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. Filling banks . 1. Asymmetries of membrane are maintained during fusion. The inside of the vesicles because the outside of the plasma membrane and the cytoplasmic side . 2. Many proteins are targeted by signal sequences to their correct destinations , ensuring that they will end up in the correct membrane or cell compartment . 3. Secific protein are synthesized either on free or on membrane-bound polyribosomes . 4. Mitochondrial (mt) genome encodes proteins, with its own system , but majority of mitochondrial proteins are synthesized outside mitochondrion . 2060 amino acid sequences mediate target proteins to the matrix,so-called translocation . 5.Importins and exportins are involved in transport of macromolecules in and out of the nucleus . 6 . Most eases of Zellweger syndrane are due to mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in import of peroxisomal proteins .7. Signal peptide emerges from large subunits of ribosome . It recognized by signal recognition particle , which blocks further translation after about 70 amino acids , so-called elongation arrest . Then above complex bound docking protein on membrane . 8. Chaperones are proteins that prevent faulty folding and unproductive interactions of other proteins .9. The fungal metabolite brefelding A prevents GTP from binding to ARF , which inhibits the entire coating process .10.Vesicles non-clathrin -coated vesicle lie at the heart of intracellular transport.1 . Peroxisomal proteins are ( A )A Responsible for metabolism of FA , lipids , cholesterol , purline , aa , H2O2B Its importing are mediated only by PTS sequences C Only com(酶) is needed during its importing D Lack of these protein can cause cardiovascular disease2 . Zellweger syndrome is caused by ( C )A Tissues can not synthesizes cytoplasmic enzymesB Abnormal metabolism of hemeC major finding is involved in nerologic impairmentsD Mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in export of peroxisomal proteins 3 . About chaperones ( A )A are proteins that prevent faulty folding and unproductive interactions of other proteins B possess ATPase activityC BiP is a type of chaperones , cehich can bind normal immunologic D PPI is a type of dehydrogenase 4 . Which of the steps are the target point that Brefeldin A inhibits the coating process A Aeylation of coated vesicles B Targeting of coated vesicleC Activation of ARED Inhibits activity of ATPaseE It blocks the biosynthesis of Rab5 . The proteins involved in the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the plasma membrane of neurons included ( B )A COM B synaptobrevin C TIM D PPI E None6 . Mitochondrial (mt) genome encodes ( D )A 7 proteins B 9 proteins C 11 proteins D 13 proteins7 . Mt-Hsp 70 ensure ( D ) A Translocase-of the-outer membraneB Translocase-of the-inner membrane C split of the presequence of the proteinD Import into matrix and correct folding8 . Select the correct answer for protein translocation ( B )A Importins help proteins translocation via simple diffusionB NPC is essential structure for the proteins translocationC Nuclear localization signal is need for correct folding of proteinsD About exportins exposed protein without special export signals9 . What is true about Ran ( C )A A gene express some kinds of proteins B Small dimeric nuclear GTAaseC Regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors D Ran-GDP favor in nucleus , Ran-GTP favor in cytoplasmE It is also definited as ARF10 Only one answer is correct for the description of chaprones , please select it (D)A chaprones is the proteins that involved protein destinationB most chaprones process nucleotidase activityC immunolobing heavy chain binding protein bind its corresponding antigen correctlyD calnexin is one of type of chaprones that binds glycoprotein on ER and folds it properly11 . Non-clathrin-coated vesicles initiates by ( E )A Activation of ATPase B Acyl-CoAC Hydrolysis of ATPD Binding of v-SNAREsE ARF12 . NEM (N-ethylmaleimade) can inhibits vesicle fusion , because it can ( E )A Activate ATPaseB inhibit hydrolysis of GTPC block bud formation D interfere the uncoating processE block hydrolysis of ATP13 . Brefeldin A can inhibits vesicle fusion , because it ( C )A resemble the structure of myristic acid B interfere the function of COP1C prevents GTP from binding to ARFD promotes the degradation of GTP-¥-SE none of above all14 . Clathrin-containing vesicles involved in ( C )A Transport from the cis-Golgi network to pre-lysosomesB Transport from the ER network to pre-lysosomesC transport from the trans-Golgi network to pre-lysosomesD transport from the SR network to pre-lysosomes E none of above all 15 . Botulinum B provokes severe problem , because it ( D )A inhibits enzyme activities B inhibits the release of GABAC cleaves COP1D inhibits release of acetylcholineE none of above all . Gives the definition accurately for the following specia
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