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小学英语四年级(Join in )学业达成度评价标准与办法Starter Unit Lets begin.一、教材内容分析1、Speak English in class.通过创设真实情境,运用“Hello! Hi! Good morning. How are you? Im fine / OK. Whats your name? Im . Goodbye.”相互问候、交流简单个人信息(姓名)及道别;并在生活中灵活运用.2、Listen and sing the song. Colour the frames.通过学唱英文歌曲 Join in,学习单词 sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, pullover, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, taxi, clown, superstar;并能根据单词字体的颜色给相应图片的边框涂色。3、Mime the action story.通过动作,理解学说“Stand up. Stretch. Stand back to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. Clap your hands.”并根据指令做出正确的动作。4、Listen and fill in the numbers.通过听音,给图片标号,巩固动作指令。5、Lets learn.通过创设情景,学说并灵活运用“Good morning. / morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night.”在不同的时间相互致以问候。 6、Lets read and act.通过创设真实的情境,读懂并学会灵活运用下面的句型进行问候及简单信息交流(介绍自己、别人等):- Hello! - Hello! Im . Whats your name? - This is . This is . - Hi! How are you? - Hi! Im . - Hi! Nice to meet you.- Fine/ Very well/ OK. Thanks. And you? - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too.- Im fine. Thank you. - Nice to meet you, too. 二、学业达成度评价标准内容 水平标准 水平检测要点Starter UnitLets begin.1、能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物。2、能根据图、文说出单词或短句。3、能看图识字。4、能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语。5、能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。6、能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作等。7、能相互致以简单的问候。8、能相互交流简单的个人信息,如姓名、年龄等。9、能用英语做游戏、活动并在其中用英语进行简单的交际。10、能做简单的角色表演。11、能唱英语儿童歌曲。1、能正确听、说、认读词汇 sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, pullover, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, taxi, clown, superstar。2、能听懂、理解、学说“Stand up. Stretch. Stand back to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. Clap your hands.”,并能根据指令做出正确的动作。3、能用句型“Good morning. / morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night.”在不同的时间互相问候。4、能运用句型“Whats your name? Im .” 询问对方姓名并介绍自己。5、会唱歌曲“Join in”,并能根据单词字体的颜色给相应图片的边框涂色。6、能听说认读下面的对话,并在情景中灵活运用:- Hello, Rita!- Hi, Nick! How are you?- Fine, thanks. And you?- Im fine, too. Thank you.- Hello! Im Ma Lin. Whats your name?- Hi, Im Rita.- Nice to meet you.- Nice to meet you, too.- This is Nick. Nick, this is Ma Lin.- Hi! Nice to meet you.- Nice to meet you, too.三、评价工具及说明. Listen and number附听力稿:1. Stand up.2. Stretch.3. Clap your hands.4. Stand nose to nose.5. Stand arm in arm.6. Stand back to back.说明:本评价活动要求学生 Listen and number.即:听录音,将相应的图片标号。检测学生对“Stand up. Stretch. Clap your hands. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. Stand back to back.”这些指令语的听音辨图能力。 . Read and choose.1. ( ) hot dog A B C 2. ( ) cinema A B C3.( ) cowboy A B C4.( ) jeans A B C说明:本评价活动要求学生 Read and choose.即读单词选择相符的图片 .检测学生对三会单词 sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, pullover, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, taxi, clown, superstar 的认读辨图能力. Read and match.Hello! Whats your name? Im fine.Good morning! Bye-bye.Hi, Nick! How are you? Im Bob.Good-bye, Lisa! Morning.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.说明:本评价活动要求学生 Read and match.即读句子,并与相对应的情景句连线。检测学生对三会句型 “Good morning. / morning. How are you? Im fine / very well/ OK. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Whats your name? Im ”的认读及在情境中的应答能力。Unit 1 Numbers一、教材内容分析1、Listen and sing the song. The numbers rock.通过欢快有节奏的歌曲,让学生复习巩固数词 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,学习数词 eleven, twelve;并理解、学说“12 oclock. ”和 “Do the numbers rock. ”。2、Listen and say the chant.利用动作,学说歌谣 The tiger jump,巩固从 zero 到 ten 的读数能力,并理解、学说“Come on, lets do the tiger jump”。3、Look and colour the numbers.利用数字卡片,进一步巩固数字 one 到 twelve,要求学生能听、说、读、写这些数字单词;并能根据单词的颜色,给相应的数字涂上和单词相同的颜色。4、Listen and match the names with the numbers.通过听对话“Your turn, (名字). OK. (数字) and (数字).” ,熟悉人物名字 Sam, Linda, Ben, Susan;并能将骰子上的数字和学生的名字一一对应。5、Play the game in class.通过游戏,运用句子“Your turn, (名字). OK. (数字) and (数字).”进行简单交流,进一步巩固数词。6、A story - The snails通过创设故事情景,能听懂、理解故事“The snails”的内容,掌握故事中的句子“Guess the number. Whats in the box? Snails. How many? Nine. Great! Here is your prize. Thank you.”。鼓励学生进行角色表演。7、Listen and say the rhyme.通过学说押韵小诗,巩固数词 one, two, three, four, five, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,学习加法的表达方式“(Twelve) is (two) plus (ten).”及句子“ Now lets start again.”。8、Play the game.运用句子“How many? (数字). Yes. /No.”在数字游戏中进行简单交流,进一步巩固数词。9、Listen and write the phone numbers.通过听对话“Whats your phone number, (名字)? My phone number is .”,记录相应人物的电话号码(能与人物姓名对应) ,复习巩固数字 0-12。10、Write your phone number.结合自己真实的电话号码,用句型“My phone number is .”进行表述。11、Ask five children in the class.通过小调查活动,灵活运用句型“Whats your phone number? My phone number is .” 在生活中询问、回答电话号码,并正确记录下电话号码。12、Lets look and talk. 通过创设真实情景,能听懂、会说“How many (s) can you see
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