预算编制项目采购计划,负责询价,负责参加招投标、签订采购合同,监督采购合同的履行情况,组织对采购物项进行验收,对不合格品进行替换、退货有索赔。必要时参与供应商的评价。 Be responsible for re-inspection since the purchase of materials负责自购材料的复验; Contract with each relevant department, allocate and transfer all kinds of materials required for the project.与公司相关部门接口,调拔项目所需的各类物资。8.1.3 Procurement principle 采购的原则The project procurement principle and purchasing strategy are according to the project owners purchase requirements, our companys the purpose of material purchasing work is strict implementation of the company management system to the project procurement management procedures, the material supply main aim is getting the most reasonable price and good quality, on Technical ProposalChina Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Co., Ltd中 国 核 工 业 第 五 建 设 有 限 公 司TENDER No: 2013 ERXNY 004 DPC K5B 20130603 PO 00 Project Procurement Execution PlanRev. Page 3 of 28 2013/8/19time and ensure material supply, that means materials supply plan management goals are progress, quality, costs.本工程采购的原则和采购策略依据业主的项目采购要求,我公司在本项目的材料采购工作中严格执行公司管理体系对项目采购的管理程序,材料供应的主要目标是以最合理价格按时、保质、保量保证材料供应,即进度、质量、成本为材料供应计划管理工作目标。8.1.4 Control of the site purchase 现场采购的控制 According to material procurement requirements of the control procedures, full control of the implementation of the entire procurement activities, including supplier evaluation, and selection for acceptance of the supplies, making sure that the supply-side to provide qualified materials.按物资采购控制程序的要求,对整个采购活动实施全面控制,包括供应商的评价和选择、供方提供物资的验收,确保供方提供合格的物资。 The materials procurement activities: including the evaluation of the supplier, reviewing on the suppliers, which should form a record物资的采购活动:包括对供方的评价、对供方的审查、将形成记录。 Procurement activities will be according to the procurement documents, procurement documents should be vetted and approved.采购活动将按采购文件进行,采购文件经过审核、批准。 Acceptance of procurement materials 对采购的物资进行验收。 Storage of materials should meet the storage requirements, and make good marks, logos and traceability records.对物资的贮存,应符合贮存要求,并做好标志、标识和可追溯性记录。8.1.5 Project Flowchart in Procurement项目现场采购流程Technical ProposalChina Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Co., Ltd中 国 核 工 业 第 五 建 设 有 限 公 司TENDER No: 2013 ERXNY 004 DPC K5B 20130603 PO 00 Project Management PlanRev. Page 4 of 28 2013/8/19Site procurement control flowchart 现场采购控制流程图物项分交目录自供签定采购合同自供物项组编制采购计划采购技术协议自供物项组潜在供应商计划自供物项组工程进度计划工程部材料需求计划机具配备计划工具配备计划技术部合格供应商清单质量保证要求质保部采购资金计划自供物项组备款 、 按合同付款 财务部包装 、 送货供应商到货验收质检部验收入库合格Y E SN O询价或招投标自供物项组Technical ProposalChina Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction Co., Ltd中 国 核 工 业 第 五 建 设 有 限 公 司TENDER No: 2013 ERXNY 004 DPC K5B 20130603 PO 00 Project Management PlanRev.
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