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民间整理 仅供参考特别鸣谢:国贸 1002 全体同学第一章1.依存度:可以用商品和劳务的进出口额占国内生产总值的比例来粗略地衡量。Interdepengdence is given by the ratio of their imports and exports of good and services to their gross domestic product(GDP).第二章1.absolute advantage: One nation is more efficient than another in the production of one commodity.一个国家某种产品的生产效率高于另一个国家。根据亚当斯密的观点,这是产生国际贸易的基础。2.comparative advantage: The smaller absolute disadvantage.绝对优势相对小就是比较优势。第三章1.无差异曲线:反映了能使社会或国家获得同等满足程度的两种商品的不同组合。Community Indifference Curves: Community Indifference Curves show the various combinations of tow commodities that yield equal satisfaction to the community or nation.第四章1.The offer curve (sometimes referred to as reciprocal demand curves) of a nation shows how much of its import commodity the nation demands for it to be willing to supply various amounts of its export commodity.提供曲线,有时又称,相互需求曲线,反映的是一国为了进口其需要的某一数量的商品而愿意出口的商品数量。2.The terms of trade of a nation are defined as the ratio of the price of its export commodity to the price of its import commodity.贸易条件,是指一国出口商品价格和进口商品价格的比值。第五章1.Factor intensity :In a world of two commodities(x and y)and two factors (labor and capital),we say that commodity y is capital intensive if the capital- labor ratio (k/L)used in the production of Y is greater than K/L used in the production of X.在一个两个国家(A 国和 B 国) 、两种商品(X 和 Y) 、两种要素(劳动和资本)的世界里,如果在两个国家生产 Y 的资本/劳动比率大于生产 X 的资本/ 劳动比率,我们就说 Y 是资本密集型商品。民间整理 仅供参考特别鸣谢:国贸 1002 全体同学2.Factor abundance:There are two ways to define factor abundance.One way is in terms of physical units(in terms of the overall amount of capital and labor available to each nation).Nation B is capital abundant if the ratio of the total amount of capital to the total amount of labor (TK/TL) available in Nation B is greater than that in Nation AAnother way to define factor abundance is in terms of relative factor prices(in terms of the rental price of capital and the price of labor time in each nation). Nation B is capital abundant if the ratio of the rental price of capital to the price of labor (Pk/Pl) is lower Nation B than that in Nation A.一国要素的丰裕程度,一种以实物单位定义(即用各国所有可以利用的资本和劳动的总和来衡量),如果 B 国的可用总资本和可用总劳动的比率(TK/TL)大于 A 国的这一比率,我们就说 B 国是资本丰裕的。另一种方法是用相对要素价格定义(即用每一国家的资本的租用价格和劳动时间价格定义,如果 B 国的资本租用价格和劳动时间价格的比率(Pk/Pl)小于 A国的这一比率,我们就说 B 国是资本丰裕的。3.H-O theorem:A nation will export the commodity whose production requires the intensive use of the nations relatively abundant and cheap factor and import the commodity whose production requires the intensive use of the nations relatively scare and expensive factor一国应出口该国相对丰裕和便宜的要素密集型的商品,进口该国相对稀缺和昂贵的要素密集型的商品。 4. H-O-S theorem: International trade will bring about equalization n the relative and absolute returns to homogeneous factors across nations.要素价格均等定理:国际贸易会使各国同质要素获得均等的相对和绝对收入。5.Factor-intensive reversal refers to the situation where a commodity is L intensive in the L-abundant nation and K intensive in the K-abundant nation.一种产品在劳动力丰富的国家是劳动力密集型的产品,而在资本丰富的国家是资本密集型的产品。第六章1.报酬递增:产出水平增长比例高于要素投入增长比例的生产状况。Increasing returns to scale: the production situation where output grows proportionately more than the increase in inputs or factors of production.2.经济:是指当整个企业的产量扩大时(即由于企业外部的某些原因) ,各个企业的平均生产成本下降。external economies:It refers to the reduction in each firms average costs of 民间整理 仅供参考特别鸣谢:国贸 1002 全体同学production as the entire industry output expands.(i.e. For reasons external to the firm)第八章1.名义关税:是指一国对同本国某行业相竞争的外国商品征收的进口税。Nominal tariff: Calculated on the value of the final good imported. Important to consumers.2.有效保护率:也叫有效关税率,又称实际保护率。指整个关税制度(和有效保护措施)对某类产品在其生产过程中给予净重增值的影响。一种产品在国内外加工增值差额与其国外加工增值的百分率。也就是由于整个关税制度而引起的国内增值的提高部分与自由贸易条件下增值部分相比的百分比。The rate of the effective protection: Calculated on the domestic value added (the difference between the price of final good and the cost of the imported input used in the production of the good ).Important to producers.in order to encourage domestic processing and employment3.禁止性关税:指对某些商品加重课征,所征收的关税超过了没有国际贸易时的国内价格与世界市场价格之差,使之进口减少到很低水平的一种关税。从而使进口品在国内的价格高于本国生产的同种商品,使进口行为得不偿失。the prohibitive tariff:with a import tariff on commodity X, a new PX/ Py for domestic individuals, and the nation would return to its autarky point A. This tariff is the prohibitive tariff.4.斯托尔帕-萨缪尔森定理:当商品相对价格上升时(例如由于关税造成价格上升)会增加在该商品生产中密集使用的要素的回报率或收益率。因此,该国生产所用的稀缺要素的真实回报率会随关税而上升。The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem: An increase in the relative price of a good(for example, as a result of a tariff) raises the return or the earnings of the factor used intensively in the production of the good. Thus , the real return to the nations scarce factor of production will rise with the imposition of a tariff. 5.最优关税:它使得一国贸易条件的改善相对于其贸易量减少的负面影响的净所得最大化。Optimum tariff:is that rate of tariff that maxmizes the net benefit resulting from the improvement in the nations terms of trade against the negative effect resulting from reduction in the volume of trade. 第九章1.A quota is the most important nontariff trade barrier. It is a direct quantitative restriction on the amount of a commodity allo
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