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吉利汽车品牌营销战略研究论文作者姓名: 付志伟申请学位专业: 市场营销申请学位类别: 管理学学士指 导 教 师 姓 名 ( 职 称 ): 唐承林(讲师)论文提交日期: 2013年 05月 24日吉利汽车品牌营销战略研究摘要中国是当今世界上最大的汽车消费国之一,在消费市场形成的同时中国的汽车工业也得到了发展。中国汽车产业经过几十年的发展,我国汽车制造技术得到了提升,却忽略了品牌的重要作用。研究国产汽车品牌营销营销战略对于我过汽车行业的发展有着重要的意义。基于民族品牌汽车企业逐渐崛起这一背景,本文选取吉利汽车为代表,对国产汽车品牌营销战略做一些简单的研究。根据吉利汽车自身情况和当前市场环境对吉利汽车当前的品牌营销战略加以分析,找出其利弊所在,并运用相关理论知识和实证分析对其提出改进的对策和建议。关键词:市场营销;品牌营销战略;国产汽车Research on brand marketing strategy of Geely AutomobileAbstractAs one of the worlds largest automobile consuming countries, the consumer market has been formed in China and Chinese automobile industry also has obtained the development. Though the car manufacturing technology has been promoted in the last few decades, we has ignored the important part the brand could play in the development of Chinese automobile industry. Therefore, doing some research on home-made automotive brand marketing strategy has important implications for promoting Chinese automobile industry.Based on the background that national brand car enterprises develop gradually yet rapidly these years, the author selects Geely Automobile as the representative of these enterprises, and conducts some simple research on home-made automotive brand marketing strategy. In accord with Geely Automobiles own situation and the impact of the current market environment on the brand marketing strategy of Geely Automobile, pros and cons will be found out. Moreover, proposed countermeasures and suggestions for improvement will be generated on the basis of the relevant theoretical knowledge and empirical analysis.Key words: marketing; brand marketing strategy; home-made car目录论文总页数:16 页1 引言 .11.1 研究背景 .11.2 研究的目的和意义 .11.3 吉利集团简介 .12 相关理论概述 .22.1 品牌 .22.2 品牌营销 .22.3 品牌营销战略 .23 吉利(中国) 汽车行业环境分析 .33.1 宏观环境 .33.1.1 经济环境 .33.1.2 人口环境 .33.1.3 自然环境 .33.1.4 科技环境 .43.1.5 政治法律环境 .43.1.6 社会文化环境 .43.2 微观环境 .53.2.1 吉利汽车产品概况 .53.2.2 企业外部竞争环境 .54 吉利汽车当前品牌营销战略及品牌现状 .64.1 吉利汽车当前品牌营销战略 .64.1.1 吉利品牌 .64.1.2 旗下子品牌 .74.2 吉利汽车品牌现状 84.2.1 品牌知名度现状 .94.2.2 品质认知度现状 .94.2.3 品牌联想现状 .94.2.4 品牌识别现状 .
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