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- 1 -河南中原名校 20122013 学年第一学期期中联考高一英语试卷命题:鹤壁高中英语命题组 责任老师:赵淑娅(考试时间:100 分钟 试卷满分 120 分)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分第卷第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 单项选择(从 A、B、C 、D 四个选项中 ,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)1He couldnt have made such _ great progress without _ help of his teachers.A. a ; B. ; the C. a ; the D. ; 2Liu Xiang fell at the beginning of the race , the chance to get a gold medal at the London Olympics.A. to miss B. missed C. missing D. to have missed3Its said that there are many kinds of moon cakes in the store. It be easy for you to find what you like.A. can B. need C. shall D. should4 Which of these two e-dictionaries do you like better? _. They are expensive and of little use.A. None B. Both C. Neither D. All 5What moved us most was that some ordinary people volunteered to help those in the storm in Beijing.A. catching B. having caught C. to be caught D. caught6It was raining hard. So they decided to at a hotel for the night instead of driving all the way h ome.A. put up B. put off C. put on D. put down7 Has your uncle arrived? Not yet. He said he might be a little late _ something was wrong with his car.A. before B. as C. although D. when8The woman teacher, together with her pupils, was crossing the street a heavy truck drove toward them.A. unless B. once C. until D. when 9To write a novel is not as easy as you imagine. It will take a lot of time and _ A. power B. force C. energy D. strength10 She didnt answer my phone even if I tried dozens of times.She _ something else, I think.A. did B. was doing C. had done D. would do11The house_ I grew up has been swallowed by the flood.A. which B. that C. where D. as12The question is _they can get used to the new life in senior school and improve themselves.A. whether B. what C. which D. who13Can you see the hill over there? At the foot of it _.A. does my uncles factory lie B. my uncles factory lie C. lies my uncles factory D. my uncles factory does lie14Whats the matter with Jim?Something may have happened to him. He left home three hours ago, but_ at school.A. didnt arrive B. isnt arriving - 2 -C. hadnt arrived D. hasnt arrived15 I have won first prize in the chess game in our school . .A. Its a crazy idea B. Dont believe a word of itC. Congratulations D. Really第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题, 每小题 1. 5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16-35 各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I was at the bus stop, heading home after a long, busy day, when I served guests at a restaurant. Suddenly, I realized Id left behind my 16 with 80worth of tips(小费) and one of my photos in it! I couldnt afford to 17 a days pay.When I ran back, the 18 was closed. So I had to tell myself: Id try to 19 about it this evening.The next day was much 20 than the one before. I was already 21 five tables there, when a white-haired 22 sat down in my section(区域). No matter how 23 I was, I made sure to give them the best 24 I could. After their meal, I 25 them for their kindness. The couple had left the 26 by the time I picked up the tip. This wasnt right, I thought; there was much more than twenty dollars. It was too much for a tip. I 27 again; forty dollars!Quickly, I 28 around to look for the couple. Theyd left the restaurant. 29 , I went to the hostess. “Did you see that 30 couple who once sat in my section leave?” I asked. “Oh, they are my parents, and have gone home,” the hostess said. “They told me about you. Yesterday they 31 your wallet. Since you were very 32 just now, they let me give the wallet to you. By the way, they said they were very 33 with your service and gave you twice as much as a(n) 34 .” How kind they are !I will always try my best to 35 customers well in future.16. A. schoolbag B. suitcase C. wallet D. coat17. A. lose B. finish C. waste D. spend18. A. station B. school C. bank D. restaurant19. A. think B. forget C. complain D. remember20. A. brighter B. busier C. luckier D. hotter21. A. putting away B. taking away 来源:学.科.网 C. waiting on D. cleaning up22. A. man B. lady C. couple D. stranger23. A. tired B. happy C. relaxed D. calm24. A. places B. dishes C . food D. service25. A. paid B. thanked C. treated D. congratulated26. A. cafe B. table C. money D. scene27. A. included B. admired C. checked D. explored来源:学+科+ 网 Z+X+X+K28. A. turned B. traveled C. showed D. drove29. A. Anywhere B. However C. Recently D. Finally30. A. good B. honest C. friendly
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