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Mechanical performance of a double-face reinforced retaining wall in an area disturbed by miningAbstract: The application of a double-face reinforced retaining wall during road construction can reduce engineering costs, speed road paving and have a good influence on environment. An ABAQUS numerical model of a double-face reinforced retaining wall was built. The influence of surface subsidence induced by mining was considered. A physical model test was also performed in the laboratory on a reinforced retaining wall. The influence of subsidence induced by mining was observed. The numerical results match measurements in the laboratory very well. The vertical pressure on the base of the retaining wall, the horizontal displacement of the wall and the horizontal soil pressure acting on the wall were analyzed. The differential settlement of the reinforced belt and axial forces in the wall were also studied.Keywords: double-face reinforced retaining wall; underground mining; finite element method; physical model test1 IntroductionThe road surface above a mining area will subside due to the work underground. Directly backfilling soil before sloping was adopted to reduce the influence of mining on surface roads. This method usually wastes land and is not reasonable economically. A doublefaced reinforced retaining wall does not need conventional sloping and therefore saves land. With mining, the road can be elevated using a double-faced reinforced retaining wall11.Many scholars have carried out preliminary studies on double-sided reinforced retaining wallst28. Lei studied a double-sided reinforced retaining wall in a road project by using a centrifugal model test9!. Displacements in a high double-sided retaining wall, the influence of different shapes of the retaining wall on displacements and the horizontal earth pressures acting on the retaining wall were studied. Zhu et al. studied displacements on the surface of the retaining wall, horizontal pressures acting on the retaining wall and the tensile forces in the reinforcing steel using test models10l The retaining wall they studied met the condition BQ.6H B is the distance between the two walls and H is the height of retaining wall). No study has been carried out for a double-faced retaining wall under the influence of underground mining. The following shows the behavior of a double-faced retaining wall under the influence of underground mining by using numerical modeling.2 Project backgroundThere is a double-faced reinforced retaining wall in the mining area of Huainan. The reinforcement is flat steel strip; the panels are iron sheet and the back fill is coal gangue. The length of the double-faced retaining wall is 10 m and the height is 10 m. The wall is reinforced for a distance of 0.5 m. The cross section of the reinforcement is 0.2 mx0.002 m (Fig. 1).3 Laboratory test for the projectNumerical results were compared to actual measurements during development of the project model. The ratio of the physical model dimensions to the actual dimensions is 20. Both the length and height of the model retaining wall are 50 cm. There were five displacement gauges on the left, and three on the right, for compensation. There were three pressure cells on the bottom of the retaining wall for measuring the variation in vertical pressure. Three pressure cells were on the flank to measure the horizontal pressure. Nine boxes were put under the soil. A jack was positioned under each box to control settlement (Fig. 2).4 Numerical model4.1 Description of the numerical modelThe following assumptions are adopted in this study: The strain is assumed to be zero along the long-axial direction; all materials are assumed to be elastic; beam elements are used to model reinforced materials and blocks;the thickness of the surface soil is 10 m in the vertical direction; the horizontal dimension is 100 m; the double-faced reinforced retaining wall was centrally located on the top surface of the soil; the nodes along the outside vertical surfaces of the model are fixed in the horizontal direction for the soil; displacements are applied to the model bottom to simulate a negative curvature displacement, with a curvature radius of 100 m, and a vertical load was applied on the top of the retaining wall to simulate a traffic load (Fig. 3).In addition, the panel and reinforcement are assumed to be elastic beam elements. The backfill and surface soil are assumed to be elasto-plastic. The Mohr-Coulomb model is employed using CPE8R elements. Reinforcing materials were embedded into the backfilled soil. The material parameters are shown in Table 1.4.2 Verification of the modelThe vertical stress on the bottom of the retaining wall was measured using conventional methods. Different subsidence of the bottom of the model did not have a significant influence on the stress induced in the retaining wall. Fig. 4 and Table 2 show the comparison between measured and modeled vertical stress at the bottom
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