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滕南中学八年级英语学科Unit 2 What should I do ? Self Check and Reading 讲学案一 情景导入、明确目标:1.情景导入:Free talk: What do you usually do on the weekends ?2.学习目标:知识目标: 本课的单词与短语(会运用以下短语):Take sb.to someplace/ fit -into /as much as possible /understand too pressure /complain about doing sth /see-doing sth / send -to /all kinds of /compare -with /on the one hand ,on the other hand .掌握以下句型: Not-until Its time for/to - 关于 seem 的句式Find it+ adj(形容词 )+to do sth 能力目标: 训练提高阅读能力,学习阅读技巧。情感目标: 本课通过叙述丰富多彩的课后活动来了解不同的国家的文化。困惑感悟一 预习 Reading, 努力达到以下目标:1. 重点单词及短语:会读,会拼写,在不会读的单词下面划线。compare, complain, pushy, pressure, organize, freedom, include, crazy, adult, send.to, fit.into, as.as possible, after-school activities2. 理解什么叫“after-school activity”, 然后 填写课本 1a 的两个方框:I do 和 I dont do3. 本节的阅读策略是要学会查词典。一个英语单词往往有不只一个含义或用法,这一点跟汉语一样。要确定一个单词取词典中那种意义,要看它在文章中的具体环境,也就是语境,英语叫 situation。本篇中最难理解的是“pushy”这个词,你怎么理解?“pushy parents”又怎么理解?二 自主学习 合作探究:Task 1. 自主学习请同学们快速阅读 Reading(三分钟) ,判断正(T)误(F)( )1.Cathy Taylor has two children.( )2. Their school days arent busy enough.( )3. Mothers in England often send their kids to all kinds of classes when they are very young .( )4.Most children dont take part in after-school clubs.( )5. Doctors say many children are under too much pressure.同学们:下列句子哪一句是本文的中心思想?在题号处打勾。A. Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very busy.B. Many children today are under too much pressure.C. Children today need time and freedom to relax and to do things by themselves.D. Many children today are pushed into too many after-school activities. They are under too much pressure.Task 2. 探究学习 -精读 Reading 完成题目 温馨提示:请在认真阅读了预习要求并按要求做了之后再做以下练习!. 写出下列短语的中文意思。1. life for Cathy Taylors three children _ 2. send . to _ 3. a quick supper _ 4. from activity to activity _ 5.fit -into 6. as much as possible _7. too much pressure _8. complain to sb. _ 9. complain about sth. _10. a mother of three children _ 11. on the one hand _ 12. on the other hand _. 单项选择。注意根据课文找有关短语的搭配。( ) 1. Life for Cathy Taylors three children _ very busy.A. was B. were C. is D. are ( ) 2. Zhang Heng is _ to join the League.A. enough old B. enough age C. age enough D. old enough( ) 3. Many children like to _ after-school activities. A. join B. join in C. take part in D. taking part in( ) 4. Miss Wang finds _ hard to sleep before nine oclock in the evening.A. she B. her C. that D. it( ) 5. The old fisher often complaints _ his wife that the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. A. for B. about C. to D. atTask 3. 理解句子 总结中心思想. 英译中,注意下划线的词语。 The tired children dont get home until 7 pm._ They take their children from activity to activity, and try to fit as much as possible into their kids lives._ Pushy parents are nothing new, but now parents seem to push their children a lot more._ People shouldnt push their kids so hard._ When these kids are adults, they might find it difficult to plan things for themselves._Task 4. 合作学习Finish 3a/3b Section3 .三 归纳总结,拓展提高我的收获,我快乐:(通过本节课的学习你获得了那些知识?)达标检测. 汉译英。1 孩子们直到写完作业才上床睡觉。2 在海伦到来前我不会离开。3 他尽快地跑向学校。4 你发现学好英语很困难吗?5 学生们经常抱怨作业太多6 一方面你必须刻苦学习,另一方面你应该学会放松自己。 7 多数学生都感到有压力。8 他把上海和北京作了一下比较。. 完成助学 Reading 当堂检测我的不足我改正 你有做错的题吗?请你记录下来并更正到错题记录本上!态度:_正误:_日期:_评语:
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